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See folks, this is PROGRESS!

He's gone from

"No legitamate sporting weapon or sportsman ever needs a silencer" and "improper and immature to post"


"Not my cup of tea"


Also, you just say that it's not your cup-o-tea because you haven't played with one yet. They're very enjoyable.

Mister Wilson;
I've tried to be a man about this to you to no avail with your last post!
Go take a leap at a flying donut buddy!
Harry B.
It's absolutely inconceiveable to me that a fellow firearm enthusiast could harbor that opinion. I don't agree with it in any way, shape or form, and I think you should be embarrassed to call yourself a firearms enthusiast. You are certainly no friend of the second ammendment, nor the shooting sports community as a whole. What a shame...
Harry, I offer you my apollogy if you feel that the above quote was a personal attack. However, on my end, your statement that "no legitimate sporting weapon needs a silencer" felt a little like a personal attack itself. My emotions are running high on the subject anyway due to a specific rule change at my local club aimed squarely at me and my black rifle. My interest does not lie in all areas of the shooting sports, but I believe that if something I don't particularly care for makes someone else happy, then more power to 'em. I also feel like I am entitled to the same mindset. I'm not immature because I like to post about my machineguns and silencers, I derive a great amount of joy using each. I have devoted a signifacant amount of my time over the last decade or so learning about Title II firearms and how they work, and the laws governing them. I also look at this site kind of like a firing range insofar as it is similar to a lot of the conversations that take place on one. If I were at the range and you spoke your mind about the issue of silencers to me, I assure you I wouldn't be as cordial there as I am here. If you or anyone else doesn't particularly enjoy what I am doing, turn your head, provided that I am not doing anything illegal or dangerous. Again, I'm sorry if you took offense to my comments. And, you are welcome to 'demo' any of my Title II firearms if you are ever in my neck of the woods....
Mister Wilson;
I've tried to be a man about this to you to no avail with your last post!
Go take a leap at a flying donut buddy!
Harry B.

De cloaking once again.

What are you talking about?? MisterWilson has been quite professional and "nice" yet you are now attacking him and telling him off.

I do not understand you.
I was recently at the range doing some bench rest shooting when a guy came up with his Remington bolt action in 300 Win Mag. I'm glad that he was kind enough to let everyone around him know when he was going to take a shot, so we could take a few steps back from the firing line. Even then, I could still feel the shot when he fired, and it was still really loud.

The same gun with a quality silencer on it would have made being at the range that day much more enjoyable. If I can find the link, I'll post results to a test that some manufactureres were doing where a 300 Win Mag was maxing out their sound meter, and the sound signature was much reduced by the use of a silencer. I think this is the one...

I assume that most people on here have never handled, shot, or been exposed to a silencer, but they are not like what you see on TV or in the movies. A good one can make a centerfire rifle such as a 223 sound similar to an unsupressed 22 long rifle. Anyone who lives in the upstate of SC and would like to experience shooting with some, drop me a line. You can shoot mine.
When I see a silencer on a rifle I think that it is going to be used for an illegal purpose - and - that the individual using one isn't using it for hearing protection but for some stupid illegal purpose. I feel the same about muzzle brakes - they damage your hearing and those about you (african P.H. will either have you unscrew it or go back to the plane.)
Do silencer or brakes enhance accuracy? NOTHING you screw on the muzzle of a rifle does anything for accuracy, BOSS or anything (bullet seating does the job of BOSS to some degree).
The same about super lite triggers - they are used generally because many shooters flinch and they think it helps (it doesnt - they still flinch).
The muzzle of a rifle is a sacred sight - it must be a perfect exit for the bullet and nothing in the bullets way will help to stabilize it - NOTHING.
Just keep digging.

Again, you are factually incorrect and you keep revealing your irrational bias against suppressors. You might as well assume that anyone who owns a handgun for self defense or carries a CCW has it for murdering people or "some stupid illegal purpose.". Both are equally irrational, mindless, and anti-gun.

