New members - please introduce yourselves here

New member

Greetings. I'm a retiree - started shooting in 1955, back when every dad in the neighborhood took his kids to Junior NRA meetings to learn firearm safety and afterwards how to shoot and hit what they aimed at.

Shot some competitive police and combat pistol in the early 1970s, back when an unmodified K-38 was pretty standard and HKS speedloaders or a Smith Model 66 were hot stuff. Hunted birds with a Fox Sterlingworth from Grandpa that I recently passed on down the line, varmints with an old Marlin lever-action that had the flip-up peep sights, and deer with a .270 after getting away from slugs.

Got into Cowboy Action Shooting around 2005 and enjoyed that until my health dropped off a bit, but I still love to load for and shoot anything in .45 Colt. Reminds me of (what I considered to be) an error that I saw on Top Shot, unless the revolvers were not set up right - the contestants shooting SAAs in .45LC were using the ejector rod to dump each casing. If the guns were properly set up, and they could have tested this during practice, a .45LC case is heavy enough that it will drop out of the cylinder by gravity if you tilt the barrel up about 45 degrees or so. So unless there was a range-safety prohibition against that, they slowed themselves down by wasting time.

Anyway , sorry about the ramble - I love well-crafted guns that are affordable - my budget can't handle top-of-the line ones, but a nicely tuned Cimarron SAA or a Series 70 1911A1 will suit me just fine. Ditto an M-14 over an AR, but mostly that is a reflection of my age and what I'm familiar with.
It just hit me that I should have posted in this thread a while ago.

Hello all, My name is John, 18 years old.

I received my first rifle 1 & 1/2 years ago for a late birthday present, a Marlin 336 30-30.

Later that year I worked and got a Marlin 925m, and just recently bought a Mossberg 500 20ga.

I am fairly new to the sport so forgive me if I don't know too many of the smaller details to shooting.

Plan on joining the NRA very soon :D
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Hello everyone. New member from Philadelphia PA. I had an interest in firearms for over 40 years. Sold my 629 years ago and regretted it ever since. Just came across a Model 29 8 3/8 Nickel in excellent condition and picked it up to help fill the void created by that past error in judgement. This forum has a lot of information and interesting reading. Looking forward to checking it all out.

Willy T
Hello everyone!

New member here. I have lurked your forums for years, learning alot from all the experienced guys posting here.

Im in Metro Detroit Michigan, My Name is Dave. Grew up shooting since I was 5. Then got into local M1 Garand competition when I was 12 at a local gun club.

I love US service rifles, and WWI and WWII US and Foreign rifles.

I joined the boards when I found out I had a real rare mauser. A few of the guys posted in my thread and helped alot!

Lifetime NRA memeber


New Gun and Ammo site

Hello fellow firearms enthusiasts. My username is FirearmsGuy7 and would like to spread the word of a new site that i have made. Its a site on any gun or type of bullet you would like to know about. Please its a new site and its currently under construction, but would greatly appreciate your time to go on there and contact me about what you would like to see and any type of gun or bullet in general. The site is called please go on it and let me know what you think and what you would like to see. I'm hoping to have it as a .com by the end of the month but I have made this site for people that are like me that just want straight up information about what i want to know. I believe that everyone has a voice and I would be glad to hear any suggestions from anyone. But please no nasty messages. We are all gun people here and there is no need for it Thank you for reading this and for your time. Greatly appreciated FirearmsGuy7
Robert Higgins

Ladies and Gentlefolk,
I'm new to the forum world and really just trying to get my company out into the world and out of it's infancy. Constructive criticism is always welcome, and destructive criticism is always met in kind with tongue in cheek sarcasm.
I've been a weapons trainer for almost a decade and truly enjoy what I do.
Oops! I missed the "intro" thread yesterday and accidentally posted on a separate one. Sorry about that. From that thread:

I'd joined TFL in 1999, and when the site temporarily closed back in 2002, I left for greener pastures. Just discovered that this place is alive and well, so I asked the staff to please reactivate me (thanks!) At one time, I was a very active member here. I've got several AR-related questions that I want to ask, and will soon.

It's nice to be home again.

New member from Central Texas

Howdy from Texas,
Retired Firefighter/Paramedic, ex US Army SSG. Have gotten back in to shooting the last few years and introduced my son to it, and he's so happy I did.
Just picked up a Winchester 94, born in 1984, never been fired. Wild Hogs beware!!!!!
Just by way of saying "hi"

Hello to all. I am new to TFL, but not to guns.

I hope to find friends (and avoid idiots religiously, lol) here on the forum with y'allz.

I am a member since 2009, but only watching.

I apologize to don´t post here before. I had not seen this topic.

I´m from Brasil. Guns are my hobby and my job (I am a policeman).

I´m sorry bout my English.

Reading and learning with you...;)
New guy from GA

New to the forum but not to guns. Had seen reference to this forum but just found it. Think I'll stay around and ck it out further.

I stumbled across this forum a couple of days ago. Glad I did! I hope to learn as much as possible and contribute what I can. I've been shooting for about 25 years or so but there's a lot of room for improvement. That's where you guys come in. :D Thanks for allowing me to join you!
New Member

Hello from the southwest my name is Dave and I been around guns all my life , I need to find some answers to questions and hoping some one out there can help.Thanks
Good afternoon. I'm Woody55, and I live in East Texas.

When asked what I spend most of my firearms related time doing, my response is talking about them with others with similar interests. I guess that's what a hobby is all about.
Hello all, Im Chris from RI. Im new to the forums, but not to shooting. Hope to meet some good people and learn new stuff from being a memeber here.:D
Howdy from Arkansas

Hi, my name is Gary and I'm an armsaholic. I was taught to shoot beginning age 5, shot my first 1911 at age 6, got my first 20 gauge at 10, and it kinda snow-balled after that. Just got back into reloading (mostly handgun) and am literally having a blast. Spend most of my shooting time with 1911, Daniel Defense M4V3, M&P 40c with 357 Sig and 9mm barrels, and a dream-to-shoot 6" S&W Model 624 44 Special.
New Member- Clarke Arms

Hello all. Happy to have finally joined one of the most respected firearm forums in the USA. My name is Dan Clarke and I am the owner of Looking forward to talking guns with all of you!

New 1 here

G'Moring from the Left Coast, in CA, in the almost boondocks of the S.F. Bay Area,
I'm David, and I do Shoot, and reload what I shoot, .22-250 savage 110D, .25-06 40XB (My Sweet One), .22 Model 29 Savage, .22 Remington Speedmaster, and a S&W .357 model 19-4.
A pleasure to be among all of you:), and a pleasure to have such fine brains to pick ;),I've been shooting something since 5 (a kenner fanner 50) and hope to be around shooting till I drop