McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Oil can get a little bigger domestically without me crying. I'll just be happy if FedGov gets smaller. Heck, I'll crack a big ol' smile if it just doesn't grow.
Palin has shown that despite her beliefs she will act fairly and constitutionally (the gay partner benefit veto). Imagine, a politician who puts the constitution and their constituents above themselves. Yeah, kind of hard to imagine, huh?
I haven't made up my mind one way or the other. I honestly don't understand how they both got this far......I do know Bush has FUBARed this country in the past 8 years, and McCain was party to it....

McCain will do A LOT LESS HARM! I do not agree with the war! But us getting out to early will ensure that the area over there will immediately become a dictatorship. And probably after the different tribes battle it out for control. As much as I disagreed with going over there, There will not be rest in the area until the time is here, in the first that we are there we need to make sure we can leave and leave it with some stability.

There is a lot more at stake than just the war. The run that Clinton had as far as the economy was not of his on doing...he does deserve credit for not screwing it up! But this is not what we are talking about here. Obama's agenda is to push our country toward SOCIALISM as quickly as he can and he is saying so but doing it in a way most people do not recognize.

Socialism will set us back a long way!!!

Please be specific in how McCain was part of Bush's screw ups other than supporting our troops and the mid-east? That way we can address each on it on merit.

I totally agree. Obama will lead us on a path that is not good. McCain is not so good either, but maybe he will do less harm. I just hate what has happened to our country and economy in the past 8 years......
The bottom line is we don't have any real talent at the top. Politics is a dirty and corrupt business. Maybe some day this will change, but not in our lifetime no matter who we elect.

See ya....
This has cinched it for me. I had some reservations about voting for McCain, but bringing in Palin has done it. Im voting for him.

However, I can already see the pundits chopping at the bit to burn into McCain. For so long, he's championed (and was winning) the battle for national security (terrorism and all that jazz). While Palin does a lot (A LOT) to reassure and stock up on his conservative base, she is completely and totally ignorant on national security. the Dems are going to slam him for picking someone vaguely reminiscent of Obama on this issue.

Reporter: Mr. McCain, youv'e slammed Mr. Obama for not having foreign policy creds, and yet now you've picked an inexperienced governor who has only run her state for 2 years. If, sir, god forbid something should happen to you, why should Americans feel safe with Mrs. Palin in office?

He is going to get slammed repeatedly for that.
I think this is great! We may finally have someone in office a little closer to the Grass Roots Level.

As for:

I totally agree. Obama will lead us on a path that is not good. McCain is not so good either, but maybe he will do less harm. I just hate what has happened to our country and economy in the past 8 years......

Clinton is the one that sold out the economy to the Chines!
However, I can already see the pundits chopping at the bit to burn into McCain. For so long, he's championed (and was winning) the battle for national security (terrorism and all that jazz). While Palin does a lot (A LOT) to reassure and stock up on his conservative base, she is completely and totally ignorant on national security. the Dems are going to slam him for picking someone vaguely reminiscent of Obama on this issue.

How can Palin be ignorant of national security? She is the Governor of Alaska, right? My geography is not that great, but isn't Alaska within spitting distance of Russia? There is a lot of oil in Alaska. Seems like that state might be a pretty good target for some bad guy if the governing body of that state was not being vigilant.

Some dumb hick governor from Arkansas was allowed to be President not so very long ago. Not Vice President, but THE President. Today all the pundits speak of him with the reverence as if they were talking about Jesus Christ. There are no real security issues in Arkansas that I can think of.
IMHO it will go down to who's the less "evil" in both candidates..This will be a very interesting campaign and a very interesting election..I was not so sure about McCain either but i definetly not liking all the rhetoric of obama, he sounds like a very sleazy car salesman or a sleazy lawyer it just seems like he has other intentions that only him knows and i hate surprises when it comes to politicians..for now McCain-palin got my vote just have to convince other people that i know.. (no offense to any car salesman in here)
"Some dumb hick governor from Arkansas was allowed to be President not so very long ago. Not Vice President, but THE President. Today all the pundits speak of him with the reverence as if they were talking about Jesus Christ. There are no real security issues in Arkansas that I can think of."


Not 5 minutes ago, I made the same argument to my daughter.
She mentioned the fact that Palin was from a small state that doesn't have the concerns of a NY or Kalifornia.
She hadn't thought about President Clinton and his experience in the great state of Arkansas---that was last in just about every measurable area we keep stats on.
I think Palin will do just fine---if a skirt chaser like clinton can do it she can too.
Sarah Palin

Wow, a lifetime member of the NRA? A hunter and gun owner? Doesn't get any better than that. Not to mention she is a fox! McCain could have done worse but he didn't. She is a winner for sure.........
Considering what we got for presidential candidates, Palin as McCain's VP was the best outcome 2A supporters could have hoped for. This gal is definitely in our camp; she is sharp, and also known for fighting corruption in government. All the Alaskans I know think she's great, and I would have happily supported her as president had she received the nomination.

Don't you know Hillary is smokin' right now...
I wonder if she will have VP hunting trips... will a range be built at the White House?

I wouldn't invite Cheney!!!;)

Much is being said about her lack of experience. Actually, she has more executive experience then the other three candidiates combined.
Sarah, if you're reading this, CONGRATULATIONS!! :D

I've been waiting a long time to see a candidate who really understands issues related to both gun rights and the rights of developmentally disabled children! (I know that's an odd combination but it is my 2 top voting issues.)

Good luck! :D
OK guys,

Even though I was a combat Marine in Vietnam, I really didn't care for the Republican nominee, but with Palin on the ticket, they get my vote.

I would like to thank everyone who has participated in this thread for keeping it friendly and in the spirit of this fine forum.

Thank you :D
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