Pick your candidate 08!

Pick your Canidate

  • McCain

    Votes: 79 59.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • None of them, they are all crooks.

    Votes: 17 12.7%
  • I will write in for Ron Paul

    Votes: 27 20.1%

  • Total voters
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I voted for none of the above, mostly because I'm so disapointed in McCain. Been a Republican for years, but I'm starting to think the Dumbocrats picked McCain for us. Look how great the Dems treat him, how many bills they share with him, (McCain/Kennedy comes to mind) just how many Dems have glowing things to say about him. Limbaugh is going on and on about who would be easier to beat, Clinton or Obama, I'm starting to wonder if McCain was picked because the Dems thought McCain would be the easiest to beat. Look how McCain reacted when the ad came out with the Right Rev Wright in North Carolina. He's on the phone telling the RNC "Don't run the ad, it's not right to attack the Democrats" Once the Dems are done duking it out, the kid gloves are gonna be off, and McCain is not going to know what hit him.
You mean accomodating a racsit, antisemitic loon ineffective loon like Ron paul?
No, by accommodating members of the Republican party (and possibly some undecided independents) who want a government that pays attention to the constitution.

WA, when you are making rants against Ron Paul, please eliminate your typos. It will make you seem so much more intelligent.:rolleyes:
WA, when you are making rants against Ron Paul, please eliminate your typos. It will make you seem so much more intelligent.

Actually, it won't. Anyone calling Ron Paul a racist is not going to come off as intelligent.

Assuming McCain is the Republic nominee, I will be voting for him over either Obama or Clinton. I'm too much a one-issue voter to abandon our best chance to get pro-RKBA Supreme Court justices nominated, and our only chance to veto a new AWB.

And, I'm not going to write in a vote for Paul just to spite the anti-Pauls. I certainly don't want to emulate the anti-Pauls who put him down just because they don't like his supporters. :rolleyes:
Silver Bullet, I usually ignore typos and misspellings, accepting them as par for the course for quick Internet communication, although i; myselve, has nevre mdae a singal mistake. (I tend to make them in multiples:)).
My comment was really a subtle (perhaps too subtle) critique of the rant itself.
The rant that is obvious to those of us not afflicted with Paulitis...

Something those afflicted with Obamitis don't recognize either.

You are judged by the company you keep. Perfuming one pig in the barnyard doesn't hide the stink :)

WildclearandpresentdangerAlaska TM

PS...I gots me an intemittent Wireless Router so my typos are caused by fear of disconnect and the resultant anomie caused thereby

But enough of Paul:)
After I let the steam settle, realized I will vote for McCain, because I don't want to see the democrats in. He still frustrates the daylights out of me, and I still stand by my earlier statements.
Yea, as a Paul supporter I intend to vote for McCain, whether he likes it or not!

But it won't matter. Obama will win in November. Good news is, it won't matter. The only thing that will change under an Obama presidency will be an increase in the highest income tax bracket. Everything else will remain status quo.
You mean accomodating a racsit, antisemitic loon ineffective loon like Ron paul?

You want the repubs to act like Democrats? Accomodating every lunatic fringe out there....?

Thats the type of systems that give you the Obamas, who, IMHO is as loony, rascist and antisemitic as Goosestepping Ronnie.....

I cannot see the need for calling candidates or opposing view points racist, loons, etc, appears to me very immature and certainly hurts boards like this and sometimes the owners have no choice but shutting down LP which would be a shame.
I do not like any of the three top candidates but never feel the need for name calling, that ceased after grade school.
The only thing that will change under an Obama presidency will be an increase in the highest income tax bracket. Everything else will remain status quo.

Beyond erasing the Bush tax cuts for the rich Obama will have a sympathetic congress to enact much of his agenda. The Republicans will be little more than a speed bump in the road. First he will start the end of the useless war in Iraq. Heck maybe by bringing an end to the Iraq fiasco he will be able to boost the troop level in Afghanistan to take out the Taliban and Al-Queida once and for all. Foregin leader will be far more interested in working with him, so I would not be surprised to see a increase help from other nations on the war on terror. Something the current administration seems to have forgotten about. On Domestic issues he will have his hands full in trying the right all the wrongs the Bush administration has done in 8 years. Not sure if he will be able to fix the entire mess in four years, but hopefully able steer the ship on a new course. Actually I don't really see him as a bad President, he will be vilified on this board, but in reality I believe the majority of Americans will like him as President.
it's small wonder really why neither party has to field a good candidate..because most of you don't DEMAND one. You are only too quick to vote for the one you view as the "lesser of two evils" instead of forcing the parties to give you a better choice. If the parties don't have to give you a pro-freedom candidate..guess what...they won't. And you will do like you have always done..pick the piece of crap that you think stinks the least. Good pick. Some of you really make me sick.

What the hell are my soldiers and I bothering to fight for your freedom when you are so willing to piss it away?
I do not like any of the three top candidates but never feel the need for name calling, that ceased after grade school.

really? What do you call the reverend Wright? Angry? What do you call Don Black? Concerned? What do you call politicos that ally themselves with such?

I call a spade a spade and since half of the 4 Im referring to are white (O pardon me I mean "Nordic") I guess that I don't have to worry about the PC police..:)

WildtheyarewhattheyareAlaska TM
What the hell are my soldiers and I bothering to fight for your freedom when you are so willing to piss it away?

So we are "pissing" our "freedoms" away because we don't think like you? Unless we vote for *let me guess who* we are evidently, scum in your eyes?

Hey your service (commendable and I thank you) does'nt give you the moral high ground to dictate to the rest of us what freedom is. Furthermore you aren't fighting for "freedom".... you are doing the duty that your nation has asked you to do (and you agreed to accept when you signed up) for the purposes that your nation believes are necessary....in this case appropriate projection of power.

Wild:cool:Alaska TM
WA, y'know, I was gonna try to reply, something about no need to be obnoxious (which you seem to enjoy), but I think I'll just settle for using your sig line; "More and more however I find myself with better things to do than trying to teach opera to pigs, or change minds that are already closed."

Say good night, Gracie
So we are "pissing" our "freedoms" away because we don't think like you? Unless we vote for *let me guess who* we are evidently, scum in your eyes?
does'nt give you the moral high ground to dictate to the rest of us what freedom is.
Wild, You missed Danzig's point entirely. Go take your afternoon nap, then come back and read his post again.
A protest vote for Ron Paul is really a vote for OBAMA. And OBAMA wants the following:

* Nationwide Ban on Concealed Weapons permits.

* Prohibit sale and transfer of Semi-automatic weapons.

* Ban on Hi-capacity magazines.

* Assualt Weapons Ban.

* Taxed and Serial numbered Ammo.

* One gun per month.

So vote for Ron Paul. I hope you like the results when McCain loses by a small margin.
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