McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Experience, over rated commodity

McCain/Palin now steals that thunder.

Yes, from the news I have been watching, Obama got knocked off the radar for today anyway.

As an old timer, I find that this experience issue as related to POUS is over rated. Experience resumes do count in industry jobs, but apparently not that much for President. The latest proof is Obama. He over came Hillary's charges of no experience. Showing that charisma and perception count more than experience. I watched live TV when Nixon basically lost the election in one night just based on how he looked and handled himself in the debate with Kennedy.

Palin will take some hits for low experience rating, but I think she will more than make up for that with the excitement factor. And not being experienced with Washington politics will probably help her. The fact is, Americans do not elect presidents and their VP's based on resumes, it's almost all about perception.

Added: Posting a picture of Palin shooting that M16 should pretty much take care of the gun vote.:p
I have to say, Palin is the first politician I've been in love with.:D She's beautiful, shoots, and, SHE TOOK HER HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM TO A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP.!!!!
I want her to be president, not VP.

I like the idea of a woman in the office. My objections with Bush have been the war takes to long. Get in, kill dictator, get out. If we aren't taking the oil, what's the point of being there 8 years? Iraq's had race/religion wars for 3000 years, we aren't solving that in 8 years.

The incredible gas prices, the result of paying off your buddies for getting you into office, well, Palin seems like the perfect person to deal with that. LOVE the way she dealt with the MILK folks...:D
Gov. Palin probably won't gain McCain any Hillary peeps or many independents, but maybe she will bring out some gun owner votes. If all of us gun nuts were half as excited about beating Obama as he and his supporters are about turning this country into a socialist state we could blow them out of the water come November.
When you say:

The incredible gas prices, the result of paying off your buddies for getting you into office, well, Palin seems like the perfect person to deal with that. LOVE the way she dealt with the MILK folks..

Ya know, we need to stop blaming Bush for everything---really.
We have to ask ourselves if we REALLY want our President to have control over gas prices and other goods.
Do we as FREE AMERICANS that live in a capitalistic society REALLY want to give that kind of power to one man??
It is not BUSH's job or any other presidents job or any one in governments job to set or control prices on ANYTHING.
When do you want the government to step in??
When would you like them to stay out of our business??
I look at government kinda like the vampire in the old movies, once YOU invite them in, you ain't gonna get them out until your sucked dry.

We need to remember just WHAT our government is and is not suppose to do.
We live in a free market system that has basically worked well for us for a long time.
One of the things I don't like about BO is his promises---his promises if they were carried out, would do away or crush our free market system and strangle any growth or DESIRE to produce that any company would have.

Would YOU work hard and develop a product only to have the government FIX your price ( tell you how much YOU can make), take your profits and distribute them to lazy non working people, or tell you exactly how to run YOUR company??

Sounds like BO.
I prefer what we have to socialism and ROBIN HOOD type government.
It's a free market, cut down on your gas usage and prices will drop as they have already.

Oh, and I love Palin already.....great choice, my kind of Gal!!

Gov. Palin probably won't gain McCain any Hillary peeps or many independents,

Agree. I think even the female Hillary backers will probably stick with Obama. But Palin will do well with conservatives in general, and gun owners of course. I do think she might add some independent voters. Anyway, now I can actually feel passionate when I go into the voting booth. Thanks McCain. I am sorry for all those nasty things I said about you this past year.:D
Any attack on Palin's inexperience can be answered easily by the Republican campaign.

Mr Obama, you said: "The stakes are too high and the challenges are too great to play the same old Washington game with the same old Washington players and expect a different result.”

She is less an insider than Obama is. She has more experience in the executive than McCain, Obama and Biden combined. She was a Union leader, so was her husband. One of her children has Down's syndrome. All of these things can only help the ticket.
Kind of funny watching the mainstream media/DailyShow/Colbert Report tonight. They're already jumping all over her "lack of experience". Where were these comments when Obama and Hillary were squaring off??

Also thought it was almost offensive the way they discuss how "historic" it is that the Dems picked BO., then they try to marginalize Palin as nothing more than a "token" pick. Looking at her record, she seems to be just as much of an agent for "change" as Obama.

Amazing how if you're a black or female Democrat, you're ok. However, if you're a black or female Republican, you've obviously been brainwashed and are nothing more than a "token" (just look at the way they've treated Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, etc.)
Yes, I'm sure Palin, who supports teaching creationism in our public schools and claims she has foreign policy experience because Alaska is so close to Russia, will be a surefire hit with the Hillary crowd...:rolleyes: I also find it extremely amusing that Sydney met Palin only 6 months ago for the first time.

But yeah she's sooo "hot" and that seems to be more than enough, for some people in this country, as required credentials for a vice presidential running mate.

We've been in Iraq, how long? seems like 8 years. If we are going to spend billions of dollars invading another country, to get rid of a dictator, then the price should be a few billion gallons of oil. Otherwise, why are we really there? Get in, get Saddam, and get out, otherwise.
Be cost efficient in smart bomb would have done it...

