New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hey folks.
I've been reading in this forum for a few months now. I have also made a few posts but have never technically introduced myself. I enjoy anything outdoors. I love hunting and shooting in general. I live in central VA. Just 12 miles south of Richmond. I'm currently looking for a new hunting location. I have learned alot form reading posts from you guys and I intend to continue. Thanks.
Good afternoon everyone.

New to the forums but not to firearms. I've been shooting since I was 8 and now have young sons who are just learning what firearms are, what they can do and also they are learning how to handle and shoot.

Here to learn, learn and learn more. I've just gotten back into the hobby after a longer than usual hiatus where I was just Whitetail hunting in the fall. Received a Handgun for Christmas and have been sucked right back into shooting everything. Buying another handgun recently. Dusting off and getting old long rifles, semi autos and other toys out and shooting again.

Nice to find the place!

I thought I was already a member...Apparently I wasn't. So, now I am. (But there's still that feeling that I've been here before.)
My goal here is to insist that good training equates to survivability. ie; You go home; bad guy/s go to the morgue.
Hey all. Joined a few days ago and just found this thread so taking this opportunity to introduce myself. Hunted alot as a kid but now getting back into guns as more of a hobby as well as for self defense. I currently own a glock 21, sig 238, sig 556 pistol and ak47 pistol (draco). I was born and raised in Nebraska (Go Big Red!) but currently reside in Oklahoma. Been reading your forum for a few weeks now and really like what i've seen. Glad to be on board.
New Member *Santa Cruz Armory*

Howdy all!

New to the forum and wanted to introduce ourselves.

We're Santa Cruz Armory. A new business currently selling AR parts and accessories. We're in the process of obtaining our FFL and soon will be doing special order firearms sales and transfers.

We are adding more vendors all the time, so if you have a need shoot us an email at SCZARMORY@AOL.COM or visit our site at WWW.SANTACRUZARMORY.COM

Robert & Jill
Hello. I stumbled across The Firing Line while searching reviews on the Smith & Wesson 22A I bought in March. I've been around guns most of my 54 years but never seriously. As far as hunting goes, it's been archery only. Last July is when I pulled my old .357 Dan Wesson model 15(?) out and started range shooting with my brother-in-law. I'm hooked! This forum looks like the place for a newbie like me and I'm hoping to learn a lot more about the three handguns I currently own: The above mentioned Dan Wesson (the one that originally came with several interchangeable barrels and shrouds, of which I have the 6" & 8"), the S&W M&P 40 I bought in April and the S&W 22A I got in March. My thanks in advance to the members here who share their experience and knowledge to rookies like me.
Hello from New Jersey

Hello member from New Jersey, yes they do allow us to own guns there...

Recreational shooter...looking to venture into some IDPA type shoots and get some more trigger time behind my AR...

Will be on the lookout for familiar "faces." :D

Hey all, I'm a newbie from the Bluegrass state. I grew up with shotguns and rifles but never had a handgun. A month ago I picked up my first pistol (Glock19) and am still learning. I found this website while researching my next purchase, and it seemed like a great group of people. So here I am
Hello! I'm new to this forum, I live in Belgium. I've been reading this forum for some time and really like the attitude here, so I decided to become member.
New Member

Greetings, new member here. I love shooting sports and collecting handguns. Found this site while reading posts about .380's. I own a TCP / PT738 and a Sig P238 HD.

My TCP is a great pocket pistol and is something I carry to give me enough time to get to my real meat and potatoes piece. I mainly have 357sig's, 40's and 45's but have started to enjoy .22lr pistols for plinking.

I am no firearms expert by any means but have handled everything from my M-16 while in the military from 1972 to 1976 to my favorite .45 acp 1911's. Just something about a full frame 1911 that still sings to me.

So there it is and here I am, hope to have fun and learn from some of "The Pro's" that I am sure populates this forum.

Haven't visited the forum in nearly 5 years.

