Real ID coming soon

People keep getting hung up on range and real time tracking.

I am not hung up on it, simply stating that it can't be done with a passive device.

I think most of the fear of this is irrational. As was said many posts ago the government has plenty of weapons to find the average citizen and know his habits now.
Most of you who want illegal aliens deported and ridicule the government for not being able to identify them are the ones most against an ID card to show you are a US citizen. They can't be forged on any large scale any more than credit cards, beyond the capability of a migrant worker.
And , if it miraculously catches a terrorist before he kills a bunch of people, is that a bad thing.
You can't have it both ways.

BTW, when you post on this forum do you think the government can't find out who and where you are in a few seconds?
the government has plenty of weapons to find the average citizen and know his habits now.
Name one system they have equivalent to a govt ID that is capable of tagged tracking?
Most of you who want illegal aliens deported and ridicule the government for not being able to identify them are the ones most against an ID card to show you are a US citizen
Ahhh, the ugly head of racism and bigotry. The very mindset that is allowing this travesty to transpire unopposed.
We don't ridicule the government for not being able to find them, we ridicule the government for not stopping them at the border and releasing those that are in custody.
Name one system they have equivalent to a govt ID that is capable of tagged tracking?

They can find me several times a week with a credit card. Several times a day on a computer. Several times a day on a cell phone. And, they can look me up in the phone book and either call or come by my house.

Ahhh, the ugly head of racism and bigotry. The very mindset that is allowing this travesty to transpire unopposed.

They can find me several times a week with a credit card. Several times a day on a computer. Several times a day on a cell phone. And, they can look me up in the phone book and either call or come by my house.
None of that is anywhere near on ground tracking.

Your credit card only tells where you spend money and you can legally use cash or not carry your credit card.

You cell phone only sends a signal when you chose to let it and you can legally travel without it.

The phone book reference is just silly.
Ahhh, the ugly head of racism and bigotry. The very mindset that is allowing this travesty to transpire unopposed.
The main reason people are going along with this is because the govt is manipulating the hatred of many Americans against illegals. They are willing to give up a little personal privacy if it somehow magically gets all those dirty aliens deported.
The actual project plans going forward don't include RFID.

If anyone is aware of a state that is instituting RFID in their cards, please let me know.

Otherwise this is kind of a silly discussion.
The actual project plans going forward don't include RFID.

If anyone is aware of a state that is instituting RFID in their cards, please let me know.

Otherwise this is kind of a silly discussion.
Once the system is in place changing the make up the cards would be simple and is allowed the way the legislation is written so the discussion is prudent.
The phone book reference is just silly.

How is it just silly. I'm telling you that they can find me any time they want and I absolutely do not care if they know where I have been. Hell, I'll tell them.

The reason for that is because I have sense enough to know that they don't care what I do.

Is irrational paranoia redundant?

I know you will have a silly rebuttal ad nauseum, so go ahead and we will end this as neither of us has anything new to say.

It is obvious you have no tactical knowledge as far as mapping subversives or an understanding of history or you would realize the the dangers of a uniformed and data based state sponsored ID that can also be made ground trackable.

You can call people paranoid all you like but they can easily retaliate by calling you naive and ignorant of history. Were the people that warned the citizens of Germany that the Nazi party posed a dire threat to their freedom paranoid?
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Originally Posted by alan
Some might put it as follows. The DHS could well turn out to be, if it has not already become, one of the greatest threats to the individual liberties of Americans in their own country. For instance, as Mr. Byrne asks, would someone please define "official purposes", including all the wonderous and perhaps gory details of the term.

That is my real objection to this whole thing, alan.