Silencers typically either have no effect or increase the accuracy of centerfire rifles (in part due to the "calm, controlled atmosphere" just past the muzzle).

These are both 1/4 MOA barrels.. yes, with suppressors:

............... Larger version of above photo.
To All
Thinking like this is scarrrry
I have a car that will go faster than the speedlimit then I must be a SPEEDER
I have a AX I must be a AX Murder
I have white sheets I MUST BE A RACIST
I hope you get it???????????

You Can't Fix Stupid!!!!!!
Thank you for your time
To Harry



I had NO idea this would grow into the size it has.
Now, I'll tell you my view on silencers:
When I see a silencer on a rifle I think that it is going to be used for an illegal purpose - and - that the individual using one isn't using it for hearing protection but for some stupid illegal purpose. I feel the same about muzzle brakes - they damage your hearing and those about you (african P.H. will either have you unscrew it or go back to the plane.)
Do silencer or brakes enhance accuracy? NOTHING you screw on the muzzle of a rifle does anything for accuracy, BOSS or anything (bullet seating does the job of BOSS to some degree).
The same about super lite triggers - they are used generally because many shooters flinch and they think it helps (it doesnt - they still flinch).
The muzzle of a rifle is a sacred sight - it must be a perfect exit for the bullet and nothing in the bullets way will help to stabilize it - NOTHING.
If a person needs a silencer or brake they need to go to a smaller caliber they can shoot well.
The ONLY reason I personally can see for a silencer is poaching or some other erroneouus activity. This is just my personal opinion. If I was going to poach or god forbid shoot people in a city surrounding - yea - I might want a silencer! I'm not sorry for my opinion, nor my post but I cannot for the life of me understand this eruption of comment.
Harry B.

Harry since you see a person with the equipment to be an assasin when you see a silencer.

I happended to notice that your mother,wife, and daughter all have the equipment to be prostitues so I will just assume they are in that line of work.

You are the worst kind of gun owner, unlike the anti gunners you pretend you support gun owners rights then stab them in the back every chance you get.
You are a true turd.
you seem like a nice old gunsmith. i think that the message that most people are trying to get through to you is that you should do some research on this subject. you just might change your views on this subject. gun people need to be united not devided. all legal firearms have their uses weather you need them or not. you of all people should understand that the weapons are not the problem. i own many nfa weapons and i enjoy every one of them. you might not need them but please do not condem me for enjoying a legal part of the hobby.
i welcome you to come to colorado and try them out. you might, just might enjoy yourself.
also please remember that gun people have a very hard time dealing with someone who says that they are strongly progun and then posts statements
putting down a part of the gun world that they do not like. i think it would have been a lot better to just say nothing.
do not take that to mean that you do not have the right to express your opinion. but when you start saying negitive anti gun liberal view points, you will probably get this kind of feedback.
please take this reply in the sprit it was sent. i have nothing against you.
do yourself a favor and check out silencer talk.
This is my first post, to bad it has to be directed towards a person who is one of those that would not be united with all other moral/legal American gun owners to prevent the erosion of our rights in this country.

Thinking that someone is going to use a gun for some stupid illegal purpose merely because they have a muffler on a gun is either very ignorant or prejudiced. It is also disrespectful to say these things online when silencer owners take the time and money to remain legal.

HB, you say you love guns; but it seems you only love some guns. You appear to hold silencers in contempt; as you do the legal owners.

I think you need to grow up and respect silencer owners without demeaning them; I wish you well and hope you learn to be less prejudiced in the future, for your sake.

Usually when I read comments like the ones typed by HB, it is a result of ignorance and prejudice. People think that silencers are illegal, but are too lazy to actually take a look at the law for themselves. Or they think that silencers make a gun silent like in the movies; not knowing that even a good silencer might still require the user to wear hearing protection. Maybe if they stopped to think that the reasons some gun owners use silencers are the same reasons why car owners use mufflers, then they would not be so prejudiced against gun owners.

