The Dem's & La Raza Not Going To Like This!

My exact statement was ..."Name me one single place where you can just "show up and vote" without being registered."

You have not done that. You have provided an unlikely example of a way someone could attempt voter fraud but not an example of how unregistered voters would simply be allowed to show up and vote.

Everyone seems so afraid that Mexicans are going to show up in droves at the polls and vote. That is just not going to happen.
But the fraud would be someone unregistered showing up to vote as a registered voter, and it can be done. A photo ID could prevent it.

You seem to have assumed that I am being irrational and have even assigned a reason for it, erroneous as it may be.
I have to ask, what's your reason for being irrational?
But the fraud would be someone unregistered showing up to vote as a registered voter, and it can be done. A photo ID could prevent it.
Could prevent what? A problem that only exists in the minds of people wishing to rationalize their hatred of hispanics and the fear of them voting? Voter fraud is not a proble, so why does it need to be solved? Especially at the expense of causing longer lines at polling places, more likelihood of registered voters being turned away because they forgot their wallet, etc.
But the fraud would be someone unregistered showing up to vote as a registered voter, and it can be done. A photo ID could prevent it.

You seem to have assumed that I am being irrational and have even assigned a reason for it, erroneous as it may be.
I have to ask, what's your reason for being irrational?

But the problem is that people showing up with guns on campus and shooting all their classmates can be done, and that banning banning high-capacity magazines, taxing ammunition, longer background checks and waiting periods, or registration could prevent it.

Never mind that somebody (or more likely, a group of somebodies) determined to commit voter fraud will likely find another way to do so, just as a mass shooter will likely find another way to do so...

The parallels are interesting, as is the apparently lack by many to acknowledge them.

I was just thinking along similar lines.

Where are all the gun lovers that start screaming slippery slope arguments when it comes to gun laws. Couldn't the same be argued here. Give the states the right to impose any limitations and they will eventually impose more.
Especially at the expense of causing longer lines at polling places, more likelihood of registered voters being turned away because they forgot their wallet, etc.

Well, I'm not someone who's in favor of competency tests to determine voter eligibility or anything, but if a voter forgets to bring his/her wallet to the voting booth....

The greasy slope is worth considering. However, I fail to see how it applies. How can going to the DMV to get a state-issued photo ID be any more difficult or inconvenient than going to the DMV for voter registration? You could even accomplish both tasks in one trip!

This one time, a bunch of people in Florida voted for Pat Buchanan.
PP we have very few "tan" folks up here and we have to show some ID to vote.

I repeat...its a nothing job to get a piece of photo ID in this Country.....

Wildihaveabout20indifferentnamesAlaska TM
PP we have very few "tan" folks up here and we have to show some ID to vote.
Are you saying you do not have illegals in Alaska? Or that native populations are not discriminated against by voting practices? Because I know several Native Rights groups that argue that point yearly.
I repeat...its a nothing job to get a piece of photo ID in this Country.....
It is also a nothing thing to go down and document your religious preference and party loyalty. Should we have to do that to vote?
Or that native populations are not discriminated against by voting practices?

Absolutely not. You have ID, you can vote...and they let you start voting in advance if you want.

Never met a Native without ID....can't cash their dividend checks without it ;)

WildeasyAlaska TM
hatred of hispanics and the fear of them voting
Where have you seen this from me? You are the one repeatedly bringing up race. I don't hate hispanics. I don't even hate hispanics illegally in this country (nice try to avoid the real issue). Voting fraud has been a concern since before non-whites could vote.
The Constitution does not contain anything relating to "the right to vote shall not be infringed" so comparing it to the gun issue is another red herring.

Where have you seen this from me?
I did not say I saw it from you. You are just swallowing the bait put out by other people who's motives are clearly based on convincing people that illegals are going to be voting en mass.
You are just swallowing the bait put out by other people who's motives are clearly based on convincing people that illegals are going to be voting en mass.

I'm more worried about all the dead folks in Chicago voting :)

WildmikemerloAlaska ™

Free prize to whoever figures it out
Why is it the Dem's never seem to worry much about voter fraud? Just a rhetorical question

Well they were very concerned about the methods used to actually count the votes, such as in the last two presidential elections.
PP, Speaking of hate, I really hate the way you decide why people are thinking what they do, or what they are thinking. You cannot know the reasons for my reasonning.
I don't attribute reasons onto you on why you believe as you do. I just believe that you are wrong. I don't say you are wrong because you hate this country or any other such nonsense. I am trying to debate the issue. You, up to this point, are not.
I don't attribute reasons onto you on why you believe as you do.
I am not attributing anything to you...besides the lack of effort you put into reading these initiatives and laws and seeing who sponsored them, why they sponsored them, and how they sold them.
the lack of effort you put into reading these initiatives and laws
Uhh, you do realize that I am agreeing with a majority of the Supreme Court on this issue: ID can be required to vote.

And here again, you have decided what I have done, or not done, knowing nothing about me. Thank you very much.
Uhh, you do realize that I am agreeing with a majority of the Supreme Court on this issue: ID can be required to vote.
That doesn't mean you have done one drop of research on the actual reason the laws were presented. It just means you agree with some of the rational behind them. Anyone that has cannot honestly dispute the strong anti-illegal bent.
PP we have very few "tan" folks up here and we have to show some ID to vote.

I repeat...its a nothing job to get a piece of photo ID in this Country.....

Do you actually have to show ID to vote?

Looking at Indiana, it appears as if one can register by mail, without showing a photo fact, one need not even provide a photocopy of an ID if I read the form correctly (a copy of a utility bill will do). EDIT: I'm getting this from the State of Indiana's website, looking at the actual form used.

Now, I'm too lazy to go verify, but I'm willing to bet that in IN you can apply for an absentee ballot by mail as well, again with no photo ID.

And that that absentee ballot doesn't require photo ID would make no sense, since it's not like you're there to match the photo against anyway.

And this process is no different than in the two other states I've filed absentee ballots in.

In other words, even with this law, photo ID is not required to vote. As such, it may or may not actually keep these dead people you're worried about (and the illegal immigrants that others are worried about) from voting. In fact, much like the gun regulations I mentioned earlier do next to nothing to stop shootings, I fail to see how this does much of anything to actually address voter fraud. The only likely real effect I'm seeing is to (minimally, to be sure...I do agree that ID is easy to get) depress turnout.
In other words, even with this law, photo ID is not required to vote. As such, it may or may not actually keep these dead people you're worried about (and the illegal immigrants that others are worried about) from voting. In fact, much like the gun regulations I mentioned earlier do next to nothing to stop shootings, I fail to see how this does much of anything to actually address voter fraud. The only likely real effect I'm seeing is to (minimally, to be sure...I do agree that ID is easy to get) depress turnout.

Clearly a gunsh... err vote-show loophole! ;)