The Dem's & La Raza Not Going To Like This!

if you can't arrange to have a picture ID, do you really have any useful input?

Disclaimer: I'm not a proponent of universal suffrage.
And again, to slap the 'tan people' line on the issue is low brow and intellectually lazy.
Exactly how deep are you burying your head to not realize that racism against immigrants is being manipulated to get these laws passed? or are you actually aware of it but just living in denial. Even CNN showed several of the ads that clearly showed immigrants running across the border in the ads...and John Stewart did a whole collage of the ads that all featured background images of illegls while discussing the ID requirements.
PBP. Your referencing CNN and JOHN STEWARD. LOL Now That's weak.

And it's been my personal experience that those most prone or harboring a repressed racism themselves are the ones that see racism in everything. That the law is to keep illeagl aliens from voting..DUH..that it's racist to keep illegal aliens from voting..intellectually LAZY in the debate. It's a thoughtless, low brow, diversionary fire bomb.

Note the revealing line you used "racism against immigrants". This demonstrates two things right off. First, the lack of the word 'illegal' in the sentence and the inappropriate addition of the word racism. I had no idea that immigrant was a race. They are from Immigrtia? Nope. It's a product of too much Franking and evidence of your ignorance of the facts on the ground. Second, Hispanic Americans and legal immigrants are as against illegal immigration as anyone. I employ a naturalized citizen from Mexico. I have 2 close friends that are naturalized citizens. One from South Africa and one from Spain. The two groups most offended are those that came legally from other countries and the Hispanic community.

Your really off base here and I don't think you have a sense of the realities. We that live this issue see that.

If you sincerely care about thee folks and want to help people that want to immigrate to the US there are organizations that go into Mexico and help people with the paperwork to come legally. Donate or volunteer but ignorantly slapped the racist card of folks is more revealing of your own inner character flaws where race is concerned then it is productive in the debate. You may not realize that, clearly you don't, but it is revealing. The behavior is either repressed issues concerning race or intellectual laziness. The merchants of bigotry model the very same behavior.

Out of this (below) entire post you focused on the merchant of bigotry. Second chance, how about addressing the remaining 99%. The part that goes to the ACTUAL point of the legislation.....
Should you HAVE to be 18 to vote?

Should you HAVE to be a resident of a State you are voting for Senator/Governor/etc. of ?

Should you HAVE to even register?

Restrictions, unfair, clearly motivated by some underlying disdain for other people right.

Look, the claim that ID being required is somehow hate of 'tan skinned people' is low brow and intellectually lazy. Smacks of Jeremiah Wright.

The easy way in is to register. Registration is easy and convenient. No record means registered. Near election dates there are people outside of supermarkets registering. No proof of nada needed.

Now when you go to vote you will need a State issued ID. That is tougher to fake them the BS you write on a registration card. And if ID info doesn't match registration info no vote. Your in the wrong precinct, State, or Country to vote. Why is that a problem. Vote in YOUR precinct, YOUR State, in YOUR Country. Unreasonable? Racists? No, it's just because people outside of a precinct should be able to select your City Council representative. People outside your City Shouldn't be able to select your Mayor, people outside of your County should not be selecting your Sheriff, people outside your State should be selecting your Governor or Senators or House Representatives, and people outside your country should not be selecting your President. Is this unreasonable?

Those working to twist these obvious truths into some kind of treacherous or restrictive motive are missing the point of voting, to select REPRESENTATIVES. The pattern that those that fight making sure those making the selections are those that will be represented face those being represented wondering why. Why NOT identify the voter casting the vote is eligible to select those for for whom they are casting a vote?

There is a pattern of who those people tend to be as stated by the OP. That pattern translates in the thread also. In lieu of substantive reason yell racist. Left wing 101. (If that fails yell lawsuit)

Are you up to it? Shoulds, alot of them.
PBP. Your referencing CNN and JOHN STEWARD. LOL Now That's weak.
Nope, they did not make the ads. They simply repeated them. What is weak is your denial and belief that if you speak an untruth enough you will somehow make it true.
So your NOT up to it. Still clinging to the racist thing..gotcha.

Where can I get one of those mail in ballots, Peter DeFazio is irritating me and I want a change. (Get the point yet?)
So your NOT up to it. Still clinging to the racist thing..gotcha.
C'mon...give some more denial of that facts. It still isn't true yet just because you say so.

How do you expalain the ads? Why were those images included? Have they ceased to exist because you have spoken and declare dthat no one is racist?
Read past the first sentence of the post. Post back when you can debate the rest of the post you only addressed 1% of.

Surly libs can do better then yell "racist" and "I'll sue."....can't they?
Read past the first sentence of the post. Post back when you can debate the rest of the post you only addressed 1% of.

Surly libs can do better then yell "racist" and "I'll sue."....can't they?
I am not claiming that racism is the real reason for the laws. I feel that lowering voter turnout is the true goal. But that does not change the fact that the laws are being sold based on racial hatred. That cannot be denied. They cannot sell the law by saying "Hey, this will make more of the middle class skip voting" so they say "you don't want Pedro voting, do you?"

