Pick your candidate 08!

Pick your Canidate

  • McCain

    Votes: 79 59.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • None of them, they are all crooks.

    Votes: 17 12.7%
  • I will write in for Ron Paul

    Votes: 27 20.1%

  • Total voters
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well if mccain is allowed to run. Even though he has broken 2 laws , one of them is his own law. And he lies or forgets what he says from day to day. Remember "Becareful what you wish for" Because kool aid might be all you can afford with your man in office.

You can have him. I allready have my bumper stickers ready to print.

I guess Winston Churchill was right. If you're under 30 and not a liberal you have no heart, if you're over 30 and not a conservative you have no mind.
....with who I'm voting FOR really being a much lower concern.

That's a main reason why our country is in a mess right now.

Even on a typically conservative forum such as this one, John McCain can muster only 60% of the vote.
Hawg Haggen
Keep dreamin bro. Look at the poll results on this topic. 62 will vote for McCain, 20 will write in RP. The real world will have about the same results.

62% for McCain in a Gen. Election? I will be quite surprised if he gets above 45%.

Hawg Haggen
I guess Winston Churchill was right. If you're under 30 and not a liberal you have no heart, if you're over 30 and not a conservative you have no mind.

RP is the most Conservative of the candidates and his followers are the most conservative people I have ever met. It is the McCain voters I don't consider as Conservative.
RP is the most Conservative of the candidates and his followers are the most conservative people I have ever met. It is the McCain voters I don't consider as Conservative.

Interesting use of words. The worship does explain the behavior. Also explains how supporters of a candidate that dropped out 2 months ago came cry RESURRECTION at a 16% showing. Paul can't close, his message is strong visa vis the potency of the Constitution NOT because of Paul. This isn't Paul's brainchild or in any way empowered by Paul. Paul has had 20 years. In that time he has succeeded in........(a little help here)........well he has succeeded in getting his followers to (consciously or not) begin manifesting Stormfront's 'burn down the house' stradegy. "We will burn down the house of the Republican party until they nominate a 'real' conservative." is very near a direct quote folks. Do you realize who's talking points your repeating and who's tactics you are performing? Is it just a coincidence? Review this thread from MID JANUARY (about Iowa caucus time) and really pay attention to the parallels and note the behavior of Paul 'followers' today. http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=276838&highlight=ron+paul+don+black
Here is what Stormfront (whom Paul 'followers' claim Paul is just coincidentally connected) was saying THEN. Before McCain was the presumed nominee, even before McCain was even showing any promise. That thread was started and Stormfront's own words documented from an audio feed linked in the thread:
-The 'neocon' boogey man that is conspiring to bring about the defeat of Paul and the US
-The 'a vote for anyone but Paul is unpatriotic'
-Sanity insists Paul be supported
-If Paul doesn't get the nomination the Republican party should be torn down
-No 'pro-jew' wars
-Make the Republican party know they will be attacked without our (Paul supporters) support under the 'no more lesser of two evils' logic. No Republican vote until they put up a 'patriot'.
-recruit others to the 'cause' using those arguments to garner 'outside' numbers.
-virulent opposition of McCain (I don't know why McCain is singled out)
-Glorification of Thomas Jefferson as he 'recognized' the inferiority of blacks and the mandate of liberty. He 'understood'. (Apparently he wrote about such an ideology)
-Lincoln was THE scourge to liberty and the most unpatriotic President.

Here it is 4 months later and WOW the parrallels...........

Be careful who you suddenly discover yourself associated with. These folks are cowards and wouldn't actually proclaim their affiliations.

