McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Why am I having flashbacks of 1984? It didn't work for the Democrats then, why does McCain think it will work for him now. Then Geraldine Ferraro is head and shoulders above Sarah Pailn and that's not saying much. Palin has much less qualifications than Ferraro. Sorry I don't see it working, and that is coming from a person who does not even have a dog in this race.
Yep, we're squirming to expose the broad then throw her in the gutter.

This is absolutely great language you are using here. I totally love the imagery you made: Throwing a woman into the gutter.

This sort of talk will definitely go over very well with female voters. :D:D

I wonder if she will have VP hunting trips... will a range be built at the White House?
She'll be living on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory, but the VP's residence does look like it has a decent-sized lawn...


We'll just get a bulldozer in there to throw up some berms, and I think we're good to go. :D

Please be specific...we know she is a woman...but beyond that? First when Mondale nominated his VP he was WAY behind in the polls...something McCain is NOT. In fact as late as yesterday they were in a deadheat. Ferraro was considered an insider if I remember correctly...this Lady definately is not! So other than the fact that she is a woman what are you talking about?

I suppose you would say the same thing if Hillary had been nominated by Obama? She is a woman. Other than serving in the Senate which I do not see anything she can hang her hat on as a great accomplishment and oh yea being First Lady who was so incompetent when tasked with Health Care they panned her...What else?

Sorry to disagree here but anything having to do with the election and those running in it should be part of this discussioin...this smacks of censorship! They are comparing her and Obama and now you are saying that it is not relavent!
Hey Dhunter, did you read the Sticky for the New Rules for Legal and Politics ? I think they want everyone to tone down the rhetoric. I just read it, and it's very well written and enlightening.

If you haven't read it yet, have a look. :D
Posts focusing only on Obama have been deleted as off topic.
-Dave Miller


I still see such posts back on page 7, despite refreshing my browser. Is my Firefox web browser broken???


WHen a decision like this is made is it made by the ENTIRE STAFF or was this a decision made specifically by you?

Just want to get the facts.
Dearhunter61 said:
Sorry to disagree here but anything having to do with the election and those running in it should be part of this discussioin...this smacks of censorship! They are comparing her and Obama and now you are saying that it is not relavent!
Your posts are highly relevant, but not to this thread which is primarily about Gov. Palin. Posts that mention both Palin and Obama and/or McCain and/or Biden remain. Feel free to repost what you wrote as a new thread.

LanceOregon said:

I still see such posts back on page 7, despite refreshing my browser.
Thanks for the tip. :) I'll dive back and and have a look around.

First when Mondale nominated his VP he was WAY behind in the polls...something McCain is NOT.

I think it is very close to Mondale's situation in 1984. McCain is behind in the polls, and in the all important electoral votes. It painfully comes across as a cheap politcal trick to get Hillary supporters on their side. Unfortunately it will not work since Palin is far too conservative to pick up most women voters. Seriously how many mainstream women voters hunt, or even like firearms. Few if any. Just because people on this website are enthusiastic about her does not mean it will translate to mainstream voters.
Hillary experienced? How so...Just because she served as First Lady?

PLEASE! If you want to review experience look at how someone performs under they pander to the polls? That is the experience she brings from watching her husband in the position. This Lady stands up for what is right and is willing to take the heat of it! That is the type of experience that means something...
McCain's choice is sheer genius. She's what I want in a candidate. NRA life member. The fact that she's a woman is just huge. How can any woman not vote for her, putting her in the second highest office in the United States? Brilliant political move.

Everyone rants about experience. Congress has a 8% approval rating. That tells me the people of the United States don't want experience, they want CHANGE! A libertarian conservative woman is just incredible. GREAT choice!!!.

The ONLY thing Obama had going for him was his change position, and, if he'd been smart, he too should have picked a woman for a running mate. McCain/Palin now steals that thunder.

I'm kind of curious: what do you think the chance of an AWB is if McCain/Palin are elected????

This is the first time in about 16 years I actually think there might be a bit of hope for the system...
It's a great choice. You can tell because the neo-libs are howling in rage. At least women will have a real choice in this election. Palin is a great choice.

After all, everyone is talking about her, and not about the Demo convention, right? ;)
Wonderful choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew they would squeal if they thought it was a good choice.
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