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"Hollywood has made this one out to be a bad guys weapon of choice."

This reminded me when I did a research paper on the effects of media and it's portrayal of information and it's altering psychological effects on children through adults. Very interesting to learn how it shapes so many people. It even helped me to view my ways and why certain aspects may be what they are. Hence why media is BIG money. People believe.
If you want to enhance the perception of gun owners try learning how to spell, leave out the invectives, explain your position without any name calling like scum, moronic, etc. and you will be more successful in your cause.

I don't need your suggestion to be successful in my cause.

This is what I do:

-Join pro-gun/pro-Freedom organizations
(you don't even have to pay, just read and be informed, there are pro-gun groups for women, LE, Constitutionalists, RKBA, even some religious sectors have pro-gun groups)

-Contact the Federal and State legislators
(beat the crap out of their email system, even to support or oppose issues from other States or municipalities)
Follow up with the Democrats that support RKBA and let the Republicans who have voted for gun-control know they'll be held accountable on election day.
You see, they come in all colors.

-Write letters and give online feedback to local newspapers and the liberal media in general
(these organizations have it backwards most of the time)

-Get to know what the scumbag Brady center is up to and oppose them.

-Introduce other dudes to shooting and gun-ownership
(some via online forums like this one), take a friend or neighbor (that doesn't own a gun) to a gun show or to the range.

-Post comments in forums and blogs
(specially non-gun related forums where the gun ignorant can be educated)

-Buy the stuff that the anti-gun want to ban.
(Flood the market, there's evidence that this is one of the best weapons against any ban)

-Be a responsible gun-owner (have knowledge of the gun laws, safe storage, gun handling, etc.)

What do you do, besides worrying about other dudes syntax and venting on some laws that you'll never understand? (Rhetorical)
You can demonstrate your mentality better than I.

And you yours.

I find it amazing how your brain could only distinguish a few inconsequential words from the entire post. Nothing else was absorbed.

Amazing...........but not surprising. :D
I can't tell you how much safer I feel that our gun rights are in good hands

You missed the point again.
It wasn't necessarily meant as props for me or to get sympathy from you.

Again, these are ideas for other folks reading this thread and that really care. ;)
Treat Harry Boner better?

HArry Boner got what he deserved . . . he deserved to be Zumbo'd and he was.

2008 is a NO SHRUG year and we aren't going to simply sit back like we did in 1994, shrug our shoulders . . . and allow anti gun rights douchebags to remain in our midst without complete and total exposure.
Again, these are ideas for other folks reading this thread and that really care.

I can tell you are dedicated and passionate about your hobby.

I still think that you and these guys coming out of the woodwork would be better for gun ownership in the long run if you write as if you were actually educated and have some class.

A good example would be the previous poster who by his member name and intentional mis-spelling of Harry's proves that he has neither.
My fault, I guess

I can’t believe I missed this entire thread - - At first glance, it seemed like several others, a general request for information, with plenty of members willing to answer. It went wrong in a hurry and it’s my fault I missed it.

I am frankly upset that the participants, some of whom are normally technical-minded and thoughtful members, have stooped to these depths.

I’m leaving this thread up as an example of how NOT to conduct a discussion, and as a reminder to myself to keep better track of what’s going on in this forum.

Any other such thread, though, will be closed off as promptly as possible. Posts will not be edited - - They will simply be deleted. If there are too many to mess with, the entire thread will disappear. I’ve killed a couple of posts in this thread that appear to have taken some time and thought to write. The poster’s having made a personal attack or used crude language, though, resulted in their deletion.

Just as a general reminder: Henceforth, on this forum, ANY personal attacks on a member rather than his argument, purposely degrading or demeaning remarks, and trolling will result in revocation of posting privileges. No tolerance, no warning. It is worth your membership to get in one super clever, ultra spiteful little jab? Think twice, post once.

Johnny Guest
TFL Staff
NFA Guns and Gear forum
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