New members - please introduce yourselves here


Hi...I'm new to the forum but have been collecting and shooting for 60+ years. I'm just an ole redneck from Mississippi that likes to pop caps. Right now I'm having a 338 A-Square to 338/378 Weatherby. Got some ammo and dies I can't use.
Names Don and i`m origianlly from Greensboro NC. I live in S Texas now and have been for the past 6 years. Been out of the loop for the past 3 years, but i look foward to gettn back into the gun world.
Hi form SW Florida,
I am Bill. Glad to meet all of you. I and my wife love guns and fishing. I dont know a whole lot about guns but am learning due to good forums such as this one.
Hi im alex. when i was younger i was never allowed even an air gun. It was pretty weak. when i was about 15 I got my friend who was over 18 to buy me one and i kept it hidden from my mom for a while. She found it after i turned 18. That was a while. Now i want a real rifle, and just like the air gun, im going to have to keep it hidden.
My first real shooting experiance was with 3 friends of mine in northern Cali. we went up to on of my friends cabin and had miles of nothing to shoot on. Our wepons list was: 2 mosin nagants, an SKS, a 12 gauge, ruger 10/22 with a few 25 round clips, a single shot bolt action .22 and 9mm hand gun a rugger .22 hand gun and a single shot break barrel 12 gauge. and some of them small propane tanks. THAT WAS A TRIP TO REMEMBER. I can remember shooting my first gun. We where driving down the drivway to the cabin which was about 10 miles long and we stoped to drink more beer and have a look at the scenery. I stumbeled out of my Baja bug and my friend comes up to me holding the .22 hand gun. He says "shoot this NOW" I take it and aim at a dirt embankment......i stand there pointing the gun at this embankment savoring the moment and then turn back to my friends to confess "i have never shot a gun before" with a huge grine on my face. I put on round into that dirt basted of an embankment. Needless to say i nailed that ****er. I turned to my friends who where watching on with dull looks on their faces and say "that feels good"
I unloaded the reast of the clip into the embankment holding the gun in various differnt positions. Like a cop, with both hands. Like a gangsta, holding it sideways and upside down. Like a drunk, with a loose wrist. and a whole lot of other positions.
I got hooked and the gun i got hooked most on was the SKS with a fold out bayonet. The Mosins also really got my attnetion. I was even more attracted to the mosin when my friend informed me that it was the gun i see in Big 5 adds for $89.
That was a weekend at age 19 that i will never forget, with friends i will never forget.
Now at 23, I plan on buying a Mosin within the next few days. I still have some research to do which is why i singed up on here. I hope to talk to many of you and get a lot of opinions.
Me and my favorit gun (at the time)
I have some time lately, health issues, so I kind of stumbled on this site. Also, I am new to computers, so if I direct something weird to you it probably was not intentional. I used to do gun work, but am pretty much out of any kind of work until I can get around better. It seems like a good forum, people are more helpful than some of the others I looked at. I already saw some very interesting questions on this one, and intelligent replies. Hope it stays that way.
Shooter from Il.

Been shooting since I was 5 yr old. Wasn't politically uncorrect in OK in 1951. Yeah, do the math, now 63. 4 yrs U.S.Army 68/72. Won my first competition bullseye trophy in that period. Quite a few more since then. Mostly rifle and pistol shoot, but I do have an 870, just in case. Reloader (what competition shooter isn't).
Will hang around and lurk for awhile and contribute once every so often. Have a few things I'll end up putting on the Gun Show and of course always keep my eyes open for bargains. Used to be a regular gun show attendee (and table renter with my bro (RIP) years ago in NW In and NE Il.
Hello all,

My name is Robert, I am from France.
Shootingexp. is African game and match - working now on my 3rd novel and need some broadening of field.
hello my name is Dean

new to this a nd really looking to fine out some info on a gun that i is a 17-4 smith and wesson with a 8 3/8 barrel.....s/n has never been fired and in original some info on this....trying to figure out how this site works...cant even figure out how to post a thread or question.......would love to know any onfo. that anyone has .... i am 43 years old and retired from the Navy in 2005 after 23 years of service.....i live in seneca, sc......

