McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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BRILLIANT MOVE! This should put a damper on their scamper! :eek: :eek: :cool:

Puts a Woman in the White House!

Covers the Gender Card!

And She seems to have Brains too!

Unlike a certain other Party!
From some blog:
"A lifetime member of the NRA, she enjoys hunting, fishing ..." A woman with balls. That makes four on the ticket".

This is a bit of a bummer for me. I'm a Ron Paul supporter and I was 100% positive that there was nothing John McCain could do to make me vote for him. I was wrong.
Oh wow we now get the whopping big 3 electoral votes from Alaska.
And we get to say we got a female VP just like the Democrats did in 84.
How can any sane person sit around and criticize Obama's inexperience and then say Palin is qualified especially to lead our armed forces.

I'll go with Savage on this one:
Hey guys,

Long time no talk or post, but I had to come to TFL after hearing this news...

Getting real for a moment....

Among my concerns about McCain, has been his age and his health. Face it folks. The Presidency ages you beyond the pall. Anyone who says different, hasn't paid attention to before and after pictures of the men in that office.

Palin is the best possible choice for any number of reasons.

Obama is black. Palin is female. Check.
Obama is young. Palin is younger. Check.
Obama is from the wacko far-left. Palin is a moderate conservative. Check.
Obama would appoint liberal/progressive judges, and should a Supreme Court Justice (or two) retire, Obama's appointments would simply preserve the status quo. McCain would appoint moderate to conservative judges and could quite possibly tip the balance of the Supreme Court. Check.
Should Obama die, Joe Biden would be President. Should McCain Die, Palin would be President. Check.

The above reasons are but a few. I now have someone I can not only vote for, feel good about voting for, but also someone who can now beat Obama.

Could not have said it better myself. MCCAIN/PALIN...AMAZING TICKET.

I didn't think I would be participating in the campaigning this year, but given this revelation, I cant wait.

Don't let them fool you. Palin is for big oil. She's pro to opening Alaska for drilling. :eek: and of McCain croaked in office....we'd have Palin for President :barf:

The Republicans had 8 years to FUBAR this country and world....just say NO to those evil doers and power mongers ;)
What a contrast between Obama’s choice for VP and McCain’s. Obama chose so poorly that it call into question his judgment. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems make an excuse to replace Biden. I remember back in the 80s Biden was one of the Dems grilling Oliver North over the Iran-Contra affair, and North made Biden look like a moron.

I wonder if the liberalMedia is going to bring up Biden’s college plagiarism, or if they’ll try and cover it up.
huchahuchax said:
This is a bit of a bummer for me. I'm a Ron Paul supporter and I was 100% positive that there was nothing John McCain could do to make me vote for him. I was wrong.
Same here, huchahuchax. This election just got interesting, which is much better than its former status as depressing.
Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform said: "The good news about Sarah Palin is that she is a reformer on spending. She is one of a handful of governors who by executive order put government spending online and searchable. Both in government transparency, on spending transparency, on saying no to tax increases and keeping government spending down, she has been a star at the state level."
huchahuchax said:
This is a bit of a bummer for me. I'm a Ron Paul supporter and I was 100% positive that there was nothing John McCain could do to make me vote for him. I was wrong.

I'm with you on that. I remember WA talking aobut her last year at some point and i thought to myself "Yeah she seems like she'd make a pretty good veep". But I didn't think I'd actually see her on the ticket...

Im floored. And happy. I originally wasn't even going to go vote, but I think McCain/Palin secured it for me.

She seems to be a bit of a fireball so hopefully McCain will listen to her when the time is right.
If you read Obama's statements and look at his background it's impossible not to view him as ultra liberal and more realistically a Socialist. He should campaign in a Robin Hood costume.

My fear is that mainstream America does not know who he really is. They actually believe he is something else. Unfortunaely to find out differently it could cost them BIG TIME!
Look guys.....

Either Candidate is full of Moose Crap :barf: but one of them will be President. McCain is a Republican, and supported Bush on the war and many other issues.....

Barack Obama sounds like a dreamer.....but who will do LESS HARM to our country, the environment and the world ??
Before this announcement, my vote for McCain was really nothing more than a vote against Obama and his socialist viewpoints. I am deff feeling a little better now about some possible positive things that the GOP ticket can do together.
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