New members - please introduce yourselves here


Hi guys Im Ron. Just bought a 1938 mauser, and would like to know approx, what its worth. All numbers match, except the bottom plate, and the trigger gaurd. the stock is in excellent shape:):)

[Ron, you will need to post your query in our research forum. - Bud]
Hi Folks – pleased to join you on ‘The Firing Line.’ Having just turned the big 7-Oh, I’m probably the ol’ timer around here. :cool: Still have my very first rifle bought as a kid. A Mossberg 151M, .22 semi-auto. And IIRC, I paid about $40 for it. Was good money back then. Added a good number of firearms since, but that old run-of-the-mill Mossberg with its iron sights remains high on the fun-factor list. And the best part is that it still shoots as true as ever. Anyway, ‘proud to be member of your fine forum.
Long Island Okie(Newbie)

Well, I just signed up this morning. Originally, I am from Brooklyn Long Island New York.
Moved to Tulsa in 2003; it will be seven years next month.

I have a very modest collection of firearms, consisting of handguns & rifles.
That's about it. Oh yeah, even though I loved Long Island, I'm glad to be
away from there. They still have very draconian laws.

They don't seem to be big on second amendment issues. And after I was in
Tulsa for a year, I got my ccw! Very glad to have it, I am! ;)
Newbie here..."oldie" to handguns

Hello all:

I'm a newbie to this forum, but have been a handgun enthusiast since 1991, when I bought my first handgun, a Taurus model 85 .38 Special.

I'm a member of another forum, which I joined in January of this year, and truly enjoy the associations I've had with the members there; and I look forward to learning more about handguns, firearms safety, concealed carry, etc. from the folks on this forum.
Iowan waving a hand.

Hello all.
Some of you may recognize the name from other firearm forums. The name here is Joe, but I go by 911JB [birthday and initials] or just JB. I reside along the banks of the Mississippi river in central Iowa. My father gave me my first firearm at the ripe old age of 7 back in 1970, and my "firearm flu" has only gotten worse since that day. Like my father before me I hold a FFL and while it is currently just a C&R I am in the process of upgrading it to a type 1. I am currently working as a gunsmith under my friends type 1 license, at his gun shop, as I get my own gunsmith business up and running. Some of my other interests are Motorcycles, ATV's, Bow hunting whitetail deer and amateur radio [ FCC licensed amateur radio operator since 1996] .
Well, that is a little about me. After I get acquainted with this sites setup I am sure you will see my name pop up in threads.
Respects, JB
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Hello, New Member

Hello, Im from Pennsylvania, I like shooting all firearms,and traditional muzzleoaders. Im Retired military. U.S.A.F.
Hello To All Firearms Lovers !!

Hi folks, im new here and am happy to have found this site.
Lots of info and people to talk to about firearms. Living in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. im surrounded by a lot of tree hugging gun control freaks.
Although there is a large majority of pro gun folks here, most are against and if it wasn't for PA's gun friendly laws, we'd probably be like NYC.
Good to Be Here !

Hi everyone,

I'm a mid-20s 2A enthusiast who's been into the shooting sports since about the age of 5. I'm somewhat of a computer nerd who likes motorcycles, guitars, video games and firearms.

Glad to be here.
howdy all. glad to be here and glad you all are here. seems like a nice forum. well I'm from Tulsa,OK 48yrs old married to a very good looking lady Lisa with a perfect little gentlemen named ryne who's 10yrs old. and does excellent in school and loves guns of the past and present. and he loves to shoot my p90 with the suppressor mounted.
From a small town in New Brunswick Canada. I love to hunt and fish. I go every chance I get. I also love learning about different guns and ammo. Glad I found this forum and hope to learn lots.
hey there, y'all !!

Hello all. New forum member here from north Florida...Leon/Wakulla County area Have enjoyed reading posts for a while and recently decided to join. I'm 56 years oldand have been shooting since I was 12. S&W and Ruger revolvers...rifles...shotguns...a wide selection of firearms.

Even though I have been around firearms most of my life I know there is still plenty I can learn, your site looks great, and full of knowledgeable people. I look forward to interacting here.


sehr dankbar,

marshall in tallahassee

shalom / tschüss
new here

Hello, The name is Shane. Hail from wet western Wa State. Been in the military. Working as civilian for 25 yrs now. Love to hunt, shoot and reload for all my weapons. Cast my own bullets for my .44 mag, .444 marlin, .45 LC and .45 ACP. Kinda got a thing for belted mags. Don't know how that started it just happened. I'm an old gearhead so maybe it's a horsepower thing. I'm a member on Reloaders Nest as well. Nice to be here. Cheers All
New guy saying hello

Hey all, im Nick from New York City. New to firearm forums but have been hunting/target since I was about 7. Im only 23 years old, but I hope to absorb alot from the veteran shooters here.
sept 15, 2010 arrival

hey TFL members,

I grew up in mass and have been building a family in virginia with my wife who was born in virginia(I have been in virginia since '05). the extent of my firearms training growing up was tv, the news, and the little my grandma's(may she rest in peace) brother taught me as well as my uncle(it wasn't much but one is retired NY state police and the other is retired ATF).

the massachusetts mentality of weapons or at least the fact that many, many less people are into guns or carry in mass than other states, lead me to originally be senstitive to the antis(I never took sides- I just never had guns so I didn't care much of it). I volunteered for the war and had extensive weapons training. after my honorable discharge from the army when my time was up, I got into federal law enforcement where I have learned much more about weapons+firearms. We also own guns and enjoy them too. safety is a priority. the children are still very young, yet I already have an electronic safe since you cant find the keys for that(over ride keys are locked in safe). the 2nd amendment is also a priority as well as the fact the my wife&I believe in defending ourselves+our family. I became an NRA Life Member this year(being a disabled vet brought the price of life
membership down for me).

so far we have a rifle, shotgun, and two revolvers(including a CCW). I had a stoeger cougar&we shoot semis at work. I prefer revolvers without a doubt
Hey All,

I am a new shooter and purchased a sig p229 for home defense a few months back and after going to the range to practice, I've been hooked ever since. After the handgun purchase, I picked up a Mossberg 500, Ruger 10/22, and a Mosin Nagant 91/30. I'm in the process of picking up a Browning Buckmark Practical which I'm really excited about. I've been browsing TFL recently and really have learned a lot from this forum about improving my shooting skills. I wanted to sign up to say thanks for all the great information and hope to participate in the discussions.
Catching up to the What If...

Starting shooting rifles in the Army, about 25 years ago, always as Expert in qualification, then once a year in the Reserves too. I always wondered, What If I had some coaching, some training, wonder if I could really be a shooter... After the once a year firing ended about 17 years ago, I put the idea aside. Until now. I bought my first .22 pistol about 6 months ago, joined a range and started plinking. About a month ago, I read about bullseye shooting, and attended a league night. That's it, completely hooked. Just attended a USMC bullseye clinic this weekend and got some great instruction and fundamentals. Hope to fire in my first match in two weeks, not because I'm ready, which I certainly am not, but because why wait?
I'm new as well, I'm Chris. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran from Dayton Ohio. I have recently gotten into handguns and rifles again. I served from 2002-2006. I currently own a Taurus PT911, an old old muzzle loader, and am "babysitting" my grandfathers M1 Carbine. I'm looking into getting a few more firearms, like a Glock 26 or similar ccw as well as a Ruger 10/22.