New members - please introduce yourselves here


Hi all. In Wilmington NC. Did a fair amount of hunting and shooting in Fla as a kid. 20 years later getting back into it now that I have my own kids. Have always had a home defense pistol. Getting excited about my first Turkey hunt! Also taking a look at shooting sports to get into. Just finished the concealed carry class etc etc. Looking forward to learning and contributing on this Forum!
Hello from the Beach!

Hello everyone! 28 year old concealed carry permit holder and gun lover from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! Look forward to enjoying what everyone has to say!!
Long winded new guy...

Hello all! I'm err.gray and new to this forum. I'd like to start by saying thanks. A while back I was trying to identify an old German made single action sixgun and a search turned up a members post in the skunkworks. The original poster had a Herbert Schmidt model121 and it had been fitted with new grips from a Colt Frontier single action army. Using that information I was able to get new grips for my old Herbert Schmidt.

new member

This is such a great forum...I've already gotten some great help from Doyle about a Savage 24 V I picked up. I'm a full-time pastor and we have enjoyed shooting for many years. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting on my mom's lap shooting at cans.

Today about eight of us from church went to the range. One of the group was a young Marine who had just gotten his wife her first gun, a Walther .380. She is going to be home alone, as he is being deployed. She calls her gun, "Andrew in a box." :) She did well. And he had never shot a WWII rifle and I had taken my Moisin rifle. He was hitting clay pidgeons with it that were on a dirt embankment at about 80 yards and having so much fun I let him finish off all my ammo. (I only took about 60 rounds.) So he had hands on history of WWII. I've read some posters putting down the old Moisins. My, such a cheap gun, such history, cheap ammo. Sure it is crude-- but it sure shines at these things. Where can you get as much gun for $99?

We also had there the Marine's little brother (age 12) who has been in our air rifle program at church. He was shooting my Chipmunk and hit clays on the ground at 50 yards. We also had two young ladies there who were leery of shooting at first, but were soon blasting away and having a great time. One was soon shooting my sons AR, too. I'd encourage you to introduce some people to this wonderful sport, which can also defend life and feed a family. Thanks!
Colt 038 MK IV SERIES 80 ; PLUS II

Any idea on a fair price to offer ?

[This is a subforum for introductions, if you feel so inclined. Discussion should be in the forum that covers your topic. Handguns - Semiauto would be appropriate for your question. - Bud Helms]
New Handgun Owner

Hey all. Rookie here from OK. Just picked up a Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm. Feature packed and rave reviews online, from what I read anyway, so very excited to take it to the range tomorrow and test it out. Looking forward to learning from you folks here on the Firing Line!
Can't believe I didn't join this site sooner. New to the site but in no way new to guns. I have an Associates in Gun Smithing, and have been playing with guns my whole life. I specialize in custom stock work, but can do just about any job put in front of me. I am the Vice President of Rocky Mountain Machine Gun Shoots Inc., we are a company that hosts machine gun shoots for the general public to attend here in Colorado. I look forward to being a part of this community!
hello glad to meet everyone

I live in Missouri. just want to learn a little more about my Remington 870 express. admitted I am not very knowedgeableabout shotguns but am hoping to learn.:o

Hi, I joined back in march so Im fairly new to this forum, however I'm a longtime member on many other hunting/bowhunting sites so look me up there under the same username .. in any case I really love guns, talking about guns, shooting guns & trading or buying guns... always have..& thats why Im here. :p
I just joined to reply to a black powder post. I recently joined The High Road, TFL,, saiga-12 forum, and a grip of 4x4 forums.

I'll probably stick to Calguns primarily. This is because I read posts on national forums like "how do I increase the cyclic rate of my MAC-10", or "Is a 50 round clip excessive?", or "How many rocket tubes can I legally mount in the bed of my pickup truck".

And then I cry because I live in Kalifornia. Everything is awesome here except being a gun owner.
New forum member

I just joined and am looking forward to swapping information to and from the forum. I shoot Bullseye, Steel Plates and Silhouettes. Mostly .22 with a S&W model 46. I also have a S&W mod 22A, plus shoot rifle matches.

I'm retired and don't re-load ammo, so I don't shoot my S&W M&P compact
9mm too often.
Just a little about me

Hi TFL! I joined the site a little bit ago and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm from Michigan and am an avid shooter. My collection of firearms, over the years, has become a bit smaller, but I still come across some deals that I can't pass up. It's nice being a part of this site cuz I usually have a lot of questions about some of the firearms I come across. Looking forward to getting some answers and sharing some things with evryone!

I'm from NE Kansas. Have my conceal carry permit. Handguns I carry are an LCP .380 (Raspberry), Taurus Slim 9mm and SP-101 .327. I don't believe you can ever have too many guns and I am still adding to my collection. Before I got into shooting I was heavily into archery. I believe this world has gone to hell and I never thought I'd have to carry a gun to protect myself. Now I don't leave home without one. And I am a female. Don't want anyone to think I am some gay guy with a pink gun. :)
I'm 23 and currently living in Indiana. I have a lifetime permit, a Taurus TCP that I carry nearly 24/7, and a SA 1911 Loaded that I just bought. I grew up shooting rifles and hunting, but am new to handguns. I decided to join because everytime I googled for information this forum came up! I'm thinking about getting into competition shooting a little, and just having fun with the sport of it. Thanks for all the great information that this forum has put out there. I look forward to learning a lot on here.

Hello out there!!!!

I'm Jacob from SE OK. 29 years old and been hunting solo for about 21 years. I've had the luxury of inheriting a fine collection of Belgium Brownings, Win 70's, Mannlicher's, Rem 700's, Savages, & Kimber Rifles. I started reloading when I was eleven (with Dad & Grandpa of course!), and by no means do I know it all, but I may have a good piece of advice or two!!! :p Holler at me if you have any questions about any of the above rifles, hunting, or even if ya need to get rid of a rifle that's just beggin to be sold. I'm not incredibly partial to any particular brand of anything. That includes reloading. I know it sounds funny, but when you've been at this particular hobby for as long as I have, it's about the perfection of the machine, consistency of the reload, and grace of the shooter. Very glad to be here.
Hi all, I from Md, new to this board, but not new to Firearms. I prefer military style weapons WWII to present day. Married w/ one little girl and a son on the way.
I'm just here to try and pickup some knowledge. I'll prpbably "lurk" more than post for a while.
John as grass noob here oil changing hick from alabama who also has a somwhat rag tag machine shop and im finishing up my 1 year machine technology course...which basically turns a retard into a retard that doesn't want to stick his hand into a running lathe :p...19 years old but I know everything lol jk..hate those kinda people...I love guns shooting and working on them..and have recently got into ( assembling ) and building a lil bit my own guns...( mostly ak47 )...haha I know there easy..but still :(..ima hick :)..