Pick your candidate 08!

Pick your Canidate

  • McCain

    Votes: 79 59.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • None of them, they are all crooks.

    Votes: 17 12.7%
  • I will write in for Ron Paul

    Votes: 27 20.1%

  • Total voters
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A protest vote for Ron Paul is really a vote for OBAMA.

No, I don't think you understand what the Republicans are saying, because if you did you would understand that a vote for Ron Paul is inconsequential. The opinion of the Republican party is that Ron Paul voters do not exist statistically. There are so few of them that their participation in the election is unnecessary for a McCain victory. If that is correct, then a vote for Ron Paul will not affect outcome one way or another.

You can't have it both ways. To say a vote for Paul is a vote for Obama means that the vote is important. The Republicans have been saying for months that Paul votes don't matter.
Are we REALLY doing the RP thing AGAIN???? REALLY???

Back to the 'you hate the constitution if you didn't vote Paul';"you don't want liberty, freedom, etc.' rhetorical pretense is what REPELLED people more then Paul did. REMEMBER??

Now the Strormfront mantras of 'We'll teach the Republican party' and 'burn it all down till they pick our candidate' and 'they'll respect us after 4 dem years'. Realize it or not PAUL IS NO LONGER A CANDIDATE.

People CAN be reverent of liberty, the Constitution, et al and NOT vote Paul. The Paul supporters have no more claim to disenfranchisement due to Paul not winning as the Huckabee, Thompson, etc. supporters do. The distasteful, condescending, and at times violent behavior of his supporters did more to hurt Paul's campaign as anything.

Vote for whomever you want. That's your right, but get over yourselves. Paul wasn't martyred, he simply failed to lead. Step one in leadership is influence and his long record and now 2 presidential campaigns have borne out a lack of ability to do so.

What's worrisome is the potential for another Constitutionalist candidate with real leadership ability being shot down by having the 'Paul II' label stuck of him and having to deal with all this nonsense before ever being seen individually.

Lastly, I keep hearing Paul supporters saying they are annoyed that they are statistically insignificant and when (if) McCain loses they will be shown to be significant after all. Well, 2 things about that. First, will you embrace being insignificant when (if) he wins? And second, do you realize that is virtually verbatim from StormFront's approach to this election?

If all the Huckabee supporters vote for him as a write in it would do more damage. Same with groups such as Christians or Jewish people. Ready to give them that higher status?

Paul didn't make a dent in the primary's. Neither did Thompson or Giuliani. Paul supporters are only special in that some of them harbor more hostility and resentment then the others. The associations Paul has share those attributes.

I hate them all except Ron Paul
....bout sums it up for the mindset....and the associations there to.
Ron Paul haters, please forget RP for a moment and address my points from post 14.
Being in Demofornia, a vote for anyone but a Democrat will be a wasted vote, so I have the luxury of voting my conscience.
However, if it really counted, I would probably vote for the Dem. My reasoning is that the Republicans in Congress would be more likely to fight the bad stuff that President Democrat would do, but would probably go along with the bad stuff that President McCain would do. Then, I'm "hope"ful for a backlash in '12 to track back toward Constitutional principles.

Edited to add: Notice that I didn't mention Paul at all in that post.
While I am pleased to see that at this time about 32% aren't willing to accept the swill the the two encumbent parties are churning out, I am disappointed that about 68% of you are resigned (and in some cases EAGER) to drink the statist kool-aid produced by the democrat and republican parties. You should be ashamed.
So, Bruxley, does the Republican party want Stormfronters and Ron Paul voters to vote for McCain, or not? I can't tell from your previous post.
Bruxley, I wouldn't say
'you hate the constitution if you didn't vote Paul'
but, as I HAVE said before, the Constitution is not your top priority. Something else is. Maybe it was Paul's stance on the war, maybe it was WA's "Paul's a racist" theory, maybe it was "let's find someone electable (whether they violate the Constitution or not)" but it's not the Constitution.

And, as I have also said before, it's not about Paul, it's about following the Constitution. WE need to quit accepting those politicians who do not, instead of selecting the one who might violate it the least.

Wow, since we are now into deja vu... Countdown to Closure....
For all those bitching about the two party system, you do know that you can vote third party. No one is forcing you to vote for a Dem or Republican. Wait a minute is there even a third party worth voting for? ****... might as well stay home, and bitch to the dog.
08 President

They don't get any worse for the gun folks than Obama and Clinton. McCain is the ONLY chance we have this year of a possible non-hostile administration being elected. Yes - Ron Paul, etc. are more to my liking, but a vote for them is helping the Democrats win the White House. Don't waste your vote to make a point. Let's push for a good pro-gun VP - that's our best possible scenerio this time around.
Arabia & Tenusdad, Could you 2 have a little conference and come to a common conclusion? Am I allowed to vote elsewhere, or not? Sheesh
But, my dear Arabia, we have been critizied for NOT voting within the 2 parties, specifically for McCain.

My dear miboso, you have criticized people for voting for the two parties, and people who support McCain.

Could you 2 have a little conference and come to a common conclusion? Am I allowed to vote elsewhere, or not? Sheesh

Miboso, Nice changing your post.
You can vote any where you want too. You just have to gain citizenship in the country before hand. Might take a few years to vote but I heard Canada has more political parties than the USA. Might be a good idea to move then you won't have to deal with us that vote it the two parties. Oh wait...in actuality there are only two major parties in Canada.
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08 President

The folks that voted for Ralph Nadar probably put George Bush in office. The folks that vote for Paul or anyone else who has not realistic chance may help put Obama/Clinton in. Vote for whoever you like, that's the American way, but do not complain if throwing away your vote causes us all to lose our guns.
do not complain if throwing away your vote causes us all to lose our guns
#1. If John (get the money out of politics, where's my money) McCain loses, you also will have thrown your vote away. Any vote not for the winner is a wasted vote.
#2. If our guns cannot survive a term or 2 of a Democrat liberal president (as opposed to a Republican liberal president), then we are already a lost cause.
#3 If I shouldn't complain later, you please quit complaining about us non-McCain voters now.
But it won't matter. Obama will win in November. Good news is, it won't matter. The only thing that will change under an Obama presidency will be an increase in the highest income tax bracket. Everything else will remain status quo.

Now that's funny, I don't care who ya are.:D:D:D

Dream on bro, dream on.
Ok, ok, you convinced me. I'll be practical, too. I'll vote for the Democrat. Since votes are not to be wasted, and I am in California, it's the practical thing to do.:D
Write in for Ron Paul beats Obama and None when I voted. I can't really imagine Hillary getting many votes on this forum, can you:rolleyes:
Ok, ok, you convinced me. I'll be practical, too. I'll vote for the Democrat. Since votes are not to be wasted, and I am in California, it's the practical thing to do.
Worn out from all the hatin'
You're going to vote for the Democrat because you're in California? What happened in 1980? If you went for California, you went for Reagen, who was Republican. If you went for Democrat, you went for Carter, who was Georgia. What does California have to do with a Democrat? Isn't Arnold Republican, at least in name? The only thing California has to do with Democrats is a bunch of loonie actors who think they belong in politics. (I include Pelosi in this one.)
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