The Dem's & La Raza Not Going To Like This!

Why is there so much support for supporting ID laws such as in this thread, yet most are silent about other issues such as vote transparency (closed systems such as diebold are not in the best interests of democracy), poorly allocated voting booths (2 per precinct in low income areas, 6 per in high income -- you think long lines don't effect ones ability/desire to vote?)?

Both of these issues occurred in Ohio in 2004 (fun facts link from a Bush supporter here). Seems like these issues would have a much greater impact on the vote than some number of people engaging in personal vote fraud. Why break the law and get one extra vote when I can manipulate thousands or directly hack the outcome?
The only likely real effect I'm seeing is to (minimally, to be sure...I do agree that ID is easy to get) depress turnout.
Yup, all you have to do is create the impression (with the help of the media) that there are "new restrictions" and will be longer lines and the middle class, who already have a hard time making it to the polls and finding time to wait in line, will be more likely to skip the whole thing.
JuanCarlos... A fee for voting??? Be thankful you can vote!!

Registration? AR-15s banned? Be thankful you can own guns at all!

You may or may not have been serious, but I'm sure there is more than one person who would say such a thing seriously. Hence, the easy counter.
strange comparisons

why is it the same folks who believe no-one would show up to vote illegally also believe voting machines are all being manipulated? :rolleyes:
why is it the same folks who believe no-one would show up to vote illegally also believe voting machines are all being manipulated?
Maybe because they are smart enough to realize those are seperate and distinctly different issues.
Do you actually have to show ID to vote?

I reckon so because everytime I show up to vote I sign the form, the old codger asks for my ID and he writes it down :)

Yup, all you have to do is create the impression (with the help of the media) that there are "new restrictions" and will be longer lines and the middle class, who already have a hard time making it to the polls and finding time to wait in line, will be more likely to skip the whole thing.

Voting is your civic duty....if you aren't willing to wait on line to excersize your franchise, well then;)

WildicarrymyideverywhereAlaska TM
why is it the same folks who believe no-one would show up to vote illegally also believe voting machines are all being manipulated?

Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

Nobody is even contending that "no-one would show up to vote illegally" so you fail to really see the point.
Yup, all you have to do is create the impression (with the help of the media) that there are "new restrictions" and will be longer lines and the middle class, who already have a hard time making it to the polls and finding time to wait in line, will be more likely to skip the whole thing.

If Iraqis can walk for miles under threat of death to cast their vote, the idea that a longer line is going to dissuade american voters is either untrue, or the saddest commentary on americans that I've ever heard.

Simply put, if you don't vote, then you deserve the government you voted for.
If Iraqis can walk for miles under threat of death to cast their vote, the idea that a longer line is going to dissuade american voters is either untrue, or the saddest commentary on americans that I've ever heard.

6 hours on line on a Tuesday (not a day off for most people) is significant. (Why not plug while on the topic)

Simply put, if you don't vote, then you deserve the government you voted for.

I vote. I get exactly the same government as those that don't.
6 hours on line on a Tuesday (not a day off for most people) is significant.

I agree. However it does not take 6 hours to vote nor does it take 6 hours to get your ID card. Maybe I've been extra lucky, but I've done this in 3 states now and the longest I've ever been there was 1/2 an hour.
Here's a little diddy:

They ask some pretty potent questions, like why we don't mind benefiting from the work of the illegals, but then turn up our noses at them.

This fear that illegals are going to try to vote in a conspiracy created by La Raza is pretty silly. They are all too busy working to vote!

Soy uno guero gordo y feliz que hablo espanol.
They are all too busy working to vote
ALL? Are you sure about that? Beware the terms all, aways, everyone when talking about any group of people.
Aren't some in jail? Aren't some unemployed? All..., hahaha, ALL, he said, hahaha
Yep, I'm sure Pedro and Jose will break jail to go engage in voter fraud! You called that one Miboso, I should've seen it.
failed to read the thread

SecDef considering the posting in this thread where posters claim there is no proof of a problem where people have voted illegally I'd say you've not paid attention to the thread. The entire premise of this thread began with the evils of the Democrats who want all the illegals to come and vote the Democratic ticket. The rebuttals have been no such problem exist so why require Id's.

Your insult only stand to illustrate your lack of comprehension over the entire spectrum of the voting issues identified.
Do you actually have to show ID to vote?
I reckon so because everytime I show up to vote I sign the form, the old codger asks for my ID and he writes it down
Way to think inside the box. I'm asking if you have to show ID to cast a vote, not if you will be asked for ID if you show up and vote in person. Because if the only fraud this actually addresses is in-person fraud, then it's no better than a gun law that only addresses crimes committed with high-capacity magazines.

Now, it seems that it's possible to cast a legal vote in Indiana without showing ID, or without showing up at the courthouse after a provisional ballot. You just have to not vote in person. This was also my experience in the two states I've voted absentee in. So, the question I have for you is if Alaska is it possible to register, sign up for an absentee ballot, and send it in without showing a photo ID?

I agree. However it does not take 6 hours to vote nor does it take 6 hours to get your ID card. Maybe I've been extra lucky, but I've done this in 3 states now and the longest I've ever been there was 1/2 an hour.

I've waited an hour for an ID, and this was in Montana. Down in Phoenix, many moons ago, I remember spending more like two to two and a half. Maybe I just chose a bad day to go. As for voting, I'll say the longest I've had to wait was like 45 minutes, and that was in a crowded precinct (last time I waited no longer than it took the nice lady to look up my name).
JB, my apologies, since we had been talking about illegal aliens, and you said "all", I just assumed we were talking about all illegal aliens.
Oh, by the way, you ignored my reference to those who might be unemployed. Very good job on ignoring the topic of my post.
absolutely required in Alaska

ID required. I even have to show it to my friends who work the polls on election day. I do not know what happens if you don't have an id when you show up so I can not say you would get turned away or would get a protested ballot to cast.
Should you HAVE to be 18 to vote?

Should you HAVE to be a resident of a State you are voting for Senator/Governor/etc. of ?

Should you HAVE to even register?

Restrictions, unfair, clearly motivated by some underlying disdain for other people right.

Look, the claim that ID being required is somehow hate of 'tan skinned people' is low brow and intellectually lazy. Smacks of Jeremiah Wright.

The easy way in is to register. Registration is easy and convenient. No record means registered. Near election dates there are people outside of supermarkets registering. No proof of nada needed.

Now when you go to vote you will need a State issued ID. That is tougher to fake them the BS you write on a registration card. And if ID info doesn't match registration info no vote. Your in the wrong precinct, State, or Country to vote. Why is that a problem. Vote in YOUR precinct, YOUR State, in YOUR Country. Unreasonable? Racists? No, it's just because people outside of a precinct should be able to select your City Council representative. People outside your City Shouldn't be able to select your Mayor, people outside of your County should not be selecting your Sheriff, people outside your State should be selecting your Governor or Senators or House Representatives, and people outside your country should not be selecting your President. Is this unreasonable?

Those working to twist these obvious truths into some kind of treacherous or restrictive motive are missing the point of voting, to select REPRESENTATIVES. The pattern that those that fight making sure those making the selections are those that will be represented face those being represented wondering why. Why NOT identify the voter casting the vote is eligible to select those for for whom they are casting a vote?

There is a pattern of who those people tend to be as stated by the OP. That pattern translates in the thread also. In lieu of substantive reason yell racist. Left wing 101. (If that fails yell lawsuit)