I see the duck walk, and I hear the duck quack. But the duck swears it is not a duck.
If a cop walked into the restaurant carrying openly I would be comfortable with this- I know he has been trained.
Fine. Do you know whether he has a drug or alcohol problem or not? Lots of cops do...
You seem to be anxious about NDs in the restaurant from openly carried handguns. Why? If they never leave the holsters -- and they should not -- how are they going to go off?
And are you claiming that cops never have NDs? If we go into cop shooting ranges, will we not see holes in the ceilings?
I resent the suggestion I should turn in my permit- there are obviously people here who don't care about one basic freedom but not about another-freedom of speech and other people's right to having an opinion- I respect the fact that you have a contrary opinion even if I do not agree with it. Why can't you respect mine. I am not asking you to agree with me, just to debate with civility.
That was a right-fine speech right through the part where you attempt to deny him the legitimacy of his opinion even as you ask him to respect your opinion.
After all, he is expressing his opinion that people who think as you do are not really in the "pro-gun" camp. You espouse positions that align nicely with those of anti-gunners. Now you protest his opinion that this is the case, and call foul, claiming that you resent his suggestion? What,
you are entitled to the protection of your opinions, but he is
I agree with him. You have double-standards about guns and carry. You claim that cops don't worry you, but some guy carrying openly does, even though cops now and then are lawbreakers, drunks, drug addicts, just like any joe-schmoe. You claim that a guy carrying openly would make you so nervous you would leave, but you can manage to double-think yourself into being comfortable even if the same guy and all those around you were carrying guns you couldn't see and didn't know about.
He called you a duck, and you don't want to be found out as a duck, but it's not his fault that your waddling and quacking gave you away.