New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hellow all,

I'm from N.Y. originally, I have traveled alot in my time, and had been in the military (Army, Tanker) for 15 years, got out in June of 1991, and settled in Far West Texas. Havent shot a weapon in about 18 years, Bought a G23 in February, went out to the desert and shot about 800 rounds out of it over a few weeks, had some issues but got it all worked out, now I really enjoy the G23 and the G27, bought a G27 in April. As of today I have shot about 7k of reloads, Now I am in the process of getting my CHL, I should have it by the end of the month:D
who I am

I am new to this forum, in fact this is the second forum I've ever joined. I am active duty Air Force stationed in South Carolina, I grew up in NC and have been stationed in Alaska and Idaho. I just recently purchased my first (purchase have had 22s and hand guns given to me) gun a Smith & Wesson M&P 15. I have many varied interests but as I get older and amass more and more family I feel the NEED and Desire to provide protection from those "domestic enemies" that I swore to defend against. I love God, family, hockey, and guns. I also have never been hunting but desire to learn and start for the sport as well as to supplement my family's food supply. I currently only have 3 guns two 22's and an ar-15. I will have more. I enjoy target shooting as well. Ok well after this long winded intro I will close. Thanks in advance as I'm sure I'm gonna soak up as much info and drive you all silly with all my queries.

Hello, I am a 22 year old soon to be ex-student from Liverpool, UK.

Firearms are my hobby, as far as the comparative lack of shooting culture here allows anyway. I was introduced to guns by some truly awesome people from Nashville, TN. I hope to go back one day, and will when I have the cash; depressingly that may take a while, but we will see.

I like the USA as well as my own country, which I love. I have also lived in the Netherlands, which is also an excellent country. I have a particular passion for Lee Enfields, southern (particularly Tennessean) accents on women and immediately understood what it was all about the first time I fired a 1911. I have shot competitively for my university (Leeds), fairly poorly, but still.

Good to be here!

hello all

hello all i am very new here and am looking for people who know anything about the North Dakota public gatherings restriction and trying to get it lifted. anyone who knows when it will be lifted please contact me with details thanks in advance.
From the Great state of Florida

My name is Lyndon and 51 years old loves my God given rights and liberties.I do enjoy conversing with others that believe we have the right to chose how to defend ourselves. I am a minister of 25 years and had to find my place as a ccw. now I tote as I feel and where I feel is right for ME as a minister.. The one place that I can not seem to do it is in the House of God. is it wrong ,can not find it in th scriptures but a personal feeling.We do have members that are highly trained LEO and military that probly do, we don't ask, but know that they have many times have been that wall between what could have and did not take place.. No there was not any evidence openly but a sense when others enters it is not right.MENTAL AWARENESS. I have experienced an home invasion and never again will be put into that position of not be prepared or trained. there were great things that came out of the experience. We got the person help that he needed and today he is WELL and have been very apologetic about his actions. thank you for allowing me on this forum. I am looking forward to learning more from you that have the experience and wisdom
Greetings TFL Members

I am a 53 yr old working man from west central Texas. I have been a firearms enthusiast since birth or shortly thereafter. I grew up in an area where guns were second nature to everybody and we weren't afraid of guns, only the improper handling of them. Guns weren't blamed for shooting people, the person behind the gun was. Was that wrong thinking? I don't think so. Kids were taught how to use guns responsibly at an early age. My firearms are not high dollar guns, but affordable and usable. I have been checking out Firing Line forums for a while now, so thought I would join so I could throw in my 2 cents worth. I may get change back, but I might want to say something anyway. I really appreciate the info and opinions all you other members provide whether I agree or not. It is really food for thought on whatever the subject may be. I will continue checking out the forums and you may see a post from me occasionally. There's a lot I don't know, I'll admit, so please forgive anything ignorant I may say. Good Shooting.
I am a college senior this year, studying Criminal Justice and Pre-Law. My friend introduced me to shooting and I am highly interested in getting more involved. I have shot a few times before, but not regularly. I am looking forward to learning new things from all of you.

Thanks for your hospitality.
new member

Hey everybody, just wanted to join the party. Been reading some great threads on here for a few months now. Every time I have a firearms question, the search engine takes me to you guys. I'm new to forums, so if I make a mistake, please forgive.

Former military, maried with 2 kids.....truckload of guns and opinions.

Some people call it an arsenal...i call it a collection.
My name is Kyle and im from Missouri. i am a long time archer but i recently got into rifle shooting and hunting. im sure i will have plenty of questions for you all. you can see my sig for what i shoot now.
Hello from Fort Myers, Florida

Hey guys,

Rob here. Glad to join such a well-rounded firearms forum. Anyway, I live down in SW Florida, and I am a gym manager. I am ex Air Force, and served four years active & four years in the reserves. I used to have a decent collection of firearms, but had to sell most of them after a rough divorce. I recently starting rebuilding my collection, and my latest projects are an AK47, Saiga 12 and my FNP-45 Tactical.

Anyway, I really look forward to being part of this community. I have come across this site many times over the years. It is almost impossible to do a google search for something gun related, and not end up in a thread from this forum.

I promise to use the 'search' button before asking noob questions. Well, that's about it as far as my introduction goes. See you guys around.

-Rob :cool:
Live in Arizona

The friendliest gun state in the union and proud of it:D I'm a disabled veteran in a wheel chair and I love to shoot
New Here

Hi everyone, I'm RJ, and no, I'm not a guy, just to clarify that. I am new to guns and shooting. Just went through my first class for fundementals of defensive pistols. I have been target shooting the past two months every friday with my mom at a local range here in Arizona. Currently I'm learning all I can about guns, and safety. Been renting guns to get as feel of them before I make my first purchase. And the only other gun experience I've had before this was shooting a .22 caliber bolt action rifle with a scope.

I'm into sniper's and high powered rifles, and would like to some day try percision rifle shooting.
Hi! Just moved to SoIL, so I can't ccw. New to TFL, liking it. Great info, and I see many posts with a sense of humor! Fun when we don't all take ourselves too seriously!
Hi all, I'm originally from upstate NY, learned to shoot 22's in Boy Scouts. I bought my 1st handgun while I was working as an EMT in Richmond, VA. Since that day, I've always been a shooter and never looked back. I'm 30yrs old and a USAF firefighter currently in beautiful Osan, ROK. I appreciate the finer things in life such as German handguns, Indonesian coffee, and Filipino women.:D