RIP Benchmade Knives

On another forum, there was mention of a plasma cutter being employed; also mentioned in the video I linked above was that the police dept. doesn't have the equipment and BM is basically a next door neighbor just helping their local force carry out an assignment.

Personally, I see much ado about nothing. If everyone calls for a boycott, then we are acting just like the left does when they whine about something. I believe we are better than that and above that type of BS.
Personally, I see much ado about nothing. If everyone calls for a boycott, then we are acting just like the left does when they whine about something. I believe we are better than that and above that type of BS.

Sometimes I gotta wonder.
It’s their business, I personally have no problem with it. I question as why publicize it?
The company posts all kinds of tactical mumbo and and gun related things.

Many people consider public displays of gun destruction as a political statement, so publicizing the destruction is understandably viewed as a political statement. They weren’t very wise to do this without considering the views and feelings of their customer base.
Plasma cutter is also a tool many hobbyists have as well.
I’m just glad that Benchmade showed true colors before I bought many of their knives. They had a choice and made it.

The law can be wrong....when it is, the government ought to drown in the guns they are mandated to destroy. Helping leo destroy a civil right is not the American way. The law can change.
People will forget about this?

Really? Like they've forgot about S&W? About what Bill Ruger said? Gillette? Leatherman? Springfield Armory...

I think gun owners have a long memory!
It’s their business, I personally have no problem with it. I question as why publicize it?
The company posts all kinds of tactical mumbo and and gun related things.

Many people consider public displays of gun destruction as a political statement, so publicizing the destruction is understandably viewed as a political statement. They weren’t very wise to do this without considering the views and feelings of their customer base.
Plasma cutter is also a tool many hobbyists have as well.

That was my point in post #28. What was the good in showing this? It didn't need to be publicized. And now all it has done is caused the company problems they may not get over.

This kind of reminds me of the company that builds high dollar sniper rifles(HS Precision IIRC) and had Lon Hariuchi endorse their product. The FBI sniper that shot Vicki Weaver in the face while holding her baby. That didn't work well for them at all and was quickly taken down.

Poor choices happen. I am sure BM is regretting what they let happen.

Really? Like they've forgot about S&W? About what Bill Ruger said? Gillette? Leatherman? Springfield Armory...

You forgot about Cheaper Than Dirt.:eek:
Leatherman CEO co-sponsored Obama fundraiser and made contributions to local Dem politicians. Then got all whiny and upset when customers complained.

Don’t know specifics of Gillette. But it was long time owned by Warren Buffet who is big time govt regulation and anti gun among other things.
It is really surprising how ignorant some companies are of their customer base. Even gun writers like Dick Metcalf stepped on his...well you know. Leatherman hosts Obama and when I wrote to them the CEO replied with a whiny petulant rant.

As an average Joe all I know is that every gun owner I know also carries a folder and probably has more than one quality knife. On the other hand, I don’t know any owners of a quality folding knife that is not also a gun owner. Of course there are exceptions in both cases but I believe there is a huge overlap in the Venn diagram of Gun Owners and Benchmade Knife Owners.

If I were a gun supporting company and was asked by the local PD to destroy some guns you can be damn sure I would have the press release right handy explaining why and that we’re having a BBQ with gun raffle giveaway later or something. Lacking this makes me wonder whether they thought at all.
They did think through it, they thought gun owners were all Fox News watchers and listened to Rush Limbaugh, so they love helping cops and will give high praise and support to any company that helps the police.

Except we're not stupid like everybody says, we're SMART and we want RESPECT! Alright, Godfather quotes aside, they thought wrong and I think it's an instinctive reaction with real 2A supporters, not the Fudd's, that when we see police destroying guns or people doing it for the police, it looks like the police are pro-disarmament, which in some cases and localities they are, but largely they're not.

The pics are damaging and make me question what business does Benchmade have in destroying guns? I thought they're in the knife making business, not the gun destruction business? Are they even getting paid for doing this and have they helped police destroy guns before? If they have, then they have no business claiming to be pro gun when all they are doing is destroying them on multiple occasions whilst also not doing anything to support the 2nd amendment other than saying they do, but IMO talk is cheap.

That's all one thing, but then you see how heavily the company donates to Democrats, who are now purely anti-gun, and nothing or very little to non-Democrats.

All the signs point to Benchmade is an anti gun company and as you said, few gun owners don't also own folding knives, especially those who own expensive knives like Benchmade or Microtech.

It is just a massive disaster for the company and they're gonna have to lay people off because business is gonna plummet and I doubt any of the Oregon City PD are going to be buying knives in bulk to help bail out the company for their screw up putting those pic on Social Media.

BTW, who told the officers or Oregon City PD employees to take pics and post them online? Is that standard operating procedure?
The owner of BM posted a lame ass half hearted attempt to explain everything. He would've been better off letting someone else do it, FAIL!

Unbelievable! When are these companies going to understand that we all need to stand together or else we'll certainly hang separately! It's a simple concept but some just won't get it until it's to late!
Couple more points about Benchmade. They produce a large line of knives for HK.
And they also make several automatic knives that they sell to LE and to residents of their home state (Oregon), where they can be sold legally.
They have put out statements twice now. I think if they wanted to do this and thought it was the right thing, they should have just done it. No explanation, no excuses needed... should have just did it and moved on.
I stand by my statements that “Special Equipment Neeeded” to cut up a gun is nonsense.
I think that it is very plausible that they were asked to do it and they did it to be helpful or whatever but didn’t think about repercussions.
I have half a dozen Benchmade knives. Just love the one hand open, and one hand close button! Carry one clipped to my right-hand pants pocket, always.

My Gen 4 Glock 19 lives on that same side. Reference management donation policies?
That could have been fixed. I never owned a Benchmade knife, never will.

2 different gunsmiths tried. After both by the time a 50 round box of shells went thru it, it would go full auto. Since .22 ammo is dirty and I didn't feel a need to clean a POS cheap gun(altho it was the most accurate .22 I ever owned) after every mag, I felt no need to keep it. Selling it or trading it would mean giving someone else a unsafe firearm. Thus it got cut up and taken to the same dump it was used to shoot rats at.

I own a passel of knives. Most of them Case or Buck with a few Schrade's mixed in. Working men's knives. Good steel and keep a good edge. Never saw the real need to go with anything higher priced. Kinda like Jack Daniels and Whistle Pig, and I love me some Whistle Pig! Politics has little to do with what tools I buy. Probably why I have S&Ws, Rugers and a Leatherman.
I think that it is very plausible that they were asked to do it and they did it to be helpful or whatever but didn’t think about repercussions.

Truth be told, I'm more "interested" in BM contributing such lopsided amounts of money to anti gun politicians than I am in them helping cops destroy guns.

Without the contributions, would we have paid so much attention to the other?

Regardless, no more benchmade knives for me. It's ironic, because I was just about to pull the trigger on a Benchmade Infidel. But I won't be buying any more of their knives.