Bush was given power by Congress. Congress is who I'm after. I'm not alone. With an 8% approval rating, why do we keep voting the same people into office? Experience? I'm in Kali, and we send Boxer, Fienstien, and Pelosi?:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf: I'd put more barfs, but, the software won't let me...They are the 'most experienced' pieces of garbage I can think of. The best analogy I can think of is a prostitute. Sometimes
more experience is NOT a good thing. Mods forgive me, but, thinking of the three above, the analogy works so well, on so many levels, I can't help it.
I want new, fresh people, with no experience, and little affiliation with the party.

The oil companies are a monopoly, or, an oligarchy. Right now, with control of Iraq's oil, we could be paying less then 2 bucks a gallon for gas, and, about 100% of that would be taxes. Bush and Chaney have their buddies in the oil business, and, this is their payoff for 8 years.

If you have studied anti-trust laws, you would know that by law, it is the governments' job to step in, and regulate monopolies, and, the oil companies have been proven to be such, almost 100 years ago.

While I am a libertarian, and, believe that less government is better, huge business in the US, like the oil companies, and MSFT come to mind, have been proven to put their profits ahead of even their own long range existence, or, even the existence of the nation that has allowed them to develop to that point. Kind of reminds me of the black widow, that eats dad after mating...

And, yes, it was Bush and Chaney that got us into this war, and, then didn't take the oil out.

I voted for republicans, and got democratic profiters.

Did you know Bush wants to put 50 Billion dollars into fighting Aids in AFrica? WE need that money in San Francisco, if you really want to fight aides.

Not to mention, I don't.

I believe in limiting government, not expanding it, and, Bush has acted just like a democrat. Our current problem is we need a congress that writes laws to REPEAL LAWS, not add new ones.

It's so bad, that I'll give you a brief example. I went to an attorney's office today, to get something notorized. She had a bike in the office. I made some comment, and, the first thing out of her mouth is:
"I'm riding it, because it's a way to get around that isn't taxed, or regulated by the government, YET."
Governor Palin: executive experience for about two years as Governor of Alaska, and shook up the GOP in Alaska. She stood up to Republican Senator that wanted to build the bridge to nowhere.

Senator Obama: no executive experience, but US senator from Illinois for about three years. Hasn't really accomplished anything, but he is (some say) a good orator. "The One."

It seems to me that both may be qualified to be VP. Any thoughts?

A friend of mine lives in Alaska, she said Palin destroyed the state, particularly in the environmental sector.
What has obama done in the senate? 143 days and nothing to speak of. He's been running for president since he got in the senate.

You can bet his voting record as a state legislator inflicted irrepairable damages to liberty in IL.

Obama's not gong to take your guns away. That's settled law.

Yeah........Settled law with a "reasonable regulations" hole big enough to sail a ship through. :rolleyes:

This is a bit of a bummer for me. I'm a Ron Paul supporter and I was 100% positive that there was nothing John McCain could do to make me vote for him. I was wrong.

I feel your pain brother, I guess it's for the best. I'm changing my sig line too.

That said, I'll be sorry to see Sarah Palin leave if McCain is elected as I think there is still plenty of things that need to be done in Alaska before she leaves office.

However, if she must go, I can only hope that she can be a leader for ethics in govt at the federal level as she is here in AK. I can't think of anyone with a higher level of integrity for the job than Sarah Palin.

Don't let them fool you. Palin is for big oil. She's pro to opening Alaska for drilling. and of McCain croaked in office....we'd have Palin for President

I'm actually kinda counting on it.

Most of us who live in Alaska are pro to opening Alaska for drilling, timber harvests and mining. Most people don't realize that there is a statehood compact between Alaska and the federal govt that agrees we develope our natural resources as a source of revenue so we can sustain ourselves rather than depend on DSMFs for our existence.

Of course most don't understand that by placing ANWR off limits to oil exploration and Tongass NF to timber harvests, the fedpukes are in violation of that compact.

The only ones against it are the usual suspects such as the fair-weather, granola crunching, Denali dwelling hippies and their DSMF leftist ilk.


I didn't realize we agreed on so much.
Also thought it was almost offensive the way they discuss how "historic" it is that the Dems picked BO., then they try to marginalize Palin as nothing more than a "token" pick. Looking at her record, she seems to be just as much of an agent for "change" as Obama.

No, there is a huge difference between going through 18 months of campaigning and having to go through the vetting process and having someone choose your name. The word "pick" is quite apt. As for "token", would McCain have chosen her as a running mate if he was up 30 points in the polls?

I like her though. McCain is the anchor to the ticket.
Everyone rants about experience. Congress has a 8% approval rating. That tells me the people of the United States don't want experience, they want CHANGE! A libertarian conservative woman is just incredible. GREAT choice!!!.

Socrates, thanks for posting that. I get tired of hearing how McCain is just 4 more years of Bush, and about the Bush-McCain foreign policy. Nobody seems to care that the approval rating for a Democratic Congress is much lower than that of Bush. The last poll I saw had the approval rating at 9%, I didn't think it could possibly drop any lower!

A friend of mine lives in Alaska, she said Palin destroyed the state, particularly in the environmental sector.

So why is it that everybody else has nothing but positive things to say about this woman and the job she has done in AK?
I think the choice of Palin was an excellent choice. It will be an interesting race from here on out. As a politician she is untouchable. She has integrity, which is something the other party cannot claim at all. This choice may have won the election for the Rep. party. To all those who say that BO will not assault our gun rights; simply take the time to look at his voting record.
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