New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hello, I'm a soon to be 15 year old who is quite interested in firearms and interested in owning one some day. I come from the glorious People's Republic of Jersey, land of 15-round magazines, welded on flash hiders, pinned stocks, and no bayonet lugs! I hope to learn more about firearms through this forum.
New too

Hello, New to the forum but not to shooting, started reloading for my 7-08 about a month ago and enjoying the heck out of it. Tons of questions about reloading and of course guns, looking for another 08 as I write. Input anyone? Early morning here and need to get ready for work, will write again soon.
Hello All, I'm new to the forum.

I couldn't find the appropriate place for this the first time so I'm reposting it here:

My name is Chris, and I don't have much experience with guns. I shot some rifles and a few shotguns when I was younger, but that's about it. In the mid to late 90's, my first and only handgun purchase was a Colt Detective Special, turned out to be one of the last models produced. After having it for several months, I got nervous and foolishly sold it without ever firing it. I was young then, I am different now.

After realizing just how bad things are getting out there (or may become), I recently bought a Ruger LCR .38spl+p revolver. I've put about 150 rounds through it so far and am still struggling to be a better shot but I'm not giving up. I also had an LCP for awhile but found it difficult to use and didn't feet confident about it, so I sold it and have saved the money to put towards another snubbie or a shotgun. I think I want to stick with revolvers for now as far as CCW goes.

I hope to be able to learn much here as this seems to be a more serious firearms forum.
Hello everyone, found the forum through a couple of blogs. Lots of good info on here, I'm way overdue to be on a gun forum.

Not new to the world of things going boom. Been shooting for the last 24 years (I'm 29).

Right now I own a Colt 1911, Steyr M40A-1, Webley and Scott 38/200, Mossberg Brownie, Ithica single shot .22, Interarms pump .22, Marlin 30-30, Romanian SKS, and a '38 Mosin Nagant 91-30.

Can't wait to get involved and learn from everyone on here.
About a week to go before I leave the oppression that is Japan. I got orders for Bangor and will be there soon. I already have an address establish there and was able to submit an ATF form 1 for a silencer build. Still got at least a month to wait for the rubber stamp on the application though. But this gives me time to set up my new (old) hobby lathe and finalize my design.

I am looking forward to seeing how the KRRC has changed since it was closed by the county over a noise lawsuit then allowed to re-open. The PSC has a membership cap, so it is a no-go there for me now.


My name is Emrah and I live in Seattle WA. I have 38 yo.

I have 3 years of firearms experience.

I own a Glock 17 Gen 4, a Glock 26 Gen 3, a Colt 1911 Special Combat Government and a S&W M&P 15 Sport carbine. I also try to have some training. I attended some classes in Firearms Academy of Seattle which is a reputable and well known institution in our region.
New Member

Hello my name is John, been around firearms most of my life. I don't have much time anymore to go hunt but, I love going to the range for some trigger time. I got my ccw permit about a year ago so i've been having a blast shooting pistol. Looking to get into relading so i'll be asking some questions. Thankyou for having me aroard

My name is Chris and I'm an active duty sniper and military field consultant for Kestrel. I'm here to assist and gather members thoughts on the kestrel line of products.
Hello, my name is kevin, I live in Bermuda and I have two jobs. I am a machinist at the local powerplant, and I am a member of the Bermuda regiment, I'm an infantryman in the regiment's new operational support unit. Despite firearms being illegal for civilians to own in Bermuda I have been interested in them since I was 12. Went on family vacations to scotland and got an air rifle and was hooked. Started shooting clays at 13 went to live in canada and owned several guns, then came home and was conscripted into the military and now military weapons are my area of interest. This seems like a cool forum. Looking forward to learning from all of you.

Hello TFL. Just wanted to say hi. I have been lurking around a few new forums, and figured what the hell. I am always looking to learn, and when I am able share some of what I know. There seems to be a good group of guys here and I hope to be able to contribute.

From Lexington, NC. The only firearm I own currently is a Remington 870, but I'm interested in expanding my ownership.

