Pick your candidate 08!

Pick your Canidate

  • McCain

    Votes: 79 59.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • None of them, they are all crooks.

    Votes: 17 12.7%
  • I will write in for Ron Paul

    Votes: 27 20.1%

  • Total voters
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Might not have to write in Ron Paul in. He might be the only one on the ballot.

The majority of the American people will not vote for RP. He couldn't even get enough votes to beat McCain. No way can he beat Hillary or Obama.
The majority of the American people will not vote for RP. He couldn't even get enough votes to beat McCain. No way can he beat Hillary or Obama.

your probably right, I see die hard republicans voteing for Hillary or Obama. Because they are just like Mccain.

Ron Paul is not a liar, So he won't get any votes.

Good Luck with that
Based on Rev. Wrights newest comments this morning at the press breakfast, I would say the Hillary team is surely paying him a fee. With Wright around Hillary doesn't need to worry about giving Obama bad press, the Reverend will take care of that for her.
It makes me wonder how far out on the looney left you must be in order to think that Wright is helping Obama. Keep talking, brother, keep talking.
Keep talking, brother, keep talking.

Yes. I sure we all knew Wright would be a problem from day one (no Hillary pun intended), but I thought maybe the Obama camp could keep more of a lid on the Rev. Now the problem has gotten bigger. I noticed something tonight on several news shows. Now even some black news contributors are starting to say that Obama needs to do something about the Wright issue.

This is how I see the Wright issue at this point. Obama had a good chance to distance himself in his Philly speech. But he left a window open for Wright. And on top of that I think Wright likes all the media attention, no matter that is is hurting Obama. If Obama comes down the wrong way he will lose black votes, if he doesn't it's really going to cause some (Dem's) to start seeing Hillary as the best choice. This might even be the key for some super-delegates.

Added: I thought Wright's NAACP speech was not too damaging, but his press breakfast speech was disaster. The more air time he gets the worse it gets. Even as McCain supporter I didn't think the Wright issue would grow to this level, but real life is stranger than fiction.

Also, from a new poll.
Well okay, here is a paragraph from Wright's speech to the NAACP. I want to focus on the middle paragraph, but just to prove I'm not pulling anything out of context, I've added the paragraph before and after.

We are committed to changing the way we treat each other. The way we treat the latest immigrants because everybody in here who's not an Indian do be an immigrant. Some of you all came on a decks of ship and some of us came on the bows and hauls of the ship, but we all are immigrants. The way we treat non Christians and folks who don't believe what we believe, we're committed to changing the way we treat each other. The way Sunis treat Shiites, the way Orthodox Jews treat reformed Jews. The way church folk treat other church folk. The way speakers of English treat speakers of Arabic -- Maasalam al hal.

Please run and tell my stuck on stupid friends that Arabic is a language, it's not a religion. Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Barack HUSSEIN Obama! They are Arabic-speaking Christians, Arabic-speaking Jews and Arabic speaking atheists. Arabic is a language, it's not a religion. Stop trying to scare folks by giving them an Arabic name as if it's some sort of a disease.

Same people thought that the Irish had a disease. When the Irish came here. Did you hear my me O'Malley? O'Reilly? They thought you were - well they might have been might, the way we treat each other, many of us are committed to changing the way we treat each other. The way Christians treat you. The way straights treat gays. We are committed to changing the way we treat each other. And we are committing number four to changing the way we mistreat each other. We can do better, you all. There is a higher standard, you all. We know that and we are stretching to reach that standard. I believe a change is going to come because many of us are committed to changing how we see others who are different.

Later on, when I was flipping through the cable news channels, I inevitably got to the O'Reilly Factor, where Bill was at it again, making all sorts of bad arguments against everything. (Regardless of whether you agree with his conclusions, the man almost never makes logical sense. Then if or when it's obvious that he's losing, he'll just shut the opponent up by yelling louder.) It occurred to me that Bill won't even take the time to read through a speech - probably choosing instead to find some intern to pull out the most inflammatory stuff. Otherwise, Bill would have spotted the direct swipe at him.

But back to the middle paragraph. There are many on the board - not just myself - who get pissed off when someone deliberately points out Obama's middle name simply for the sake of painting him as some sort of evil Muslim.

Barack Obama's associations with shady people does damage his character. However, there are so many, many things beyond not wearing an American Flag pin, or having Hussein as a middle name, or even having Jeremiah Wright as a (former) pastor. Obama is on the fringes of the left; he is a protectionist and a socialist. He has a very distorted view (or lack) of how global economics works. He is anti-gun rights.

Digging for all these skeletons, while valid, will prompt digging around McCain's shady past. Back to square one. If the discussion finally - if ever - gets back to the issues, then maybe the American voting public will see that voting for Obama is not what anyone was really asking for. Hope. Change. ....Issues?
There are many on the board - not just myself - who get pissed off when someone deliberately points out Obama's middle name simply for the sake of painting him as some sort of evil Muslim.

I can agree with you. I said as strong as I could on another thread that I think the name game is wrong and counter productive. What his parents named him means nothing to me, it's his left wing politics that I am concerned about. I will go a step further. Using someones name to create prejudice is not a game I want to join.
This forum can take pleasure in the knowledge that it has contributed to me becoming more liberal than I ever thought possible. Assuming a positive result in Heller, I will be voting for Obama. A negative result in Heller will mean a write-in for Ron Paul but I have a good feeling about the court.
There are many on the board - not just myself - who get pissed off when someone deliberately points out Obama's middle name simply for the sake of painting him as some sort of evil Muslim.

Yeah I get tired of people looking at me as if I am evil just because my name is Hitler.
I think Rev. Wright should get all the air time he wants. Nothing is better for McCain's campaign than Rev. Wright. And Wright says he has a book deal in the works too. I can't wait......
Ron Paul is not a liar, So he won't get any votes.

Never said he was a liar. Some if his ideas are good but some of his ideas mark him as looney tunes in most voters eyes.
Never said he was a liar. Some if his ideas are good but some of his ideas mark him as looney tunes in most voters eyes.

I know you didn't I was just stating that Ron Paul is an honest Politician.

Americans are not use to that. The media are the one's that say he is looney. But In my book, he is the only choice. If you really want change.

Hillary,Obama,and Mccain are all the same. Were f_cked which either one gets elected. But there is still hope.The republican party is finding it very difficult to shut Ron Paul down.

CNN yesterday
Keep dreamin bro. Look at the poll results on this topic. 62 will vote for McCain, 20 will write in RP. The real world will have about the same results.

Don't choke on your Kool Aid.:D
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