New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hello from Long Island

Hi folks You can call me Paul I am a C&R licensed collector who specializes in European Milsurps. I'm retired Army and a War Veteran so you may find this strange.But in my travels throughout this great country of ours and around the world, I have taken an interest in certain European products that have had an impact on history Weapons like the Enfield, the Mosin, the Mauser, along with certain European Semi Auto fit this genre. No I'm not getting into the proverbial argument about whose stuff is better, theirs or ours. I may be a dumb old goat, but I'm not that dumb Any way hello from Long island

You can call me Max I am US Navy presently stationed in Norfolk VA. My home is Boston I have been Navy for almost 22 years.Spent it all in Master at Arms. Most of my career has been aboard Carriers and Cruisers. I collect antique, and military surplus rifles
I'm new

Hello all

I'm new to this forum and forums in general. I don't even know if I clicked on the correct link to say hi or if I'm replying to someone's post. Wish me luck.
Hello from Ohio

Just thought I would say hello. I'm new to TFL, but not to the subject matter. I'm a military guy having served in both the Army and the Navy (SEABEEs), currently work for JAG with the National Guard, former MP, and military instructor. In civvie life I am a life safety consultant, investigator, and a writer.

I'm active on other sites and communities, usually under this same name.
New guy from Charlotte, NC. I just inherited an reproduction springfield .308 M1 Garand and a Marlin .22.

The M1 has a Leupold VX-II or something on it and I am looking to get into some long range shooting maybe some competition.

Looking forward to some great learning and discussions
Hello everyone.

My name is Sam, if you haven't already guessed, I live in Oregon. I recently accepted a sworn federal law enforcement officer position, and have some extra down time before I leave for the academy.

I have a previous background as an employee for the U.S. Army protecting chemical munitions, executive protection, and private security. I've been actively practicing with firearms for approximately four years now.

I teach home firearm safety and various handgun courses. I'm starting to make kydex holsters & accessories, and hoping to get into leather making for holsters, belts and accessories.

I hope to learn a lot, and pass on any useful information to anyone wanting it.

Hello my name is verlan,I'm a retired U.S. Marshal enjoy the forum's, and hope to meet a lot of fellow gun owners and shooters here.
hey guys

Hi I'm Jeff.Ive been into collecting and shooting since 1979.I love vintage S&W N frames and really into Kimber and desert Eagle these days.

It's nice to finally find a forum with a bunch of good guys on it.
Hi everybody

Hello I'm a newby to this forum, but not firearms. I've been tinkering with them since I was 15! I'm 42 now ex-Navy and working as a machinist.
I hope I can contribute to the threads.
I'm going through another revoler stage and curretly purchased 2 S&Ws; a 686 and 29 Classic!:) Also I breath the 1911 (.45, 10mm, .38Super) and am partial to a Ruger P95 and S&W m60 as my daily knock about handguns. I can speak fluent M-1 rifle, carbine, AR,& AK as well as 870, A-5, & 1100.
Be typing at you soon, B-1
I want to start a gun club/shop! No ifs, ands, or buts!!

Hey everyone! I would like to thank everyone on for all their amazing support and information. I am a 24- year-old college student in Kennesaw, Ga (where we have a blue law that states the head of every household MUST own a firearm for defense), and just got out of the Marine Corps. Hoorah! Anyway, my family owns 110 acres in Canton, Georgia, and the idea came up about starting a gun club possibly affiliated with the NRA. After months and months of researching things such as market size, demographics, buying the NRA Range Sourcebook, development, planning and zoning, etc. I have decided its time to start a gun range with the intent of developing new trends that bring in new shooters, and regular shooters, a unique place to shoot for sport and learning defensive tactics. Here are a few things going for me, because Lord knows how expensive this is going to be after all my research. #1 Private property, outside of city limits, consisting of 110 acres and natural backstops with 300 plus yards of rifle shooting distances. Only 1 neighbor exists within 1 mile from the property, but the land is 5 miles from a very populated city, and development around our topography is booming! #2 My dad owns and operates a manufacturing company that has agreed to build the targets, the rifle range structures, etc. #3 Our lawyer that works at our company just got elected as the Commissioner of the county the land resides in. #4 We have several land development contractors willing to work for minimal costs, as well as, land attorneys!
So, these are just a few of the advantages that I have, and I know there are already a TON of disadvantages to owning and operating a rifle range/gun shop, but I am very adamant about the firearm industry and keeping our rights alive! I honestly hate hearing others talk about how starting a range is nearly impossible, or at least not worth it... Now what would that do to the firearm industry if we kept that attitude. Whats next? Someday, we might all be saying its too difficult to buy and own firearms! Well not me. I know I may have a few advantages over others, but I would like to be able to continue to have discussions on this forum! Okay, so last thing. If anyone has any experience or expertise on how I can get this range/shop opened, it would be GREATLY appreciated. I want to be able to get all the facts, estimates, rules and regulations in order before I start construction. Please only constructive comments. Again, I want to be as realistic as possible without the negativity. I guess to narrow my questions down a bit, what is the best way to go about getting a grant for funding the project? Through the NRA? NSSF? Thanks everyone!