According to the legislation that was passed and signed, that little phrase on the extent of the Secretary of Homeland Defense, "and other purposes," gives a very wide latitude for what this ID may eventually be used for. It isn't at all constrained by the simple wording of what it may be used for at the start, as those "other purposes" are not defined.
Al Norris

In his response to my post, see above, Antipitas called attention to an interesting "term of art" in enacted legislation, that being "and for other purposes". If the following is a bit off pouint, bear with me for a moment, this "for other purposes" has appeared elsewhere, in the most objectionable legislative double-talk such as offered by Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, in H.R. 1022, the so called Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization. There also, strange isn't, the term "and for other purposes" appears, these "other purposes" remaining oh so conveniently undefined.

Then there is, respecting this Real ID Act, as Mr. Byrne notes, see his Letter To Editor, another interesting term of art, this being "official purposes", which strange to note are also undefined. At the risk of some bringing out the tinfoil lined hats, or making reference to the wearing thereof, as we have previously seen, the ongong use of overly broad, or openended, UNDEFINED terminology used to grant all manner of power to bureaucratic agencies is more than a little troubling to me, and it would appear, to others too.
no tactical knowledge as far as mapping subversives

No. Just saying that I am not a subversive. If I was, I would be against real ID cards.

the citizens of Germany that the Nazi party posed a dire threat to their freedom paranoid?

I see nothing in common with the leaders of this country, as many faults as they may have, and Hitler. It would suit me if a real ID card could keep track of neo nazis.
No. Just saying that I am not a subversive. If I was, I would be against real ID cards.

Nice underhanded try at tarring everybody who thinks Real ID might be a bad idea.

Saw on Yahoo news today they are touting new border ID checks as keeping illegals and terrorists out of our country. Now they ask for additional ID at the border checkpoints. OK, well...

They interviewed some lady in her car who said it was great to have additional security to "protect us".

We all know there's no legitimate counter viewpoint, because y'all said so.

'cuz, y'know, it's not as if people can just run across anywhere along the 100's of miles of open border or anything :rolleyes:
as a national security issue why ...

do all these programs require we pay for the special id. If this is such a national priority and of such significance why are all these special ids having to be issued through some private contractor that get paid by the government to run the program and by the person needing the id?

Oh yes you are an American if you pay for the id to prove it.
I see nothing in common with the leaders of this country, as many faults as they may have, and Hitler. It would suit me if a real ID card could keep track of neo nazis. you are all for removing the libertires of other people as long as it targets people you don't care for regardless of the fact that doing so also destroys your own personal freedom. talk about not seeing beyond the end of your nose.

PS: If I may ask, how old are you ZeroJunk? I ask because your responses wreak of inexperience and a lack of historical reference.
PBP. I'm 54. I have a degree in biology from UNC. I was a manufacturers rep in the electrical industry for 30 years and have had my butt stuck in about every city in the country, and a few in Canada. I made enough money to retire so now I can sit around and aggravate you on the internet.

Hope the boogey man doesn't get you.
“You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered.” ~ Lyndon Johnson

To preempt the LBJ is the devil argument:
You may think that LBJ should have heeded his own warning, but that does not make the statement any less true.
ZeroJunk, I think it must've been that Canadian water... haha... Those Canadians... :barf:

I don't think it has anything to do with your age. I just don't agree with you.
Let it Bleed offered, quoting LBJ:

“You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered.” ~ Lyndon Johnson

To preempt the LBJ is the devil argument:
You may think that LBJ should have heeded his own warning, but that does not make the statement any less true.


While some would endow LBJ with civil rights sainthood, that view is NOT universally accepted, for among other things. the late Mr. Johnson pushed for what he referenced as a NATIONAL SULLIVAN LAW. While we didn't quite get that, we did get the Gun Control Act of 1968, which in my view was quite bad enough, thank you oh so much.

44capnball offered among other points, the following:
they interviewed, I wonder as to who "they" might be, some lady in her car who said it was great to have additional security to "protect us".


Re this, the phrase attributed to Nicoli Lenin, USEFULL IDIOTS comes to mind.

In the words of John Donne, who predated Hemingway by a hellish long time, Send Not To Know For Whom The Bell Tolls, It Tolls For Thee.