So you can deny it all you like, the main selling feature of these laws has been racism, and that is apparent in their ads. To try and deny this would be nothing more than party propaganda.
This was just a political issue stirred up by the dems. Their position made absolutely no sense unless they expected to attempt to steal an election with fraud in the future.

To cash a check at a bank, you need a photo id. I think it is reasonable to expect a citizen to identify themself with a a photo id in order to vote.
That is only true if you equate illegal immigration with race, as you have shown you do. Illegal immigration is opposed strongly be the Hispanic community. Self hating?

You again demonstrating an issue with race. That some people hate other races is a reality. From Wright to Duke the dementia is present. To say people are against illegal immigration and laws are passed because of mass racism against Hispanics is ignorant. Simply ignorant of the realities that illegal immigration on the scale it has been happening is causing genuine problems. Local and State governments are taking action where Federal enforcement has failed. Entire racist State governments is a ridiculous assertion. The people that are trying to MAKE it a racial issue are really just looking for a new block of voters.

What of the rest of the post you made into a racial thing? I'll post back when you can address the ACTUAL premise that States' law makers write, and pass this law. That premise, not mass racism in multiple State governments and populations, is the non race baiting intellectual reason for the law.

Most of aren't racist PBP. It may be hard for people that surround themselves with like minded people to realize, but racism is commonly, and by most people, considered repugnant. Racists and those that leverage their arguments on stamping racist on anything they can, are just as repugnant as that intellectually lazy behavior SEEDS racism in those falsely being portrayed as victims. Tell an illegal alien he isn't being deported because he broke the law, it's because racists passed laws to oppress 'tan skinned people' and he might believe that and a seed of hatred is planted in the person against another race. Only a merchant of bigotry or a pawn of such a merchant would desire that.

Enough with the sophistry. These State governments and their populations aren't acting out of mass racism against 'tanned skinned people'. They are acting in response to the problems mass illegal immigration has brought.

"I WAS going to vote but since I have to take my ID now never mind. Registration was so difficult that I don't want to go through that again." Yeah, probably NOT a real problem.

Name me one single place where you can just "show up and vote" without being registered.

Why that would be the state of North Dakota.

*bad copy-paste job from a PDF*
Voting in North Dakota

Precincts in North Dakota maintain a list of voters who have
voted in previous elections.
When a voter approaches a
polling location they are asked to provide an acceptable form
of identification. Then the election board will attempt to locate
the voter’s name on the voting list. If the voter’s name is on
the list, the voter’s name and address are verified and the voter
is then allowed to vote.

If the voter is not on the list, but an election worker knows the
voter to be a qualified elector of the precinct the poll worker
may vouch for the voter. The voter then has the right to vote.
If the voter is not on the list and no poll worker is able to vouch
for them, the voter may be challenged.

As part of the challenge, the voter is asked to sign an affidavit swearing to
the fact that he or she is a qualified elector of the precinct and
therefore qualified to vote in the precinct. If the voter agrees to
sign the affidavit, the voter must be allowed to vote. If the
voter refuses to sign the affidavit, the voter may be denied the
right to vote.

Regardless, ID is required to vote in ND.

The voter list is public record, so anyone can see who voted if they really want to, making it easy for anyone to verify the validity of voters. (Of course who they voted for is not recorded.) Our system works quite well and we have quite high voter turnout.
In my area you must be registered and must show said card at time of voting problem solved no D.L./photo I.D. needed works so far

Please don't derail this discussion by bringing facts into it and trying to stay on topic. ;)
How would you like it Playboypenguinn if you showed up at the polls to vote and discovered that you had already voted?

Someone showed up with a utility bill that had your name on it they stole from your mailbox, or out of your trashcan.

Or maybe they just said they were you, no ID no proof of residence.

Photo id is to prevent fraud PERIOD.
Penguin, wake up and smell the salsa

We have between 11 and 15 million illegal aliens, mostly Hispanic, living in this country today. Without requiring positive ID, which is the real issue, how many of them do you think would finagle a way to get registered to vote?

It is a fact that most illegal aliens lean towards the entitlement programs and tolerance of crime as espoused by liberal Democrats. So, do the math, if 10% of the illegals found their way into a voting booth, and voted 90% Democrat, that would be 1-1.5 million votes falling to the Dems.

Makes it clear why Dems want lax enforcement of voting laws and Repubs want a higher standard, doesn't it?
Here in the Great Pacific Northwest

We now vote by mail. Kind of throws the whole "must have photo ID" argument out the window.

Our politicians are so good to us.
speaking of Salsa

gretske its great to know only illegals would be involved in voter fraud and that illegals would only vote for Democrats. :mad:
What does Photo Id required have to do with racism? Get real. You are who you are!

I don't care if your Yellow, Brown, Olive, or what not! To vote you should need to show who you are. I would require a birth certificate! If your born out side the U.S. you need to provide a Green ( blue ) card!

I wish I could go to Mexico, Iraq, Serbia, China, Russia, And vote!

If I have to live under the ones voted in, I have the right to know who voted. If you don't under stand that , move to one of the other countries listed above.