My name is Tyler and im 23 yrs old with aspirations to become a Ranger in the greatest Army in the world. I have been shooting since 9yrs old, I was baptized with a Beretta 92fs and Para Ord 45ACP (forget what model was my fathers friends). Ever since then I was addicted and I believe everyone here knows what I'm talking about.:D
Anyway right now I don't have many of my own except my trusty S&W1911 which is my favorite handgun without a doubt (The 1911 model in general just in my state no Springfields or Kimbers:mad:) But it is awsome and with the pistol I can fire most accuratley and the fastest, even better than a 9mm. I also bought myself a DPMS AP4. So for right now I got a good long gun and a good pistol. Now ammo and mags and resist the impulse to get another gun because I need a 12 gauge.
Newbie, here.

Though I have gone shooting with friends twice, it has been quite a long time. Tomorrow I am going to an indoor range with a friend and am a little anxious about all the choices of guns and ammo - -oh, and the actual shooting part, too. I've been doing some reading on types of guns and think that I will try (rent) some of the smaller .38 revolvers. I need something lightweight that has an easy trigger pull; something that I could use at home against an intruder or for a concealed carry. I would appreciate any suggestions on safety or particular guns to try and why.

Hi I just registered im from montana, just turned 37 today... I have a rifle and a shotgun i would like to learn more about, a model 94 38/40 marlin and a hopkins and allen double barrell 12 guage shotgun... and im wondering how the new synthetic stock stevens rifles are?? they are inexpensive are they any good??
Texas Cull Hunters Association

TCHA wishes to help provide hardworking blue collar Texas families an affordable way to hunt.

At the same time providing Texas ranchers quality construction services along with deer management assistance. (Labor for Cull program)

We are a group of gentleman hunters/construction workers experts from all trades is the structure of our membership.

Our intentions are to form alliances with like minded organizations to further our cause.

To form and maintain special interest programs.

To defend our 2nd amendment rights with vigor.
Hi TFL folks, just popping in to introduce myself.
My name is Rogue57, I'm an Army veteran, and and this is my first time logging in to this type of forum. :cool:
Saying howdy

Hey all,
Just dropping in to say hello. My user ID is my dog's name and my year of birth. Why would I do that? Cause she's 200 pounds of Old English Mastiff and she has a bit of orneriness to her that I like. I'm a 21 year retired Navy vet. Sailed around the globe a couple of times and know that there is no place like home. USA ALL THE WAY!

God Bless all and the USA!

Hooligan 1

I was born and raised right here in "Harry's Town" Independence Mo.,( for all you young fellars) My father was a policeman, my mother a nurse.
1. I am a patriot.
2. I'm a husband
3. I'm a father

Thats about it for formalities, I love to hunt and fish. My son's and I are starting our own bait co. ( Hooligan Bait Co.) I love my rifles, and I still have one of my fathers' carry guns Smith model 25 DA in the 45 ACP... I learned to hunt squirrels in the swamps and foothills of southeast Missouri. I am a plumber by trade, I've also been a welder, and a treetrimmer,I don't care to do that stuff anymore! I'm 47 years old, I had a major heart-attack during the last weekend of deer season in 09,......(some of you older fathers know what I'm talking about when I say that hunting every season with four out of five of my children is my proudest accomplishment...) Also I was an artillery repairman in the Missouri National Guard for 6 years 83-89, I only had one citation for duty above and beyond,it's actually a MOARNGCOM. I served on the crew-serve weapons,for my squad, which included the m2,m3(grease-gun)m203,m60. I was also on the match-rifle team and the combat rifle team. That's about all the cool stuff, I hope we see a better time to come in these United States of America, and God Bless Her.

Andrew J. Owens

thanks for coming!:cool:
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Hello all. I've been checking this site out a lot over the last couple of weeks as I am getting ready to buy my first hand gun. Have to say that i have found lots of very useful info on all manner topics, a lot of stuff that hadnt even crossed my mind before. I look forward to using the knowledge of this membership to better my own experiences and plan to ask LOTS of questions. Thanks in advance for all your future assistance.
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