RIP Benchmade Knives

Just don't forget all of the other companies as well then; I mean if you're going to boycott BM, boycott the rest, Dick's target, Yeti, and on and on and on.......

I think you will find that most gun companies will donate to BOTH parties when it comes to local politics as those folks have the greatest effect on their bottom line and operating costs from a taxes, utilities, tax-break perspective.
I do what I can. After finding out more about Benchmade I will no longer patronize the, Yeti was easy enough because I simply don't need a $300 beer cooler. Dicks is aptly named so 'nuff said about them. I don't shop at Target, I mean I am a man so why would I? if I do make a purchase at a place that is anti-2nd Amendment it is grudgingly so and only because I cannot find it elsewhere or elsewhere at the same price.
[QUOTEJust don't forget all of the other companies as well then; I mean if you're going to boycott BM, boycott the rest, Dick's target, Yeti, and on and on and on.......

I think you will find that most gun companies will donate to BOTH parties when it comes to local politics as those folks have the greatest effect on their bottom line and operating costs from a taxes, utilities, tax-break perspective/QUOTE

I live by what I posted have quit doing business with every company on the 2a checklist. I've even been forced to change Banks and the bread I eat for these reasons. Donate against my rights and I'll do all possible in my power to defund you!
FITASC said:
I think you will find that most gun companies will donate to BOTH parties when it comes to local politics as those folks have the greatest effect on their bottom line and operating costs from a taxes, utilities, tax-break perspective.
Many companies donate more or less equal amounts to both parties, and regard it as part of the cost of doing business. Benchmade, however, apparently donates nothing to Republicans, and a lot to Democrats. That puts them into a different category from the equal opportunity, "cost of doing business" donors.
Just don't forget all of the other companies as well then; I mean if you're going to boycott BM, boycott the rest, Dick's target, Yeti, and on and on and on.......

I think you will find that most gun companies will donate to BOTH parties when it comes to local politics as those folks have the greatest effect on their bottom line and operating costs from a taxes, utilities, tax-break perspective.

The thing is that BM donated much more to Dems. And this is OREGON, which is totally controlled by Dems: every major city, all branches of the State, and even federal reps. Nobody needs to financially support a Dem to get elected, they win regardless.

Only an idiot would think that those who are rabidly anti-gun will stay your knife buddy. Seems much more likely these donations are just “I like you” funds, not “I trust now you will protect knife rights although you crap all over gun rights.”
No, but they do need to donate (some might call it a bribe) to keep those off their backs; no different than in NYC, or Chicago or similar.
This, like most things, will get forgotten in time.
I mean, companies that supported the nazis are still around and going strong.
Like many have suggested here, if it weren’t for the gun destruction, the political donations would have gone unnoticed. On the other hand, the donations coupled with the helping to destroy guns is looking like too much for some 2nd Amendment advocates. I always thought Arms at the inception of the constitution included thing like knives and swords, however, bladed weapons have managed to become even more restricted than firearms in some locations.
I remember a few times as a young man in Texas waiting nervously as an officer checks to see if a blade is longer than the width of his palm.
Thier one hand opening blade is also frowned upon in some locations too. Perhaps the donations were to help the local politicians forget about the knives that they make.
FITASC, they are donating to anti-gun politicians in Colorado and New Mexico, in addition to local Dems. They are also pouring tens of thousands into a Democrat lobbying firm that is using that money against us.

JERRYS said:
I do what I can. After finding out more about Benchmade I will no longer patronize the, Yeti was easy enough because I simply don't need a $300 beer cooler. Dicks is aptly named so 'nuff said about them. I don't shop at Target, I mean I am a man so why would I? if I do make a purchase at a place that is anti-2nd Amendment it is grudgingly so and only because I cannot find it elsewhere or elsewhere at the same price.

Well said! You took the words right out of my mouth on every vendor named. :D

Benchmade is the only one on that list I’ll miss. The others were easy enough to boycott because I didn’t like them before that.
This is one of those "can't see the forest 'cause of all the trees" kinda thing. Those guns were going to be destroyed.....period. The local laws/Regs dictated so. So Benchmade does it for free at no cost to the taxpayers and they are the bad guys? Sheesh. Talk about killing the messenger. 4 or five folks from each of a half dozen random gun forums does not make a boycott. Especially when those same folks admit to being too cheap to pay the going cost of a Benchmade knife. Yep.....that's really gonna cut into their sales, eh?:rolleyes:

I'm gonna stick my neck out and say I doubt very much if most gun owners really give two hoots about guns destined to be destroyed by law. Kinda like the prohibition of certain folks to own/possess guns.
But buck460XVR, better to express angst on an online forum and state how we will do nothing (boycott) than actually taking the time to write to the appropriate entities and express our actual concerns, work to change the laws that allow things like this to happen, etc. Nope, much easier to blame Benchmade and boycott them NOW because they are the evil ones. Never mind that they have been doing us wrong for years. That was okay until now.
buck460XVR said:
Those guns were going to be destroyed.....period. The local laws/Regs dictated so.

In fact Oregon state law allows the guns to be sold through an FFL. The local police department here made a political choice to destroy them instead and Benchmade chose to help them.

However, I agree, that’s not the problem. The problem is that Benchmade has been supporting politicians and lobbyists nationally who promote gun control. Not only have they been supporting these people to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars (and that’s just through Benchmade - it doesn’t include the individual donations of the CEO or his wife); but they haven’t donated a dime to any pro-RKBA politicians.

Benchmade has also sabotaged right to carry laws for knives by promoting an alternative to the AKTI sponsored bill that removes a right of action.

