New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hi all, I'm Don and a new member as well; I'm also active on Guns & Ammo and the Taurus forums. I'm an Army veteran and own several Rugers, a 1965 commemorative Colt .22, and a Taurus .357 for CCW.

Looking forward to participating here :D
Howdy to all the lead slingers!

Well here I am, a new member to your forum. I have been looking at this forum for a while now, and it looks like a lot of fine folks on here. I am an old gun freak, and have been shooting all of my life. I am not a scientific shooter but can normally hit what I'm aiming for. I love varmint guns and revovlers more than any other firearm, but have a few of the other kinds as well.
I live near Toledo Ohio in the lake area, so I break in new varmint barrels in the winter when it is 10 degrees outside so I don't have to worry about overheating my barrel:eek:
I am a newbie

Hello all! I started collecting mostly long guns just 2 years ago so i am still learning a lot! This is a fun new world for me.

I also make videos for Youtube, I would like to share them on here. I didn't see a specific forum for "Pics/Video" , however I think I can put them in their specific spots per the guidelines/rules.
Whats up everyone.
Im a 30 year old Philly guy who's been shooting/trading/collecting pistols for the last 5-6 years. I plan to beef up my collection and add a nice Ruger mini 14 or Mossberg 308 once I get a nice big safe. I support the hell out of our god given 2nd amendment and carry license :)

Looking forward to trading information with all of you and helping me be a more knowledgable shooter. I also just made my first ever consumer gun reviews on Youtube so check out my link below and feel free to leave feedback.

New here as well

My name is Chris and I live in the suburbs of St. Louis MO. I grew up around guns. I don't have a big assortment of guns. I have a .357 revolver that acts as security in the house. I also have a 12 gauge, an old bolt action .22 rifle that was my Grandpa's and my old .410 that was my first gun at the age of 10 years old.

Where I grew up I could walk out of my house and into the woods to go hunting. So shooting at targets for just shooting purposes isn't really my thing. Clay pigeon shooting is fun but I don't get much time to do that. My hunting days are pretty much a thing of the past. I will get into hunting again some time but life is too busy for that as of now.

I own a laser engraving company called Engraving Select that my partner and I opened up in June. We have over 25 years experience working with lasers. We engrave on everything from surgical tools, to machine parts, to guns and knives.

I put a link to our company in my signature. If anyone has any questions about engraving feel free to get in touch with me.
Joined earlier today and just noticed this sticky.
Older than I look and not as old as I feel.

Like all sorts of firearms and airguns.

Picked this username because someone mentioned Uriah Heep yesterday and Rainbow Demon has been running on a loop in my head since then.
I wouldn't own a gun I couldn't take out shooting now and then, but I'm far more interested in the many great designs and the history of firearms than in shooting.

I'm new to pistol reloading and wanted to see if the forum could help me get started. I'm gonna let the questions fly. Look forward to meeting you all.

Hi everyone, My name is Trevor. I'm a Sergeant With the Michigan Department of Corrections. I love to shoot and learn about firearms, I wish I could shoot alot more than I do. I've always been into shooting. I am looking forward to getting some great advice from the forum. I already have had alot with my questions about my 7mm Ackley Mag. I am also interisted in Law Enforcement / Corrections, snowmobiling and most of all spending time with my kids. I am also kind of getting into guns smithing little by little. I built a tactical shot gun out of an old 16 ga I had lying around.
Hello TFL

I am new to TFL. I have visited a few forums and I really like how this one is laid out. I have plenty of questions on guns/ammo/shooting and there seems to be a very large knowledge base here. Looking forward to seeing the posts.

As a new member I wish to tell a little about myself
Grew up on a farm in Ohio, served in cryptographic intelligence with the USAF
Spent 35 years in the corporate world mainly in International business
lived and worked 12 years of that 35 in Europe
Have a small collection of guns, but have always been interested in them

currently live in N.E. Florida and am 69 years old

Thanks again to those who have already provided me with some info on my fathers WWII Luger

Curt Daily
Didn't see this thread.... mea culpa

So I didn't realize that this thread existed, and therefore sidestepped the proper etiquette of introducing myself before interjecting my thoughts into the conversations on here.
To begin, my name's Patrick, I've been a ghost on here for at least a year or so now and just joined the forums about a month ago. I've been interested in guns since I was in 5th grade, and started off with a Ruger 10/22 my dad bought me. After that I became a competitive trap shooter in high school, and when I turned 21 earlier this year, I purchased my first pistol, a .45 ACP Baby Desert Eagle.
Currently I'm looking to get my FL CCW permit and then expand the gun collection. I'm also looking forward to learning from the experienced shooters here, and possibly helping out anyone that I can. I have found this to be one of the best gun forums on the Internet and hope to help continue that track record.
I've already made several posts and missed this thread! Anyway, I recently moved to the Tucson, AZ area from Alaska. I've been shooting in one capacity or another since I was about 10 years old. Most of my experience is with rifles, but I've been shooting a lot of handguns recently. I'm working on getting to the point where I feel comfortable carrying concealed. I have my permit, waiting to get my CCW gun (Glock 19, probably next week sometime), and then get some training done since I don't want to carry until I'm comfortable doing it.
Hello all, name is Dave. I'm from southern Ohio, and grew up in a hunting, gun and knives household. Just happened about this site surfing about some gun questions and it seems to be a pretty good one.
I'm also an Army veteran of 4 years, I have several handguns, shotguns, and rifles ranging from an LCP .380 to an AR15. In addition some buddies of mine and myself started a website called ALLSTARGUNS.COM just so we could buy, sell, and trade as a hobby. (not trying to advertise, just sayin). Anyways, love guns, tradein, buying, shooting, etc.
Glad to be here!