i am tommy and i have been on here a while but havent been very active.i spend alot of time on but an slowly moving over here.i live in wa and work on tugboats so i am gone about half the year.
hope to spend some more time and get to know everybody.i also build custom 1911s and ar15s if anybody is interested
Hello TFL. Just had a few questions on a firearm that was handed down to me and hoping someone could give me some info. I'm also here just to gain more general knowledge of firearms.
prairie dog shootin

I'd like to say hey to everyone! Great place, alot to take in and learn, I hope I can learn and maybe answer some questions. If someone could direct me a little, I'd like to find a place to hunt prairie dogs on public land close to my home state Arkansas, anyone?
Hey Everyone.....

Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. March 17th was my b-day and my wife said that I can buy reloading equipment for her .45 and my .375 RUM. so here I am...figured the best way to learn about reloading is from people that have done it. Oh I live in the Kansas City area (I know WTH do I have a .375) and love Jeep's, camping and of course guns. I'm gonna post in the reloading section so jump on over and give me your opinions if you don't mind.
I already have several posts, here, and ran across this thread, today.

I live in north central Illinois, and absolutely detest not having the right to concealed carry (at one time, I lived about 20 years down South, and took my gun rights for granted). Illinois doesn't even have "Castle Rule". You are required to retreat, if possible, and give intruders the "run of your house".

That said, I'm glad to be among all of you, here ...
hello everyone, ive been lurking for awhile and thought i would introduce myself.
im tony from central IL. i served in the united states army from 1996 to 2000 as a combat engineer stationed at ft. stewart GA. 10 E BN 3 ID.

rem 700 sps tactical .308, bushnell 4200 6-24x50, us optics 20moa 1 peice base, burris xtreme rings
dpms AP4 carbine .223, soon to have a eotech xps2-2
2 beretta 92fs consecutive #'s
ruger 10/22 carbine
rem 870 12ga fully rifled slug barrel
and a few others
Hi everyone,

Just found this today and been doing some browsing and reading seems like a nice spot. And I figured since I did a reply to another thread I should go do the customary introduction.

I'm fairly new to owning firearms myself, mostly shot ones that belonged to members of my family's growing up and an occasional rental here and there for new stuff to do on the weekend. But a couple months ago I was out browsing The Gun Store, in Las Vegas (where I live), with a friend. He got a Mosberg, I wasn't planing on buying anything but saw a Marlin 60 SNWS and just caught my eye. Held it up, seemed like a fun plinker with a price that can't be beat. So got that, cleaned it up, got some rounds. While waiting for the weather to clear and head out to the Clark County Shooting Park (best i've ever seen). I ended up with my second gun.

The Classic Big 5 special. $99 Mosin Nagant M91/30. It's a 1933 Izveshk (think I spelt that right). Tip top shape for what I can tell. Spent the weekend doing some cosmoline hunting. Then got some ammo for that, off to the range, spent a good four hours at the shooting park with em both and had a real great time. Both shoot fantastic.

Then recently I got my 3rd firearm. Looking for a pistol I was browsing the local vendors, ended up at one of our top rated pawn shops here in Vegas. And saw a gun that I didn't even know existed. A Smith And Wesson SW40VE. I was looking at some revolvers and some .22lr pistols. Basically wanting to get an inexpensive pistol so I could get my Blue Card, then save up for something for no waiting period. Then I spotted something on the wall, asked what it was. Got the run down on the SW40. And the price as just fantastic. It was just the gun and 1 mag, no other bits n pieces but I walked out there spending still less than I estimated for a nice .22 or .38 revolver. And it's just in fantastic shape, looks like it was only fired a few times. Minimal wear, nothing was out of place, all the mechanics are in great shape. So going to try and take that out to a range this weekend and try it out.

If you ever visit here, and got your firearms on you, go check out the shooting park up north, pistol ranges, rifle ranges from 50 yards to 1000 yards, many skeet and trap, and more to come.. But I'm kind off topic and rambling now. Just wanted to say Hi and hopefully I'll have a good time here.

Hey all, my name is Ron and i'm new to this site. I have questions about an 8mm i own and posted a thread titled need some help. I am located in colorado.