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It's absolutely inconceiveable to me that a fellow firearm enthusiast could harbor that opinion. I don't agree with it in any way, shape or form, and I think you should be embarrassed to call yourself a firearms enthusiast. You are certainly no friend of the second ammendment, nor the shooting sports community as a whole. What a shame...
Harry Bonar
The ONLY reason I personally can see for a silencer is poaching or some other erroneouus activity.

How would you react if someone said:
The ONLY reason I personally can see for a very accurate rifle is poaching, sniping, or some other erroneouus activity.


You are entitled to your view, but it is uninformed and demonstrably wrong. It is the kind of blanket statements that those who would attempt to take our rights away will use against us. That is the reason for
this eruption of comment.

We will defend our rights.

A couple of guns for a fun afternoon with the kids and others. Quiet, accurate, economical, fun.

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I just hope everybody sleeps well. I still think you're all great guys!
Harry B.

Well you're entitled to your opinion, as we are ours.

I'm pretty sure that they're quite contrary...

Your thinking is irrational, emotional and devoid of logic. Your programming is nearly complete.

I have simply given my opinion. That is all it is - it is simply no reason for the personal attacks which I deem to be mean spirited and impolite.
I've tried to just brush this off and defuse the situation but to no avail.
It appears that there is no respect given to a 73 year old mans simple opinion anymore. The statements made about me are all false; I've been a supporter on T.V. and news print in my area for gun rights several times. I've worked on guns my entire adult life - I love guns.
I've done "contract" work for Charleston WVa police sniper division - homeland defense, desert storm A10 pilots and many other agencies un-named. I've supplied an ex-Vietnam sniper, forensic team leader whose picture with his crew was in J.Edgar Hoovers office till his retirement. I worked contracted for Wayne Novaks 45 Shop for years on special projects.
I am a loyal American and support the second amendment. I'm old fashioned in my views and make no apology for them.
Now, I've taken your remarks and resent them and will post no more on this subject - my views run the same now as then
Now, I wish you all well - I hope you enjoy your sport; I just would like some of you to grow up and respect others opinions without demeaning them personally. I wish you all well.
Harry B.
I'm old fashioned in my views and make no apology for them.

This is the crux of the issue. By "old fashioned" you mean "close minded". You've got your opinion and you're not willing to hear anything else.

Meanwhile you support the right to keep and bear, but only the arms YOU feel are acceptable. This is a dangerous opinion and is largely responsible for the disarmament of most of Europe, so forgive us if we don't see it as merely an opinion but downright threatening.

Like I said, you're not willing to change your mind based off anything you will read or be told, so I propose this:

Give us a ballpark of where you live. God willing, if in a free state, lets see if we can't arrange someone to take you out shooting with a quality suppressor or two and see if we can't change your mind via that route. I'm sure you would enjoy it immensely.

Respectfully yours...
Mister Wilson

Mister Wilson;
I'll be happy to tell you where I live - then we can have a face to face discussion. I live at Veto Ohio and anyone can tell you where I live.
I think this is getting really out of hand and I'm sick of it.
Harry B.
Veto Ohio, got it. Gimme a moment.

There's a website,, which kinda started off as an Ohio hometown forum. Might be a good start.
I have simply given my opinion. That is all it is - it is simply no reason for the personal attacks which I deem to be mean spirited and impolite.
I've tried to just brush this off and defuse the situation but to no avail.
It appears that there is no respect given to a 73 year old mans simple opinion anymore. The statements made about me are all false; I've been a supporter on T.V. and news print in my area for gun rights several times. I've worked on guns my entire adult life - I love guns.
I've done "contract" work for Charleston WVa police sniper division - homeland defense, desert storm A10 pilots and many other agencies un-named. I've supplied an ex-Vietnam sniper, forensic team leader whose picture with his crew was in J.Edgar Hoovers office till his retirement. I worked contracted for Wayne Novaks 45 Shop for years on special projects.
I am a loyal American and support the second amendment. I'm old fashioned in my views and make no apology for them.
Now, I've taken your remarks and resent them and will post no more on this subject - my views run the same now as then
Now, I wish you all well - I hope you enjoy your sport; I just would like some of you to grow up and respect others opinions without demeaning them personally. I wish you all well.
Harry B.

Jim Zumbo was outspoken in his views and un willing to learn till he was "Zumboed" by evil black rifle owners. He lots all kinds of money and his jobs as Hunting Editor for Outdoor Life magazine and host of the television program Jim Zumbo Outdoors on The Outdoor Channel.

He was smart enough and able to learn from his mistakes.

Are you of the same caliber as that of Jim Zumbo, or are you a narrow minded FUDD as your statements above indicate.
Mister Wilson

If you permit these personal attcks then I'm done on the forum. This is getting very personal to me. Anyone can stop by if they have a problem with me. Face to Face.
Harry B.
Veto Ohio, got it. Gimme a moment.

There's a website,, which kinda started off as an Ohio hometown forum. Might be a good start

MisterWilson, do you have the ability to post a link on that silencer forum you mentioned to this thread?

It would be nice to have others knowledgeable in the silencer world to chime in about this topic.
Aww come on Harry, take it easy. You've made some pretty inflammatory statements and while I'm sure we could have kept a better buffer between our minds and our mouths (or hands), there's no good reason to start making ultimatums & throwing down gauntlets.

Lets just work on getting you a product demo on a few cans and take things from there.
If you permit these personal attcks then I'm done on the forum. This is getting very personal to me. Anyone can stop by if they have a problem with me. Face to Face.
Harry B.

There are no personal attacks against you, just differing opinions and you are unable to be open minded to learn and grow in the firearms arena.

You state you above references, yet are un willing to learn more about silencer's and retreat under a guise of being under personal attack and the threat to leave this site.

I'm sorry you are such a narrow minded person.
Joey, I'm wondering whether or not it'd be a good idea.

I look at it like this, if we could win over Mister Bonar (hehe), we'd win over a lot more people than just himself.

Other folks are watching this no doubt and making judgments based on it.

Mister Wilson - I agree. I think we both did this and I'm willing to let bygones be bygones - after all, we both love guns - O.K.?
Harry B.
MisterWilson, I can understand what you are talking about. As a long time member and few post's this has drawn me out of lurking.

It does not need to get ugly & can remain professional and friendly as long as we remember where we are & post like mature adults having a arguement whil not "personally attacking" Harry Bonar.

As in real life, do you not have arguments and disagreements with friends yet remain civil and in the end remain friends?

This thread has so far been extremly civil while disagreeing & yet one of the posters refuses to partake in the arguement in the possibility of learning more & instead plays the 'personal attack" card in a effort to deflect the heat away from him and his views.

I agree with you and would hate at this point to see this thread go downhill to the point it's locked and Harry B walks away hating the people who own/want to own/shoot weapons with cans, it does nobody any good.
Mister Wilson - I agree. I think we both did this and I'm willing to let bygones be bygones - after all, we both love guns - O.K.?
Harry B.

Thank you, this goes to show you are a gentleman and willing to learn & I will now shut my trap on a subject I know so little about but want to learn more about & have plans on purchasing in the not so distant future.

Mister Wilson & Joey'
I've got a Bushmaster sniper grade with s.s, 24" heavy bbl and a Stag Arms sniper also in the AR line.
I'm happy you're happy but as I said silencers just aren't my cup of tea - now don't go and get hostile - just my preference and opinion.
It appears you have lots of fun.
Harry B.
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