Forgot I was a member. LOL. Been a long time firearm enthusiast, recently got into handguns. I've had alot happen in the last year including several new purchases, and three gun stolen. They were recovered, and I will be getting them back here sometime. I've been looking for a new gun forum to post on since I had a "unknown" falling out with XDtalk. Won't go into details because I don't have any...

Anyways I'll see ya guys around.
New guy checking in

Hey guys new guy here with a load of questions and looking to get started thanks for having me aswell!!!!!!!!!:D
Im Al, The mayor thing is a joke-title hung on me by some of my Old Fart Buddies in SoCal. We lived and worked on the High Desert between L A and Vegas for a number of years. I taught HS and Comm College during that time. I met wife #2 (the keeper) and got my life rebuilt after a tough reaction to the divorce of Wife #1 (the throwback). We retired in 2000 and relocated to a rural area in Southern Indiana about 15 miles west of Louisville,KY.

Getting close to 70 and slowing down a bit, but so far the brain still functions.
Got 10 kids between the two wives and so far, 23 grandkids that make Christmas a freakin' nightmare for the budget ! most of them are within an hour's ride from us here.

I have a 55 tree orchard here that I play in trying to get the various fruit trees to produce. I teach a course each winter term for a local community college here, where I had worked full time 30 years ago.

I am a casual hunter/shooter. I don't get into this too much as I have a limited retirement "fun-budget". I have a total of 7 rifles 4 of which are 22's of various types then there are the 308, and two 30-06's . 2 Handguns and a pair of shotguns, one of which is a Saiga S-12 tricked-out a bit to give the AK look and the Mall-Ninja attitude make up the rest of the Armory.!

I am about to depart on my first ever Texas Hog Hunt, with a grandson and his other Grandpa. I hope to write up a hunt-report in a couple of weeks on our return. I have to learn out to post a photo so that it opens when you check my post. So Far the ones I have posted have had to clicked on the link to get to see them (an inconvenience I want to overcome).

Politically, I am pretty far to the right of center, but not in the area of Ghenghis Khan and some of the serious gunners on this site. I tend to stay out of the political debates, respecting your right to think the way you do, and not wanting to have to defend my point of view to anyone.

I did my military (Army) time back in the early 60's as a Communication Intercept Operator with time in both Japan and Vietnam. No great war stories to share...did the job and came home. Used the GI Bill to get a B S , M S and EdS degrees to make teaching a paying career that I enjoyed. Wife's a Nurse, still working cause shes a decade younger than me. Nice to have a nurse near by as my warrenty seems to be falling apart at times these days !

OK That's Mayor AL.

New here ex of Calguns. I hope the moderators here aren't as big weenies as they.

Used to have many pistols, rifles and 2 shotguns. Now it's just 1 shotgun.

Be nice to me, I have Weisenheimer's Disease. I was just going to be Q, but evidently someone else has it. Aw, what the heck, call me Q for short.

Oh, by the way, my sig notwithstanding, I am the sort that can't help provoking the Borg, if you get my drift.
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Hello all
New to the forum, but not to firearms.
I'm predominately a handgun shooter, but looking to learn more about the rifles, zeroing, etc.
How is everyone, Jeremy here just bought a colt 1911 new agent today and think I'm in love... Wanna learn everything I can from customizing to caring for my new best friend... Anyone have tips or suggestions please let me know... Thanks
My name is Warren, Im in Fall River, Ma. I will be getting my lic any day now. I am a member of the Taunton Rifle and Pistol club. I had a glock 19 when I was in the Coast Guard. Got rid of it when I got out. Wish I hadnt.(oh well) but im looking to get back into shooting and look forward to learning something new from you all.

Hey guys!

I'm a firearms owner, student and researcher. I hope to share some of my own ideas as well as ideas derived from people on the net.

A bit about myself: Gamer, but not hardcore. I stay informed on many issues and am a nice guy. I am not a patriot and plan to emigrate in the next 5 years, to somewhere my bolt actions I can keep and maybe a few semis.

Political: I come across as left wing but tend to be centre on many issues. I feel too much of one side or the other is bad.

Gun Experience: Many gun friends, I own a small collection. I learn quickly.