McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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If you are a flaming liberal and you want all of the social programs then why don't you just give all those people everything YOU have and not take it from those that have spent a lifetime of earning it? It amazes my how the liberals think it is ok to take money away from those who have worked their tails off to earn it and give it to those who will not get of their tails to get a job. You must be one of those.

Let's see, Deerhunter:

Makes an emotionally charged post in all caps...check

Criticises me for "name calling"...check

Disregards other posts pertaining to my political outlook...check

Proceeds to mislabel me to fit his own argument...check

Falsely asserts that I am unemployed...check

It it looks like a nut, whines like a baby, talks like a ****, hears what he wants to hear, and changes the facts to fit his own position, he must be a Deerhunter.

Since you have taken the liberty to label people whatever you feel like, I've got some labels for you: racist nazi white guy insecure about his...manhood, shall we say. I'm not putting up with your sh*t, sport. Deal with it.

Now for the rest of us who were discussing candidates, back to the subject matter...
McCain chose a crazy person as a VP, nice.
You just lost any credibility with that lame statement.:rolleyes: The facts say different...she's done a good job in Alaska. She has a good head on her shoulders...just sounds like a bitter statement to me.
Dang, this is GOOD!!
Way to go Mr. McCain!!!

Bo and his people can't attack this women on any front ---What a move!!

Bo and his supporters CAN'T mention any " lack of experience" ---they just can't-- They'll just high light their own lack of experience.
She's a gorgeous Women that has a son going to Iraq, she is not "one of those politicians that let " others" fight there battles ---her own son!! What could be better??
NRA lifetime member--McCain just sent a BIG message to gun owners.
She's NOT a hypocrite on abortion, she knew she was going to give birth to a downs syndrome child and she carries it to term and LOVES it.
She has more experience than BO does.
Etc. Etc.

God, I HOPE they attack her and loose the rest of the Hillary voters that may be setting on the fence---PLEASE, PLEASE attack her!!
McCain just said in one swoop:


Is it wrong to fantasize about a VP??

Based on your other posts on the site if you said anything else I think all would have been shocked into 2-3 days of utter silence.

I vote on more things then just firearms, her stance on many other issues are horrid.

I get to choose between two people who are more interested in pushing their own agenda then furthering the interests of the American people.
To H*** with McCain, I'm voting for Sara! This makes me very proud to be GOP. Watch out Osama Obama! The Barracuda is coming to Washington! SHE will change things you can't even dream of! HOT DIGGITY DAWG!

"I vote on more things then just firearms, her stances on many other issues are horrid."

Please educate me...Can you name the stances you are talking about?

Are you talking about the time when she resigned from her office and reported people in her own party of corruption? This must be it....
Please educate me...Can you name the stances you are talking about?

Her position on environmental regulations, are particularly bad. Then there is her stance on abortion, and a number of other issues.
I have to agree with Dipper. On a personal note I like the sounds of Palin for VP, I live in the south end of Crook county Illanoy and just have to say that I would vote for ANYBODY reasonable that runs against a politition from Chicago, Cook county or Illinois.

I also considered myself a Ron Paul voter (undeclared) so there is now 26.

I will vote McCain/PALIN

I vote on more things then just firearms, her stance on many other issues are horrid.

Only if you are a way left liberal S832.

Just read this thread and you'll get a good idea of what the majority of people think about her.
Joe works for the American Trial Lawyers association which is why if you look up his donors its a who's who of lawfirms in America. His main accomplishments are:

The 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act
CERCLA, it established the superfund which wasted Billions of Dollars paying lawyers to sue everyone who ever put any toxic waste into a dump, even if it was legal.

This was the trail Lawyers dream and made many Lawyers into millionaires, while it hardly cleaned up a single waste site. Biden lobbied for its reauthorization when it expired. No one else in congress supported it. It was a waste of taxpayer money and a dismal failure.

He also wrote the violence against women act, helped write the 1994 AWB, and his most recent triumph was the Bankruptcy reform act of 2005. He was absent the day it passed the Senate after he pushed it for 11 years with his name on it, he had our other DE senator Tom Carper sponsor it while he was running for President (he's a hypocrit extrordinaire).

I Despise Biden because I know what a know nothing special interest loving fraud he is.
Palin on budgets

I have established an aggressive goal of reducing general fund spending by $150 million dollars. This takes tremendous effort by staff as well as the cooperation of the Legislature. On the savings side, by depositing our one-time surplus of $1.8 billion dollars, we'll build our savings account to nearly $4.3 billion dollars. It's a necessary step to ensure that we can fund essential services tomorrow; and avoid massive "single year" cuts down the road, if and when, faced with tougher times.
Source: State of the State Address Jan 17, 2007
Palin on schools and budgets

My budget includes fully funding the "K through 12" foundation formula. In addition, I've included more than $200 million in new dollars to cover the increased retirement costs for local school districts, so that more local school district dollars get into the classroom, where the money belongs. We're facing a potential $10 billion PERS/TRS retirement plan shortfall that affects local schools. Our $200 million dollar line item for school districts is part of the half BILLION dollar proposal to help th districts, local governments and the state alleviate the pension plan burden while we work with the Legislature on a long-term solution. I've also committed to help provide local school districts with more predictability, for better planning by supporting "early funding of education." I'll introduce a separate education appropriation bill and ask that it's passed. Our local school districts deserve to know what they have to work with early enough for them to create efficiencies through planning
Source: State of the State Address Jan 17, 2007

Can you be more specific? Enviromental Issues? Are you talking about drilling in Alaska? Based on what I have read she is an enviromentalist? She fishes, hunts and wants to keep the enviroment clean...what else?

Abortion? I take it you actually believe it is a choice. This is simply an area you and I will have to agree to disagree....unless this is your opinion? If so then perhaps there is room to talk...for me it is based on belief not opinion so it would probably be a waste of our time to address this any further. I BELIEVE that the fetus IS A BABY.
+1 Deerhunter,

You have to remember that the rabid liberals put EVERYTHING above man and believe that a women should have an abortion on demand for any reason and that the tax payers should pay for it and if the women or GIRL is underage, the parents need not be notified.

Anything that deviates from this and YOU have a "HORRID" stance on the issues ---you are considered a nut by the far left.

That's fine, I REALLY REALLY HOPE that is the stance the DEMS take---and McCain and Sara will win for sure---the vast majority of Americans align themselves with someone like Sara and not the far left.

Now, all we have to do is convince people that BO is not a KING and can not bring about everything he has promised by order---he would have to deal with the same legislative bodies that any President does and what he promises and what our GOVERNMENT ( in total) can/will deliver are two very different things.

IMO ,with Mccains wise selection of Palin, we will see the gap in the poll margins widen rather quickly. Experience, intelligence,lifetime NRA member, strong and a beautiful woman, hard to beat that kinda package. All I can say to Obama and Biden is" better put your boxing gloves on".:D
McCain picked a Washington outsider who is a woman. THAT is change you can count on.

Obama picked ... same ole, same ole. That is change ... of addresses.

Palin is the real deal. Obama is a rubber suit: The ultimate rubber stamp cloaked within the ultimate empty suit.
Who else thinks Sarah Palin looks like Tina Fey?

Strikingly similar in appearance :)


Carrier Fire

Y'all need to read the account of the horrible fire on the USS Forrestal. McCain's actions during that tragic event were brave and exemplary. He maintained his cool while he sat in the cockpit of his fighter and watched the carrier exploding around him, complete with missles torching off and screaming across the deck. This guy gives "guts" a new meaning!
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