Illegal in NC period.

Your statements in this thread regarding NC have been absolutely, unequivocally incorrect. There are Class 3 dealers all over the state with thousands of happy customers. Hell, the founder of SWR retired to NC. I own the first rifle pictured above with the AAC silencer. The photo was taken at the Durham Pistol and Rifle Club, in Mebane, NC.

The only special requirement in NC to own silencers is some careful wording in the "reason" box on the Form 4. I simply use "Consistent with the laws of the US and NC 14-288.8" and I've never had a hangup despite owning multiple silencers. It is no harder to buy a silencer in NC than in any other NFA-friendly state.
Said by someone else in regard to this thread...

"First off, I am not sure I am a sportsman. If I am, I am certainly not a legitimate one. We don't have protected gun rights for sport."
No legitamate sporting weapon or sportsman ever needs a silencer.
And, I agree it is improper and immature to post such on a public forum.

What is a sporting weapon?
Who the hell cares about the sportsman?
It's any American "individual" citizen that we should be concerned about.

Some would think that one must have to be part of some organization to legally own a piece of metal and/or for it to be legitimate.
Not aplying this about anyone here but, IMO, only the socialists would think that way.

Actually, silencers are used for a number of non-sporting purposes. They are often used by police to shoot animals in residential areas. In addition to police, grounds-keepers, janitors and private security may use silencers to shoot rabid animals or rats inside buildings. Silencers can be used for hunting small animals such as rabbits or squirrels. Since a loud retort from a gun will likely cause all the animals in field to run away or run into holes, a silenced weapon will allow a hunter to shoot many animals in field without scaring away others. The most common use of silencers is for target practice. It is also said that using a silenced firearm is helpful for first-time shooters to get used to firing a weapon, because first-time shooters often are disturbed by the loud noise. Other people simply collect exotic weapons, and many people seem to make them for the same reason people build model airplanes and ships in bottles.

And yes, I just registered to TFL and this is my first post just to answer this one. I wouldn't want the scum Brady to use our own quotes for their gun control agenda. :rolleyes:

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Harry Bonar,

Thanks for showing your anti gun rights beliefs. I'll be sure and let Novak know that he has an anti gun rights person working with him. We got rid of Zumbo when he revealed his turncoat status, maybe we can get rid of you also.

2008 is a NO SHRUG year for me.


Hugh G. Rection


Here is the AtomicLabRat shooting his 6.8mm AR with a can on it.
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Minding one's own business

I just got back from South Africa and silencers are quiet legal there. Guess what, if your a PH and have to cull out a heard of springbuck in a park near a town because people keep hitting them with cars and can is pretty handy!!
Shooting varmits at night is legal in Michigan. I think silencers shout be too. Why wake up folks when there trying to sleep??
Mister Wilson - I agree. I think we both did this and I'm willing to let bygones be bygones - after all, we both love guns - O.K.?
Harry B.

Harry Bonar,

Do you really "Love Guns"?

Are are you a Zumbo who loves some guns, but not all guns and doesn't think that subjects should possess "Those guns" that you don't love?

Are you a Zumbo type that beleives that the 2nd amendment is about hunting?

Just wondering about your committment to gun rights and the 2nd amendment.


Hugh G. Rection.
As I have posted elsewhere:

Actually, because of the fact that silencers are helpful for first-time shooters to get used to firing a weapon and not be disturbed by the loud noise, also help us to increase our pro-gun pro-2A community.

....which, for me, is the most important use of silencers. ;)
Your statements in this thread regarding NC have been absolutely, unequivocally incorrect.

That's BS. There are any number of illegal objects and substances that can be obtained for specific purposes with a special permit. That doesn't magically throw them in the legal category to the laymen.

The only special requirement in NC to own silencers is some careful wording

Code for lying about your purpose or stretching the definition of collector, which suits me if it suits the AHJ.
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