I’ve got a Benchmade Rift in my pocket right now. I’d love to patronize then; but Benchmade has now addressed this three times and has not given any indication they are willing to address the problem with supporting anti-RKBA politicians. They’ve agreed to stop supporting their local PD’s cheap publicity stunts; but even then they didn’t actually acknowledge WHY that was a problem. They just said “Well, we now understand that really upsets our customers for some strange reason, so we’ll stop doing it.”

It’s the old “Sorry, not sorry” apology - or would be if Benchmade even understood what they were sorry about. I’d love to see Benchmade correct that problem but since they aren’t willing to acknowledge that supporting anti-RKBA politicians IS a problem, I’m not optimistic.
From what I understand, the guns were from folks that didn't want them anymore or guns used in crimes. What other folks do with their personal property is their business. I don't see an issue with any company helping out a LE organization for free. I didn't see anything about Benchmade being anti-gun, only pro-cop.

So..........are you anti-cop?
I was a Police Officer, for 17 years. Law enforcement does a lot that is not right. There are more bad apples in the basket than many would like to think exist. I would not cut guns up for a l.e. agency. I also will not buy another Benchmade.
I was a Police Officer, for 17 years. Law enforcement does a lot that is not right. There are more bad apples in the basket than many would like to think exist. I would not cut guns up for a l.e. agency. I also will not buy another Benchmade.

Is what those LEAs doing not right against the law or against your opinion? We all know about the bad apples, more than many would like to think that exist, but in many instances, not as many as many others do think. If you were a still a Police Officer, and your agency told you to take guns slated for disposal(as per law or policy) to the disposal site, are you saying you would refuse a direct order from a superior?:rolleyes:

There's lots of rules and regs out there I too do not agree with. But I follow them because I am a responsible law abiding citizen. I do not take the law into my own hands nor do I think it's appropriate to "bend" the law to fit my opinion. Living in America, it is what it is. I also have never seen continuous whinin' on social media as changing it.

I have many friends that are LEOs. I have a ton of respect for them and what they do. Since I was a little kid, one of the priorities of LEAs, was to "get guns off the streets". This is not only for our protection.....but theirs too. I see the disposal of unwanted guns and guns previously used in crimes as one way, from thier point of view, to do it. You don't agree, so be it. Living in America gives you that right. Just as it gives Benchmade the right to help the local LEA out for free. Anti-gun or not, they only disposed of guns that would be destroyed anyway and it didn't cost taxpayers a penny. They are not the blame, local lawmakers are. Regardless of campaign contributions, a majority of those who vote.....still have to vote them in. Then one has to look at those politician's overall platforms and agendas and not just focus on one narrow line. While the RKBA is a biggie to me, there are a ton of things out there that are just as important to the quality of my life. I have two gun safes full of guns, and a room dedicated to reloading ammo. I have also hunted for 6 decades. Still, I ain't gonna wet myself because someone cut up a few POS guns that no one wanted.

Just sayin'.........:D
buck460XVR said:
Anti-gun or not, they only disposed of guns that would be destroyed anyway and it didn't cost taxpayers a penny.

You keep saying that; but it still isn’t true. The guns did not have to be destroyed. They could be legally sold through FFLs This police department chose to destroy them. And it did cost the taxpayers money - even if the man hours, labor, and equipment to prepare and destroy those guns was donated completely free by local businesses - the police department has to go to taxpayers to get the funds it lost by selling those guns.
Yeah, it is much easier and less risk to tout “getting guns off the street” then it is to actually “get violent criminals off the street.”

Some agencies seem to have plenty of time for airheaded photo ops that do nothing to reduce crime. I consider THAT to be waste of my taxpayer money as well. The photo op tries to paint the guns as the cause of crime and by destroying them the agency fighting real crime. No. That thinking undermines 2A understanding and support. It is quite deliberate.

A company that actively supports such an agency and their voluntary policies, at the expense of truth regarding gun rights and causes of crime, may be slaw enforcement friendly but not 2A friendly. I choose our Constitution and inalienable rights versus any police agency’s political posturing and companies that enable them. Police deserve our support and thanks when they uphold the law which includes the Constitutions of nation and state. Not when they by their own volition use taxpayer time and resource to politicize non-crime work.
The company probably deducts the “donated” time and equipment from their taxes. I’ve known lots of leo and family members that were in law enforcement, and every last one of them advocated for civilian gun ownership and recommend carrying firearms. They could have put a few bucks back into the treasury.
I’ve got no problem with the destruction of guns if they want.

But, public displays of gun destruction are for political purposes. Law Enforcement should NOT be engaging in political activities.

Imagine if the same group of officers posted pictures of themselves (on a city owned social media account) posing in a group photo wearing MAGA hats.

Again public displays of gun destruction are political. I don’t care what the police do with guns in thier possession. I do care about police making political statements.
Just another case of the blind leading the blind;

There was a time when they sold these guns at auction... Why not do that instead?
I guess because Politicians don't think that way or perhaps turn it into an opportunity. Just another case of the blind leading the blind; …. ;)

We had an instance where a local Sheriff transferred a bunch of confiscated legal and illegal weapons to a local FFL dealer. The local dealer sold them and donated the proceeds to local charities. All transactions were documented without any publicity or show, ….. !!!

Be Safe !!!
My agency sells seized guns to a local ffl, then donates the proceeds to the school system per state law. Murder weapons are typically the exception. Number 1, we usually hold onto them for the life of the case + opportunity of appeal. So a life without parole conviction pretty much equals the lifespan of the defendant. When they are up for disposal, those are often destroyed. I know it’s silly, it’s just a piece of steel and plastic, but there is a certain taboo about recirculating an object used to maliciously murder someone.

Onto benchmade... I think the anger over them helping a local PD destroy firearms in OR is kinda silly. It’s oregan. We know the politics of this state. Does anyone really believe the police wouldn’t destroy seized firearms? BMs political contributions, if true, are a greater issue.