"just because I support the same points of view as the Soviet Union and the ideas it esposes doesn't make me a communist or communist sympathizer.":rolleyes:
Who dropped out 2 months ago? You need to stop listening to the main stream media. Ron Paul never dropped out. That's what the Republicrats want you to think.
I find it hard to believe that 9% of the readers of this forum have voiced preference for Clinton or Obama, both of whom are not merely not pro-gun, but are militantly gun grabbers. I find it hard to reconcile someone interested enough in guns, and in looking at this particular forum, and yet willing to vote Democrat. As to the Ron Paul crowd, its been said before, but I'll say it again, voting for him is the same as voting Democrat. You can delude yourself all day and night, but there is ZERO chance of his winning, and if he can't win then it is totally foolish to support him. This is an election coming up, not a poll on popularity of ideas. No Democrat supporter will vote for Paul, so every vote he gets is one less for McCain, which makes it the same AS ONE MORE VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS! God help us if even readers of this forum can't seem to understand that a vote for anyone but McCain is a move toward losing our guns and our 2nd Amendment rights.
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God help us if even readers of this forum can't seem to understand that a vote for anyone but McCain is a move toward losing our guns and our 2nd Amendment rights.

Your theory is based on the belief that McCain is better than Obama and Hillary. He isn't. McCain is a liberal. I am flabbergasted that any conservative would vote for him. If you think your guns are safe with McCain as president, then you may be unpleasantly surprised if McCain were to get elected.

As it is, McCain does not have the Conservative base. A Republican cannot win without the Conservatives behind him. McCain will lose this election. I knew that would be the case but the GOP put him forward as "their man" anyway. It's as if the GOP is not interested in winning this election.

So pardon us conservatives if we choose not to sell out our principles by voting for a liberal republican. If the Republican party wishes to remain a viable party, then I recommend they nominate conservatives rather than liberals.
I'm going to hold my nose and vote for McCain. As big a meatwhistle Rino he may be, I'd rather have him nominate the next couple of SCOTUS justices than the Hildebeast or Puff the Magic Negro.
God help us if even readers of this forum can't seem to understand that a vote for anyone but McCain is a move toward losing our guns and our 2nd Amendment rights.
Sorry dude, I'm not a one-issue voter. I can hide my guns.
If you think your guns are safe with McCain as president, then you may be unpleasantly surprised if McCain were to get elected.

McCain may regulate them more but he's not going to try to take them all away like Obama. Even Hillary doesn't want to go after ALL of them, just most of them. If the dems keep after each other like they are now I feel sure McCain will win. The only fly in the ointment might be if RP runs a third party ticket but I really don't think he'd get enough votes in the general election to make a difference unless it's a close race.
Okay, for those of you urging votes for McCain based on expected Supreme Court nominees, WHAT? Are you kidding me? Let's look at who the last Republican president with a Democrat senate was able to get onto the court. Anthony Kennedy.:barf:
Previously Reagan had promised a woman, so from that we got Sandra Day O'Connor, at best a 50/50 proposition.

Now, who is likely to leave in the next few years?
J. P. Stevens, age 88, liberal
R. B. Ginsburg, age 75, (what's the word beyond) liberal
Replacing either of these would be status quo.

For others who are in their early 70's, and more Constitutionalist than not, I would hope that they would stay a while for the good of the country.

The bottom line is McCain would not be able to get a decent appointee in, even allowing for the possibility that he would try. Given his legislative history, how can you even think that you could trust him to appoint along the lines of Thomas or Roberts.

But put a democrat in the white house, and the republican senate just might actually fight the appointments.
Now, who is likely to leave in the next few years?
J. P. Stevens, age 88, liberal
R. B. Ginsburg, age 75, (what's the word beyond) liberal
Replacing either of these would be status quo.

There's the problem that Bush's nominees have started to address, status quo liberalism in the Supreme Court.

McCain has promised constructionist nominees and whether you like what he does or not, he does what he says he will do.

Supreme Court Justices are the enduring impact of a Presidency. If McCain's nominees change their stripes once they get the job as other Republican President's nominees have that's one thing, but do you have any doubt that Obama or Clinton nominees WON'T be status quo liberal or are we COUNTING ON those Justices changing their stripes. Very bad bet.

Paul becoming President this cycle is simply NOT GOING TO HAPPEN as he isn't nominated and announced the end of his campaign for President in early March. Those claiming he didn't are wrong. He did. Denial of obvious fact is evidence of mental illness. Look it up HERE. The sources are so voluminous that it's like referencing the freezing temperature of water. 581,000 at the time of this post. It's not a conspiracy by the Republicrats, it's a reality.

