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I am pleased to hear that. Can you cite your source of information. It would be interesting to know for future reference. Thank you.


Using a suppressor on a gun:

1. Makes the gun much quieter and you will bother those around you less. If everyone used a can we would not have noise complaints from those who live near rifle and pistol ranges. Also the person in the next lane at the range is not subject to any muzzle blast so it is just more pleasant.

2. Many improve the ability of the gun to group well. The suppressor on this gun cut the group size by about 1/3 -- it was already a very accurate and precise gun.


3. Teaching new shooters is easier as the silencers reduce the muzzle blast and recoil and make the gun less intimidating.

4. They make shooting more enjoyable even for those of us that have done it for many years.
I see. If I fill out a form, have my picture taken, get the signature of the high sheriff, send $200 etc. I can use a silencer. Oh boy, can't wait.
I trust you Zak. I'll order a couple tomorrow and take them to the range next week. And, if anybody asks I'll tell them Zak said it was OK.
If you want a legal opinion, write a check to your lawyer. However, it's easy to find references to online sources stating that suppressors are legal in NC, and it's also not hard to find NC shooters who have them. Like I said, several of my friends in NC have them.
I see. If I fill out a form, have my picture taken, get the signature of the high sheriff, send $200 etc. I can use a silencer. Oh boy, can't wait.
Dude, you're tilting at windmills here, with no tenable position and no point that is possibly defensible.
I see. If I fill out a form, have my picture taken, get the signature of the high sheriff, send $200 etc. I can use a silencer. Oh boy, can't wait.

Or you could drop $20 on Quicken's Willmaker program, draw up a revocable living trust, and put the silencer in it's name, and skip the fingerprinting, photographing, & begging permission of another authority figure.

A trust is mentioned in the NFA (along with corporations) as being legally able to own NFA toys. As the trustee of the trust, I'm allowed to possess my trust's assets.

That's how I have this:


But you probably wouldn't want something like that, I mean, what would be the purpose...
Dude, you're tilting at windmills here, with no tenable position and no point that is possibly defensible.

You don't think so. It's the same as saying fully automatic machine guns are legal. The same hurdles apparently have to be jumped in NC. From my point of view you are the one splitting hairs.
Not for the average shooter.

You are unfortunately right -- most average shooters do not know about suppressors and the fact that they are legal in most states. Most average shooters also do not know about the benefits of silencers just like most average shooters do not put very many rounds down range annually.

Skilled and educated shooters on the other hand ....

Tac Sol with silencer. VQ sear so 1.5 lb trigger pull, under 24 oz with the can mounted.

The same hurdles apparently have to be jumped in NC. From my point of view you are the one splitting hairs.
You might as well say that concealed carry is illegal in every state and oppose talking about it on forums because it makes gun owners look bad. Neither is true.
You might as well say that concealed carry is illegal in every state and oppose talking about it on forums because it makes gun owners look bad. Neither is true.

BS. A concealed carry permit in NC is a simple matter.
You might as well say that concealed carry is illegal in every state and oppose talking about it on forums because it makes gun owners look bad. Neither is true.

BS. A concealed carry permit in NC is a simple matter.

It is not a simple matter in California.

Bottom line -- silencers are fun and legal in most states. They should be legal in all states, in fact they should be strongly supported by the gun community since they are a very positive influence on shooting. Hollywood and the movies that show suppressors in a certain way have "poisoned the well" on silencers just like they try on guns in general.
BS. I concealed carry permit in NC is a simple matter.
I used that example specifically because the application requirements are similar. One might argue that the NC CCW application process has more requirements:

* Must apply in person.
* Must be able to properly complete application process.
* Must be 21 years of age or older.
* Must provide current/valid identification in the form of either a N.C. Driver's License or N.C. State Identification Card.
* Must provide proof of U.S. Citizenship.
* Must be a resident of Forsyth County for a minimum of 30 days.
* Must provide proof of residency.
* Must provide a list of all previous addresses.
* Must have successfully completed an approved firearms training course and provide the original certificate with application – Firearms Safety Certificate.
* If discharged from the military, must provide a copy of your DD-214 which indicates an Honorable Discharge.
* Must authorize Mental Health background check.
* Must pass criminal history background check.
* Must provide complete set of legible fingerprints (taken at time of application).
* Must be eligible to own, posses or receive a firearm under the provisions of State or Federal Law. See N.C. Firearm Laws.
The cost is $95 (not quite half the NFA transfer tax fee), and the delay (90 days quoted) is more or less similar to an NFA transfer time (Form 4).