I came to the site to expand my limited knowledge about firearms and for a little guidance on what to buy, where to buy it, and what to load in it.
Hello all. My name is Nathan. Posted here a few times in the past but for some reason faded away. I am back now. Currently in the Army and in Germany but I will be calling my little farm in Kansas, "home" here in about 4 years.

I have a few firearms. I preferred ones are AK variants and Glocks, though I love my trusty Ruger P90 as well.
Should have done this earlier but wasn't aware of this thread when I joined. Then it seemed odd to do it after I've been here so long. So I'll do it now at the 1000 mark (better late than never :) ). I'm 50 and loving it (ok, not really, but you get used to the aches and pains right?). Never really got into hunting but I love guns and the shooting sports. I like rifles ... I like pistols better. Scopes are ok, but I prefer shooting with iron sights. They provide a challenge at shorter ranges. I love revolvers, they're awesome and nostalgic but I still don't own one myself. Some new shiny auto is always waiting in front of it. I really like the all metal, hammer fired designs. They are a work of art. Probably the engineer in me that admires them so much. I'm an electrical engineer and design hardware and embedded software. I have 3 hobbies I love, Electronics, cars, and guns. I spend all day with electronics, and cars are too big and expensive to have many of, so guns are my free time passion. I'm also a married guy with 3 kids. My wonderful wife accepts my hobby and all my boys like to shoot too. Doing my best to personally put more people on our side. ;). (and working hard to sway my nieces and nephews)
I'm also a Scout Master for a Boy Scout Troop. Not really by choice but by need. Some one had to do it or my sons troop would have folded. I'm not really a dot the I's and cross the T's person but we do enough to meet the requirements so the boys can advance and then we try to offer other activities that most troops don't do. The shooting sports is one of those things. We spend quite a bit of time teaching both youth and adults firearms safety, a bit about guns, and some shooting skills. We have a number of members that are working on their NRA marksmanship awards and doing well :). Today's youth are tomorrows 2nd Amendment defenders. I'm just on here looking for tips, sharing what I know where I can, and looking to meet a few friends who share the same interests. My favorite guns are the 92FS and my old Marlin 882ss .22 Magnum rifle.
I am glad to find this forum, as I have already found some useful info. I am an old school kind of guy, and own almost every weapon the Marines have used in the last 100 years; the latest being a Colt M16 stock version I picked up a few years back.

I am lost when it comes to all these new tactical configurations, so I may ask some stupid questions. I just picked up the Sis Sauer m400 carbine, with a prism scope; $890 at walmart of all places. I was convinced I would go for a colt, but I have to admit I like the sig more.

I am grateful to be among other Americans that feel the 2nd amendment is a right worth protecting.
HI, my name is Ruby and I live in Ohio along cold Lae Erie. My late husband was a collector of guns. He died in 1999 and I kept most of the guns but I now need to sell some of them. I,m hoping I can get some help with model numbers, worth and where to sell them. I am having problems with your website finding a place to post my questions. I'll keep trying. Maybe this is a start.
Hey everyone! Just decided to get back into guns and like my other hobbies, the first step is join a forum. I did a number of google searches and kept ending up here so now you're stuck with me.

Not counting yesterday, I haven't shot a gun in over 12 years. I bought a S&W 686 back in 1990 and would take it to the range quite often back when we still had an outdoor range nearby. Life, wife and kids got in the way for awhile and the gun sat in the safe unloved. Fast forward to about a month ago and a buddy showed up with his new Glock 27 and it got me thinking about how much I missed shooting.

So yesterday I took my 10 year old daughter to the indoor range and I shot my 686 and I rented a 22 for us both to shoot. At first she was skitish and little afraid of all the noise but once she started shooting she loved it. She's ready to go back as soon as possible.

Now I've got the itch to buy something new for me. I'm thinking something small enough for me to carry if I go that route and small enough caliber if the daughter and wife want to shoot it. I've narrowed it down to the S&W Shield 9 and the Walther PPS. I'm 80% sure I'll get the shield but no one has one for me to hold/fire.