New members - please introduce yourselves here

New to the forum...

I belong to a couple of others as well, Always looking for more info.

Big time into shooting, been doing so since I could stand. It is my passion.
New Be from Texas

Purdy much born and raised in South East Texas (Houston Area)Worked on cars most of my early years. Then started teaching others how to. At 54 I am trying a new line of work. Trying to teach basic handgun and concealed carry classes. Hope to learn some things from all you on the forum. Hopefully I can add some useful input as well. Dad gave me my first 22 rifle At 9. trying to go from amature to useful.

Art S.:)
Hello From Retcop

Hello everyone I am a retired Police Lieutenant and a vet of the US Navy. I live in upstate South Carolina and enjoy Hunting. I am the owner of several Rifles, Shotguns and Handguns. I like shooting them and swapping gun talk with others that like the same.

I am a strong advocate of the U.S. Constitution: Second Amendment
Yep...another newbie

Hello All....just joining after reading various posts over time.

I am a member at a few other weapon specific forums, but they often are too focused to give me the info I am looking for on "other" firearms or reloading. Every time I search something The Firing Line comes up, so I figured I might as well join!
Been around awhile, but never introduced myself. Retired Navy still working for the government. Live in Maryland and have been hunting and shooting since I was around 10. An "about to be grandfather" now of 55 and still love guns, hunting and target shooting. Never had an AR before and just bought my first one. One reason I joined was the abundance of knowledgeable folks that are on this forum. You can get just about anything you want to know about any gun here or they can tell you where to get the information.
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I joined TFL a couple of days ago. This looks like a really good site, as fora go, for discussion of firearms issues of all kinds.

I have been around guns (mostly long guns) ever since I was about 11 years old (I'm 61 now!). About 10 years ago (just before 9/11) I began to get interested in the erosion of our rights, and thus had the light come on that I needed to get serious about things like the 2nd Amendment, and that came around to my getting serious about personal protection and carrying. So I have had my CHP for 10 years, and I have been shooting USPSA for about that same amount of time.

I teach NRA Pistol Basics, and I am also a Concealed Carry instructor in North Carolina.

I load my own ammunition (9x19, 9x17, .38 Special, .45 acp, .45 Colt). In addition to about 8 handguns, I have 4 rifles and 3 shotguns. My small gun safe is jam packed!

I look forward to learning from you folks who know a lot more about handguns (and long guns!) than I do.
My name is Chuck and I am a gunaholic! I doubt TFL can cure me:D The wife thinks I need help:mad:

I have been around guns all my life and only recently started buying them. I blame my dad for this. We went to a gun show a few years ago and told him how I liked the Garands. Last year for my birthday he bought me one and now my disease is full blown:p

A friend of mine told me that when you buy one gun, it gets lonely. So you buy another gun. And when they are in they safe together, stuff happens and they pro-create and soon after you have baby guns that need all the loving attention of the very first gun you got. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Looking forward to learning tons of information from everybody.

Hello, im an older shooter with recent aquisition of older rifles. I have some questions and have posted them on the smithy. I have many different pistols and rifles in all actions. This seems like a good place to discuss firearms ,and have questions answered .Thanks for this forum.
Hello Gentlemen

I'm new to this forum.I come seeking good conversation,facts,tips,and knowledge.I'm tired of the way people on some forums only wish to snipe at others posts,engage in one-ups-manship,or belittle others.So if this is more of the same,somebody tell me so.
New to forums, not to shooting

After visiting this forum for almost a year, I decided that it was finally time to sign up and contribute to the conversations instead of merely viewing them as an outsider.

I've been shooting since 12, a hunter since 15, not to mention an enthusiast and war history buff since I could hold a squirt gun. I look forward to learning more from this community. Oh and I am from CO. :)

Hello all!

I'm 19 and have been hunting with my grandfather since I was 8. I'm new to tactical firearms but learn new things everyday. Nice to be part of your forum.
Good day from Australia

Well I'm not the first Aussie on this forum and will not be the last.
Have been a hunter with rifles/bows for more than 30 years. Did give it away when my hunting partner died in 1995. This was my father and had hunted with him since I can remember.
Game we chased in those years,wild goats,wild pigs,foxes and rabbits. Have had many rifles in those years and in 1996 when the powers that be decided to bring in gun licences I desposed of 35 rifles and ammo. Could not be bothered with all the hassles at that time. Had not be hunting in any form since my father died but fast forward to this year and the old feel came back.
Ran into an old mate and he invited me to a deer hunt. Well now I'm in the throws of getting my licence (takes up to 10 weeks ) then I can apply for a permit to buy ( takes 4-6 weeks). Then of to the gun shop and pick up my Howa 308. This is already waiting to be picked up but need all the above first.
Well I should have my new rifle in hand by mid August that how I figure it will take. First hunt will be in October when we have a long weekend,but will be at the range getting some long awaited practise. Well thats a little about me and the hoops we have to jump through in Australia to get a licence.
This is for a rifle/shot gun/ only licence!!!!!!
Bye all till next time:D
New Member but have read the main forum back to 2007. New to HGs, just got CHL and joined a shooting club.

Love the forum - keep up the good work and great posts.

Howdy folks,

I've made a couple posts (starting yesterday), but just came across this thread.

I've been reading a lot on here for the last couple weeks, but finally ended up with my first handgun yesterday...a Springfield XD Subcompact (3") in 9mm.

I look forward to participating on the things of this forum.


Hello All

New to the forum, but not to firearms. Been shooting for over 40 yrs. and looking to teach my granddaughter how to shoot in a couple years.
Hi everyone:

New forum member, from Spain, introducing himself. I did a google search like "glock 17 vs 19" and came across one of your threads discussing the matter, and decided to join up this community.

As a law enforcement official I'm not new to firearms and I currently use a Beretta 92FS as my service gun. I'm also into IPSC (quite recently though) and I'm currently considering to buy a gun for range and occasional CC use, and the best candidate is the G19 so far.

I'm sure I'll learn a lot from this community, and I also hope to be able to give another point of view when participating.

Thanks in advance.
Hello there!

Hi, I'm from the great state of Kentucky, right in the good ol' USA! I'm 35, a CCDW Holder, unarmed private security officer for a nonprofit mental health/mental retardation training facility. I enjoy shooting, reading gun magazines, fishing, almost anything outdoors.