The requirements for a Form 4 transfer are fewer in number, but substantially identical.
LOL, the moderators probably didn't expect a fight in the gunsmith forum. I don't really care one way or the other, just didn't like the tone toward Harry. Later
You don't think so. It's the same as saying fully automatic machine guns are legal. The same hurdles apparently have to be jumped in NC. From my point of view you are the one splitting hairs.

I am probably the only one that believes this, but I think the "hurdles" are reasonable. I really don't want people who have been declared mentally unstable or who are known to associate with criminals, but have never been indicted to get any of these things legally. I would prefer that everyone have a license which requires CLEO signature to purchase guns. Then not have the background check for individual purchases. I would much rather pay say $500 to get a real background check done and then not have the the hassle of of individual background checks and a registry that could always be used to seize firearms(really, what else is the purpose of the current system).

As far as illegal use for murders, I think anyone who has given the subject much attention at all realizes expedient suppressors can be manufactured for short term use relatively easy. Even without looking it up online I am sure many on this forum with basic firearm knowledge could dream up an expedient suppressor. Just as many could easily manufacture a zip gun. What separates us from criminals is not our possession of these items, but our willingness to work within the system to attain them, no matter how strange the rules are, and responsibly/legally use them.
I have already discussed this purchase with my CLEO, and it is legal in my area. He is not at all concerned about me having it. I was just wondering how many I should budget for. Looks like one for my .22lr and one for both the .222 and .223 centerfires will be fine.
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John, I don't have any problem with them. In the end Zak and I were nit picking about whether an otherwise illegal object or material obtainable with a special permit should be generally labeled as legal. I doubt many state governments will ever allow them to be acquired without some special permit nor should they IMO. I'm sure others will look at it differently.

I had NO idea this would grow into the size it has.
Now, I'll tell you my view on silencers:
When I see a silencer on a rifle I think that it is going to be used for an illegal purpose - and - that the individual using one isn't using it for hearing protection but for some stupid illegal purpose. I feel the same about muzzle brakes - they damage your hearing and those about you (african P.H. will either have you unscrew it or go back to the plane.)
Do silencer or brakes enhance accuracy? NOTHING you screw on the muzzle of a rifle does anything for accuracy, BOSS or anything (bullet seating does the job of BOSS to some degree).
The same about super lite triggers - they are used generally because many shooters flinch and they think it helps (it doesnt - they still flinch).
The muzzle of a rifle is a sacred sight - it must be a perfect exit for the bullet and nothing in the bullets way will help to stabilize it - NOTHING.
If a person needs a silencer or brake they need to go to a smaller caliber they can shoot well.
The ONLY reason I personally can see for a silencer is poaching or some other erroneouus activity. This is just my personal opinion. If I was going to poach or god forbid shoot people in a city surrounding - yea - I might want a silencer! I'm not sorry for my opinion, nor my post but I cannot for the life of me understand this eruption of comment.:)
Harry B.
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If a person needs a silencer or brake they need to go to a smaller caliber they can shoot well.
The ONLY reason I personally can see for a silencer is poaching or some other erroneous activity. This is just my personal opinion.
Antis think gun control works. It's their opinion. Unfortunately their opinion, like yours, is wrong.

I would like a suppressor on my .223 hog gun. What "smaller caliber" would you recommend? The suppressor would mean I wouldn't have to wear plugs to protect my hearing. Then I could more easily hear the world around me. It would also mean I'd have a chance to take more than 1 hog at a time. Since the pests are often found in groups of 5-10-15, I could take multiple pigs without them scattering, or at least have a chance as such. As it is, we coordinate shots among multiple shooters so we all shoot at one time at different pigs. It works, but a suppressor would make it much nicer. A suppressor on my .308 deer rifle would be a great benefit, also. If we all had suppressors, Walker Game Ear wouldn't have a market.

You, sir, are clueless on this subject.
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