RIP Benchmade Knives

And they also make several automatic knives that they sell to LE and to residents of their home state (Oregon), where they can be sold legally.
I've had several. The novelty wears off after the first time someone borrows your knife, asks how to open and/or close it, and then slices your fingers while you reach to show them. Yea, there's another lesson in there about not handing your knife to an idiot, or reaching for a knife in the hands of an idiot; but it doesn't happen with manual or semi-automatic knifes.

Automatic opening really loses its appeal after the lock and the release somehow both get triggered while in a pocket, and you manage to stab yourself in the groin or thigh. I never did it, but I was around for several incidents. (Most of them were the result of a sheath wearing out, which moved the knife to a pocket.)

My personal preference is for a manual folder, anyway. I was never enamored with the automatics like my coworkers.
(We got a new one for each deployment to certain parts of the world, as they tended to take a beating and/or get erroneously confiscated on the way back by Army "customs" inspectors that were used to dealing with grunts that couldn't be trusted with a knife - especially an automatic. [We were not Army, but frequently had to deal with them.])
I may indeed be in error BUT I would think if this was NOT BM they would have shouted from the rooftops.......That I didn't hear them do that????????????????????????????
“Benchmade is aware of the recent post from our local Oregon City Police Department.

We apologize for the confusion and concern that this post created. These were firearms the Oregon City Police Department had to destroy in alignment with their policies. Oregon City Police requested the use of specialty equipment within the Benchmade facility to follow these requirements, and as a supporting partner of our local police force, we obliged the request.

Benchmade is a proud and unwavering supporter of both law enforcement and Second Amendment rights. These are commitments that we do not take lightly and will continue to support well into the future.

When asked for clarity from Oregon City Police Department, Chief Jim Band made the following statement: “When property is to be destroyed, it is the policy of the Oregon City Police Department to destroy property, including firearms, in accordance to our procedures and ORS. The Oregon City Police Department does not sell firearms.”

Hiding behind procedure, policy and requirements again...
I just noticed that they said “to destroy property, including firearms”... so where’s the photos of them destroying lawn mowers or other items involving crimes? Why only publicize destruction of guns and not the other property?
Benchmade is a proud and unwavering supporter of both law enforcement and Second Amendment rights.

I'll confess to confusion because I don't see how they make the latter claim while financially contributing to enemies of the Constitution.
Specialty equipment ???

Oregon City Police requested the use of specialty equipment within the Benchmade facility to follow these requirements,
Specialty equipment !!! …. :eek:

Are we suppose to buy into this? Some time, after the Korean war, our local scrap yard took in a bunch of weapons and materials. There were literally mounts of this stuff and yes, there were various firearms. Included were about a dozen tanks. They removed the turrets with mobile cranes and chopped and smelted everything with specialty equipment. …….. ;)

Like the monkey making love to a skunk, once said; " I think I've had enough of this stinking subject, for one day ???

Get real and;
Be Safe !!!
It’s your money and how you chose to spend it is one of the last ways to express how you want the world to work.

In my eyes, the cops need some metal cut up and the neighbors over at Benchmade have the power tools and workers to help. I call that “neighborly” and folks used to help each other out in town.

Me, I take pride in my old American made ka-bar folding knives made in Olean, NY... just 40 miles from Grandma’s house. I have three and all are spooky razor sharp and of an old non-locking design such that if you don’t cut away from yourself you’re going to the emergency room for stitches.

If I had to buy a new knife... I’d buy an old one. Bench Made is still made in America, and that counts for something with me.
I don't see a big deal with Benchmade loaning equipment to the local police department or their political contributions. I saw a recent YouTube video on the Gun Collective with Benchmade's response to the whole thing and it looks pretty straightforward. Benchmade is a knife company so they support political candidates in line with that product. In any case, whoever they (or anyone else) supports will not be in line with everyone else on all the issues.
Benchmade showed up on the Guntalk podcast to discuss this issue and it is even more cringeworthy than the video by the founder because they get into details. It is like they are TRYING to get rid of their RKBA customers. On the other hand, if you enjoy listening to a marketing guy squirm while Tom Gresham does his mild-mannered Mr. Rogers thing and just eviscerates him, it is worth a listen.
I don't buy cheap knives, cheap boots or cheap running shoes, and since you can't find a real Strider folder anymore I'm happy with my Benchmade. I'm willing to bet the PD did not consult with BM marketing prior to this post. Doesn't make a bit of difference to me if they are destroying guns that were going to be destroyed anyway.
So, just for highlights (you should really listen to the podcast):

1) Benchmade has been assisting a local police department that cuts up guns for purely political reasons for several years. They will not do that going forward because they now realize this upsets their customers.

2) Benchmade has been donating money EXCLUSIVELY to anti-gun Dems, including out-of-state Dems that aren’t local to them at all.

3) Benchmade has poured tens of thousands more into a Democrat lobbying firm.

3) The “knife rights” bill that Benchmade’s Democrat lobbying firm supports actually removes substantial protections and is opposed by several knife rights groups as a step backwards.

4) Benchmade claims to have supported RKBA to the tune of millions of dollars but their marketing guy, who knew exactly what the line of questioning was going to be going in, didn’t have a single concrete example he could point to.
Oregon is a beautiful state !!!

If I lived in Oregon, I would volunteer to sell whatever they police had and "legally" sell it all. Then donate the money as well as my time to a local food-bank. Dems want to crow about something, this would get more traction. :rolleyes:

Oregon is a beautiful state and have met some great folks up there. Great place to visit but would not live there ….. :(

Be Safe !!!
Oregon is a beautiful state and have met some great folks up there. Great place to visit but would not live there …..

One can say the same about WA, CA, NY, MA, RI, etc...... (unfortunately)
Do I like to see firearms destroyed? No. But I don't have an issue with a company with the proper equipment helping a law enforcement agency. Guns aren't living objects with souls. I think it's possible for a company to be truly pro-gun and also perform this job. Benchmade makes great knives and I bet a very large portion of their customers are pro-gun.
But the politicians they donated to in my state are doing everything they can to take our gun rights away! I wouldn't own a Benchmade knife! After showing the articles to the lgs, they are pulling them out of their store. Because of the political donations! Bottom line if your rights don't matter buy a Benchmade. My rights matter I'll do my best to put Benchmade out of business! Not for helping law enforcement out, but for donating to the removal of my rights in my state!
Just don't forget all of the other companies as well then; I mean if you're going to boycott BM, boycott the rest, Dick's target, Yeti, and on and on and on.......

I think you will find that most gun companies will donate to BOTH parties when it comes to local politics as those folks have the greatest effect on their bottom line and operating costs from a taxes, utilities, tax-break perspective.