It's best when making judgments on things with alot of variables to look at it from the worse case scenario. Let's say that the candidate elected performs the acts you most wish they wouldn't but were aware they either intended to or it matched their track records.

McCain allows the Bush tax cuts to expire and maintains the open border policies of today and even passes a 'carbon tax' . The result would be a failed re-election bid and a new crop of Republicans to choose from in 4 years that can cut taxes again and close the border. Essentially un-doing whatever McCain may do that his successor disapproves of and has mandate to accomplish.

Hillary or Obama (same platform with minor variances) you STILL get the taxes and illegal immigration PLUS more gun control AND socialized medicine. Probably in a seemingly benign form initially but the fix gets in. This single action will become an the entitlement program that makes Social Security look like small potatoes and will be impossible to undo. Social Security benefits are received by a few but health care is to be received by ALL. That's the promise of both Democrats. Imagine getting retirees to vote to have Social Security halted and their benefits ended. How much more difficult to have that happen when the entitlement is received by everyone.

It's time to look to our Congressional races. The reality is only your House Representative represent you and is expected to act based upon the will of the majority of individuals withing their district. Senators are to Represent their State's interest and the President the Nations interests. We are a Republic remember, NOT a Democracy as is so often misunderstood. We have a Democratically Elected Representative Republic which is a form of Democracy.

Remember, a straight DEMOCRACY cannot work because the citizens will discover the ability to vote themselves the wealth of the treasury (we call them entitlements) and destroy the democracy. Historically a dictator or invader follows soon after.

Reagan and Goldwater are still dead and their reincarnations didn't run this cycle. The conservative ideal still endures and will take a lot more then John McCain's election to stifle. It's not an 'idea' that can lose favor but rather an affirmation of the greater part of men that believes people can do far more then they think they can and possess a worth realized only be their OWN desire to excel rather then to languish.

When given a choice that is fraught with variables, make your decisions so as to maintain an exit strategy.
Will you get over this Paul hatred? It's not about Paul. I never thought that he would win It's about not encouraging the Republicans to keep going in their current direction.

And just to set the record straight, before Paul came on the scene, I was not going to vote for either of the big government parties, although I last registered as a Republican. So, it's not like "Paul lost, so I'm gonna pout". It's only because of Paul that I was coming back to the Repubs.

And it's because of you pro-McCain people (I know, you don't really like him, but you have to vote Republican) that I am seriously considering voting for whichever Dem is nominated. Does that count as 2 votes for the Dem? -Changing my vote from a write-in (= a vote for the Dems) to actually voting for the Dem; they gain one that they didn't have before, so I guess my vote counts twice by some of the logic I have seen here.:D
Hawg Haggen
McCain may regulate them more ...

I am perplexed... how can you support a candidate that will regulate your guns further??? Do you believe in the sanctity of the 2nd amendment?
I am perplexed... how can you support a candidate that will regulate your guns further??? Do you believe in the sanctity of the 2nd amendment?

I can support somebody that will regulate them further before I can vote for somebody that wants to take them away or give them a vote by voting for somebody that can't possibly win. Regulations can be deregulated later. Once they're taken away the chances of getting them back are slim to none. I don't care what anybody else says or what anybody else does but I will NOT do anything that puts somebody in the White house like Obama or Hillary. McCain is not my first choice either and yes he supports things I don't but he does beat the Hell out of the alternatives. Y'all that would rather vote for a dem than McCain or vote for somebody that has no chance just don't understand the consequences of having somebody like Obama or Hillary in charge with a democratic congress. McCain has liberal tendencies on some issues true but look at the alternatives. We can put McCain in now and vote him out in four years if somebody better comes along. If Hillary or Obama get elected you can look for eight years of their B.S. Plus all the long term damage they could do. McCain is the lesser of three evils. I am voting, not so much FOR him but AGAINST whoever he runs against.
Oh yes, the age old dilemma. Never goes away, does it?

Vote for the candidate that does the less harm, or vote your principle and waste your vote on a candidate that will not be elected-- and in the process help those who would do you the most harm.

I realize that votes cast on principle aren't wasted in the minds of those who cast them--- after all, they uphold one' principle, which, sometimes, for some of us, is more important than who wins the election.
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