Real ID coming soon

OK, here's a question. With the caveat that there is just about nothing that I agree with the Democrats about, would it not be true that there is less chance for a Real ID with a Dem in the White House? Since they are in favor of everybody just wandering into our country (to vote for them) doesn't it make sense that they would be the first to unravel the 911-inspired big brother moves by George and the boys to figure who belongs here and who doesn't? True, we may not have guns and our economy may crumble under the weight of the cost of illegals, but I think they would kill the Real ID. BTW, I am open to being wrong on this, so enlighten me if you think I am. (Also, this is NOT a reason to vote Democratic IMO).

While some would endow LBJ with civil rights sainthood, that view is NOT universally accepted, for among other things. the late Mr. Johnson pushed for what he referenced as a NATIONAL SULLIVAN LAW. While we didn't quite get that, we did get the Gun Control Act of 1968, which in my view was quite bad enough, thank you oh so much.
My intent was to try and prevent veering off topic in a debate over LBJ. :rolleyes:

In fact, the quote supports the contention that one must scrutinize legislation for possible negative consequences. That was the only point I was trying to make.:)
Let it Bleed writes:

My intent was to try and prevent veering off topic in a debate over LBJ.

In fact, the quote supports the contention that one must scrutinize legislation for possible negative consequences. That was the only point I was trying to make.


It was NOT my intention to become involved in or to start any sort of debate over LBJ, who has long since gone on to his just rewards, whatever they might be.

As to your reference to Johnson's observation, like or dislike the man, he was most certainly correct on that point. It also seems that respecting legislation, room for abuse is never left long unoccupied.


As to your expectation regarding the Democrats "taking apart Real ID", were I you, I would not bet anything on that that I could not live comfortably without. If I may point out the following for your attention. Your Social Security Number, something that, it was promised by FDR, would never be used for anything other than Social Security purposes, he was the first to break that promise, a promise made by Democrats, one what has many more times been broken by administrations mostly Democratic. Think about that when you have a moment.
CLM writes:

What is Real ID? I've never heard of it.


In addition to references already provided, you might trry the following. Go to In the search field, type in Real ID Act of 2005. There are a significant number of references there.

Antipitas offered the following in his response. You might take a look at these links also, perhaps first.

Real ID Cards, a threat to our way of life!

National ID Card

Real ID = Real destruction of freedom
I'm still curious as to what is a worse threat to our way of life.

Ten to twenty million llegal aliens with no good way to tell who they are. Or, a pretty innocuous ID card.
Zerojunk, the ID cards are not going to stop, let alone stem the tide of illegals crossing the border. That's a fantasy. They (the ID's) will be forged, that's a given. Making a document proof against forgery or counterfitting is an impossible dream.

Then there is the whole open-ended thing about its ultimate use. Not only can the Secretary of DHS mandate what its uses might be, the Sec. can, at any time, mandate what information is contained within the ID itself. It's written right into the law. You would know this, if you read the bill.

Now add to this, that there is nothing within the Constitution that allows for this type of Federal Power. Don't quote me the commerce clause, as that's been stretched so thin, it's in tatters.
We have credit cards that are extremely hard to forge, even if they are a collection of smaller data bases. Like Newt says, let American Express handle it. If illegals have to have an ID card to work, they won't come. And, they will leave.

I agree if a terrorist wants to forge one card and has the money to pay an engineer he can probably do it. But, a bunch of peasants aren't going to forge anything on any scale.

As far as some secret agenda, that gets in to the hypothetical which conspiracy theorists have so much fun with.

Don't get me wrong. I don't particularly like the ID either. But, to just toss off any use as a tool to identfy illegal aliens in this country and make it difficult for them to earn a living is unreasonable.

I'm still curious as to what is a worse threat to our way of life.

Ten to twenty million llegal aliens with no good way to tell who they are. Or, a pretty innocuous ID card.
Like I suspected all along. Your support of national ID couldn't possibly be based on a true belief that they are not a threat to people's freedom and privacy. Your last few posts clearly indicate that you just consider it the lesser of two evils when compared to those evil "illegals." :rolleyes:

Hate to break it to you. Once they have us all locked into carrying our cards and an open door to make them mandatory for every aspect of life, they will still allow illegals into the country to do dirty work. Maybe even start a guest visa program that negates the whole idea that national ID would stop illegal immigration. They could easily stop them now simply by enforcing currnt lws if they chose to do so.

