New members - please introduce yourselves here

Finally Made It Official

So after lurking around this forum for some time, I finally joined. Don't really know why it took so long. Tons of great info. I currently have a Ruger 10/22 stainless Sporter, a synthetic 10/22, two Remington 597s, one in stainless, a Remington 700 in 7mm Rem Mag, a couple shot guns and a .50 cal Hawkin(my favorite). Thanks for letting me join the party, and I look forward to learning from all of you.

Well, now that I've spotted the New Members thread, I guess I'll stop in and say hello. I've been lurking for the past few weeks, but finally decided that I just had to comment on a few threads.
Amazingly, I am on TFL all the time and I have never noticed this thread. Anyways, I have been a member for over a year. I chose the name sserdlihc because as a kid I could write anything backwards and in cursive. I know strange ability. My hobbies are reloading, hunting and fishing. I enjoy learning about all aspects of firearms, reloading and tactics. I can't exactly remember what I was looking for when I found TFL, but I am glad I did.
Hi All!

Some here will probably recognize my "handle" from other forums. I'm looking forward to engaging in some great discussion! :)


Look at your rights and freedoms as what would be required to survive and be free as if there were no government. Governments come and go, but your rights live on. If you wish to survive government, you must protect with jealous resolve all the powers that come with your rights - especially with the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Without the power of those arms, you will perish with that government - or at its hand. B.E. Wood
Hi from Pittsburgh!

First post here. I just joined & wanted to say hello. I am from the Pittsburgh area. I ran across this forum as I was doing a search for some info on my NEF.
Howdy !! Lost my entire collection ..

Hi everyone, very glad to be here !!!
I've been reading varied posts/threads for a short bit, but i already not only enjoyed them but also learned some new stuff !!!
Though Born in CA. I was raised in OHIO, and my Dad got me hooked on firearms & hunting (bought me my 1st gun, a Rem. .22 and later a 20 ga), mostly small game, though our trips to CA. I got to use my uncle's larger rifles many years ago for Buck's, my largest was a 6 pointer, not bad for a 17 year old, talk about "Proud" !!!
I began to collect firearms of ALL types, handguns, shotguns, even antiques (like my working 1873 Wennchecter lever, and even my Fathers Korean War "trophy"-wont go into that-not sure if the item was legal after reading some posts)
-- GEORGIA is now my home, BUT amoung other items, my ENTIRE Firearm collection "Fell off the moving truck"
I actualy considered moving it with me, but was affaid of state Laws, so i let the moving company take them.
Well anyways, so I am a firearm lover (I love cleaning & maint. it was like a "Calming My time" ritual) with 3 children and a wife that now want to learn about how to shoot down at the fire range, and learn cleaning & Maint. them, but have no guns, haha (I have a thread on this in the "shotgun")
Hope to hear from others, and become apart of the great threads here !
new member from Georgia

Hi all,

New to this forum, but not new to guns. I just received my Georgia weapons carry license and wanted a good forum for tips and advice. I've been shooting various rifles, shotguns and handguns since I was a teen, many moons ago, but could still benefit from the experienced people here.

FNG checking in

Hello from Wisconsin.

Been hunting and shooting sice I was a teenager. I collect and shoot all types of firearms; From my Traditions Pioneer muzzleloader and CZ-75 to my Daewoo DR200 and Springfield M1-a scout; and many things in between.

Always ready to learn more and possibly help others with questions and comments. Just here to be part of the discussion.
new guy just wanting to say hello to everybody.

hi i,m adrians and a big HELLO to you all .
i hope to get some valuable insight and advice from people who know 'STUFF" about all things rifle related but mainly casting and handloading my own ammunition for my mausers and my old springfield 1873 trap,but anything rifle related is always welcome in my mind ,thanks and have a great day .
New Guy

My name is Chris and I'm from NW Florida (Tallahassee area). I've been shooting as long as I can remember....I own quite a few rifles and shotguns, a few assult style weapons and several pistols. I have been reading posts on this site for several months and have been impressed with the amount of information here. My friends often ask me gun questions assuming that because I own guns, I know alot about them- a misconception I am trying to remedy by learning as much as I can. I joined to ask for help when I need it (often) and give help when I can (less often).
Hello all. I am an active LEO in New York. I believe that we never stop learning. I am here to learn and share my own ideas and knowledge.
Howdy! I guess you could call me a Born Again Gun Nut. Growing up, My father a retired LA Co. Sherriffs Deputy was a HUGE gun ethusiast and activist. During my teen years (early 80s), we shot Hunter's Pistol (Centerfire & Smallbore) and Small bore rifle silhouette. Then I Joined the USAF and due to time, money & Interational Law constraints, I got out of the whole thing. Well now I'm back (since I have retired from the USAF) and have come to realize that 20+ years is a long time. So I'm here to refresh my knowledge. I'm currently oriented towards Handguns for the most part. Both revolvers & Semiautos. I have a few rifles, some .22s & an SKS. I also have a variety of airguns. Additionally I'm also dipping my toe into the reloading process.
I'm in the northern Utah (Near HAFB) area and I'm looking for a good outdoor range/club and I would really like to get back into Hunter's Pistol Silouette and perhaps Smallbore rifle Silouette eventually, so suggestions and/or advice are welcome.
The New Olde Guy....

Hello, all....

My name's Bob. Live in SW Ohio. As you can prob determine from my Username, I did serve in VN in 67-68 (but don't hold that against me).
I was raised around firearms, and learned to respect them at an early age.
Don't hunt anymore, but do collect and target shoot. I enjoy the Olde Iron, preferable over the newer stuff.
I am very fortunate to have an understanding wife, who puts up with my 'hobbies', and even joins me at the range on occasion.
Just developed a Late In Life interest in reloading (actually, I recently picked up a coupla thousand rounds of already-primered brass at a yard sale.... for five bucks..... so I figured I'm already ahead of the game).
It'll take me a while to check out all the posts already listed here, so many subjects...... Give me time; I'll try to find my niche.

Been reading, learning, and practice for a couple of months with my father's S&W 19-3 .357 magnum. I inherited it after he passed away. I am from Kansas, have fun in the learning process, hope I never have to use it on a person, and just hope to get one or two more handguns in the future.
Hi folks! - Bob from Montreal

Hi all,

New to the forum, just lurking for general information.

I'm not be your typical gun owner. Gun ownership is more complicated in Canada, so I have all the gun permits and papers necessary... they really make you go through hoops for that! ;)

Used to hunt small game about 20 years ago, my weapon of choice was a plain pump action Lakefield Mossberg 500. Also subscribed to a gun club, at the time, I had purchased a Sturm Ruger 44 Redhawk revolver. I still own both of these firearms. Two years ago, I renewed my gun club subscription and went a few times to shoot-up a few rounds, that pea shooter has some recoil, let me tell you!!!.

So I was browsing through the net searching on how to dispose safely of a few old (20yrs+) boxes of 12GA ammo that was corroded, that I found in an old box while doing some cleaning and clearing in my shed, and I found all the info right here, so there I am! :D

I live in Montreal, I'm a graphics designer / mac computer consultant, and concert organizer on my spare time. I'm an avid electronics hobbyist and fan of classic jazz and progressive rock. My forum nick refers to the main character of a classic S/F series, so yeah i'm also a big science fiction fan. ;)

Glad to be here!
