New members - please introduce yourselves here

Coming back to the fold...

Greetings all. I've been away for quite a while... don't have a good excuse. I felt I should start back here at the beginning if I'm going to continue as a conscientious poster. Good to be back.
Hello gunners...

Greetings. My name is Mike. I live in Kentucky and am a firearms enthusiast. I've always been into weapons in some shape or form. I'm always looking for info on guns as I always seem to come across good deals so I will probably wear you all out on questions and information. Anyways, glad to be here. Thanks.
Hi , New around here. Moved from CA to NC 8 years ago for several reasons Two of which was the draconian gun laws and the terrible political climate.'

Hello all! I have little to offer and much to learn, unfortunately. I have always been interested in firearms but my wife has been less than enthusiastic so it's always been something I've had to keep on the backburner. Recently, with the shooting at the Aurora movie theater here in Colorado followed up by the shooting in CT, my wife now sees the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I have been reading up on reloading and would like to get into that as well. I've recently bought a .40 cal handgun and am signed up for a conceal carry class toward getting my carry permit. We live in some very unpredictable times and I want to do what I can to put the odds in my favor that should shtf, I'll be more ready than where I am now.
Hello all. I've been on THR for a couple of years, thought I would come here and visit a while. Hear good things on THR about TFL.
Hi, I've been occasionally reading posts on this forum for some time now, figured I'd register so i can see posted pictures and join in on the conversations.
Hey everyone, been browsing the site for a while and decided to join. Looking forward to learning from other's experiences
Hi all. My name is Laura. I'm 40-something from Houston, Tx. and living in Pittsburgh, Pa. with my husband. I own a Mossberg 12-gauge, Ruger 10/22 Carbine and a Bersa BP9CC. Looking to learn a lot Ph the forums. Thanks very much.
Hi, My name is Alex, I live in Las Vegas. I think I am a bit older than most posters on this forum. I have been around guns all of my life. My wife and family and I spent most of our lives in Montana. I accumulated a few fire arms.I am partial to a S/W 44 Special for my carry gun,and used a Winchester 338 for most of my big game hunting.Also used everything from a 22 hornet, on up.I have one rifle I am partial to it started life as a 6.5X54 Manlicher. When I got it I sent it to P.O.Akley in Salt Lake to be re-barreled, then had a fancy stock made for it Iron work done by Beasley in Spokane, Trigger from Tinsley, I have mounted a 4 power Balfour Scope.Don't do much hunting now, too damn old, but I used to reload for all of my pistols and riflles.I am still interested in what is coming down the road

I enjoy The Firing Line, and have been a lurker for quite a while.
Hello TFL, I have hung around this forum for a while and gotten lots of usefull information and this forum seems to be the most knowledgeable group of people and seems to have a very dedicated staff to go with it. So i decided to finally make an account here and make my own posts.

I really enjoy going to the range, and learning as much as a can about the world of firearms, my ultimate goal is to make a career out of it somehow, despite everything thats going on.
How's it going, from the Old Dominion, VA.

Nice forum you have here and I have only touched the tip of the iceberg.

I look forward to being a member here and keeping informed in our great 2nd amendment right.
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Hello. I feel as if I know many of you already, as I have been a regular reader here for many years. I want to thank you for the resource this forum has provided. Through the advise I have found here, I have become a gun owner, joined the NRA, obtained my CHL, and started a small collection of carefully selected firearms (although some may poo poo my choices). I hope to continue my education under your stewardship, and possibly gain enough experience to contribute meaninfully to the conversation.

Thanks Again,
New guy from PA

Hello all .I've been looking for a new member intro page, finally found it. I live in the exceptional north west part of PA so close to the water I can literally sleep walk into it lol. Glad to be here on the forums. I'm on a few others mostly browse for info. Anyways hope to stay awhile.
New Guy From GA.

My name is Matthew, I'm new to the forum but not new to guns.
I bought my first gun in 1984 and have been collecting ever since. I love my guns and I am not loyal to any one brand. I have different guns for different reasons. Some for hunting, some for target shooting, some for personal protection, and some are vintage collector pieces. I've searched many gun forums on the net and this is one that I really liked, so I decided to join in.
New member intro

Hi. New guy here to join in and make a positive contribution! I work for a large metropolitan sheriff's department as a Deputy and I am an Oath Keeper! Look forward to participating here on occassion.

Nothing better than good guns, good grub, a good dog, and a fine woman!

I do volunteer work with returning wounded combat warriors assisting in rehab and working with service dogs.

I was recently booted off a firearms forum because the sight moderator did not like me defining the difference between KILLING and Murder. He seemed to think I was sick because I told him I was trained to kill and killing is sometimes necessary, not to be confused with murder. I sent him the link to LT. Colonel David Grossmans website at He banend me from the website. I am betting that won't happen here!

318= C.A.H. Those are my initials. Im from ravenna ohio. 42 yrs old. Have a wife 3 children (ages 21, 17, and 4) yes he was planned. Lol. Anyway, i work for a chemical company. I belong to the USWA local 2L. Here to learn and hopefully one day contribute the knowledge i learn here to someone else that needs it.


I am also new here as of yesterday. I am looking for valuable info on a riffle i have and although i have found several postings on simular guns i find nothing on the one that i have. As soon as i can find where to do postings i will let everybody know my questions on this riffle. thank you and look forward to chatting and learning more about firearms.