I knew no one could be deliberately ignorant enough to ignore the historical FACT that any government that is given too much power will abuse that power.

I may be. One thing you will find out when you grow up is that people that disagree with you on something aren't necessarily so. And the dumber you are the more sure you are of what you believe.

those evil "illegals."

BTW They don't bother me. Reality is that you would have a recession from hell if you sent them all back. But, that is beyond your emotional response to everything. Point I was making is that if not for illegal occupants of this country there would be no point in an ID card.
Passing more laws for Criminals to follow?

How about we secure the border? How about we end "sanctuary cities" How about we deport illegals as they come in contact with the system. How about we streamline the migrant worker system so we can get the needed workers for our harvests in a timely fashion. Then if doing these simple things fails, investigate the real ID. Remember, Man making real ID = fallible.
I still think that idea about nuking the RFID with the pizza is pretty nifty! Oh, who's to say that the Real IDs not working won't be used as a stepping stone to put microchips under our skin? Are you OK with that there Zero Junk? Would it bother you to be tracked 24/7 if desired by the government just so illegals won't come here? If we wanted to enforce the border, we could. Mount a Mah Deuce every 1000yds with a guard and a night scope.
Oh Just Quit Your Crying! Drop Your Shorts , You may feel a little sting as I insert the Chip!

There VIN 222-222-222-08 That wasn't so bad was it?:eek:
stepping stone to put microchips under our skin? Are you OK with that there Zero Junk? Would it bother you to be tracked 24/7 if desired by the government just so illegals won't come here?

The only reason I got in to this thread was an in vain attempt to explain why the 24/7 surveillance is not possible and and the physics that limits it. Was a waste of my time.

The part about illegal immigrants is because that is the public outcry that is driving the whole concept.

The slippery slope to an injected chip argument is more to coalesce the dim witted against a "Real ID". Even the most staunch supporters of the idea wouldn't go for that.

I have been in this to discuss how it could work and how it couldn't work. If it appears I was a proponent or not it is your reading something that is not there. Saying something can work a certain way is not a suggestion that it should work that way.

Most of you cannot have that type discussion without some emotional reaction overtaking your ability to make your case.
national ID card by Homeland Security

ZeroJunk maybe I missed the updated announcement from Chirtoff. His ID plan has been promoted as a way to protect us from terrorist not illegals. The illegals part was a secondary reason.

Chirtoff big point is that Americans have to many acceptable Ids they can use and its t hard for his agency to know which ones are good. Chirtoff totaly blows of the use of a passport in-lieu-of his plan. . I wonder why?
See, it matters not rather it is only trackable at 10, 20, or 30'. The thing is that if they do away with cash and just use the Real IDs to save us money they can track our every move to a T everytime we purchase something. Of course if the chip were injected into us, if we got out of line they could just turn the chip off. Zero Junk, I understand that you are trying to see both sides of the story. In my opinion, there are so many possiblities for tyranny that exist with this Real ID that yes, I can see the other side, yet I am a staunch objector to the whole notion, and believe it not only my right, but my duty to speak out against the whole concept.
I may be. One thing you will find out when you grow up is that people that disagree with you on something aren't necessarily so. And the dumber you are the more sure you are of what you believe.
I do not believe I ever used the word "dumb." I said ignorant which is completely different thing and appropriate for a situation where one ignores the lessons of history.
BTW They don't bother me.
You post about which is the greater "threat" implies otherwise.
You post about which is the greater "threat" implies otherwise.

I make my living off the stock market. Deporting the millions of illegal aliens will hurt the stock market because it is simply bad for business. Deporting them will cost me money.

But, the overall consensus on this forum and the non-Latino population in general would be to deport them if possible just as sure as the turning of the Earth.

Unlike you, I actually examine both sides of things and not necessarily what is good for me.

And, it is the only logic I can find to support a real ID.