LIVE! From the Stand, Season 3!!!

I didn't know possums were supposed to eat them too.

Possums will eat ANYTHING that does not resist being eaten.

One that I inadvertantly shut up in my garage for a couple days ate all the D-Con mouse poison (several boxes) in there, and chewed the nozzle off the plastic lawnmower gas can ..... he was loose in there 4 days, and was still alive when I found him .....

I have actually saw one that ate the ...... ummmm .... anus ...... out of a dead skunk. Drove by the roadkilled skunk in the early AM ..... passed by again a couple hours after dark, and the back half of this possum was sticking out of the back end of the skunk ..... he was chowin' down with enough gusto that the skunk carcass looked like it was alive and moving ....

Possums are such nasty creatures that the barn cats of my youth, which would fight you for chicken guts, would not touch a live, pink, hairless, defenseless baby possum.
Possums will eat ANYTHING that does not resist being eaten.

Up to and including each other.

Saw an intact dead horse along the railroad tracks and it's whole stomach cavity was full of possums to the point it looked like the horse was moving.

And yes, they had entered through the rectum.
Maybe. I guess I shouldn't say "never" but I would count the near total lack of interest in gut piles to be the longest standing surprise of my woods experience. I expected them to be gone, I expected crows to find them first, as coyotes spread I figured they'd find them. Nothing seems to touch them. I didn't know possums were supposed to eat them too. Sure, one might disappear occasionally but they mostly sit there until the leaves blow over them or the snow covers them.

What I found interesting was a week after we had shot those two yotes, their carcasses were still laying there in the field. Buzzards wouldn't even pick at them, must be some sort of pact all nasty rotten flesh eaters have made, that they all won't touch coyotes. Lol
Kimber84 said:
they all won't touch coyotes.

They will eat each other after a while. We had a couple of their carcasses on my uncle's bait pile. We learned they they will cannibalize and they apparently strongly prefer rotten food, as they wouldn't touch anything until it had been there for quite a while.
Shortwave, that is disgusting. Ive never heard of such a thing. There goes my appetite!

Sorry bout that upstate.

Didn't mean to ruin dinner. :o

Warning: more gross stuff. :D

Far as gut piles goes, have even witnessed deer nibbling out of fresh ones. Assuming what they were eating was more then likely undigested/partially digested food from a torn/cut open paunch.
Giving it a go this afternoon in a new spot. There's more sign here than I've seen in a long time. This is likely the next to last hunt for bow season and I've seen precisely one deer the whole season. :(

and... skunked again.:(

My uncle had a tall 4-pt come wandering in as he was climbing a tree and it came back about an hour later. Otherwise, not a thing.
and... skunked again.:(

My uncle had a tall 4-pt come wandering in as he was climbing a tree and it came back about an hour later. Otherwise, not a thing.

I can't believe the lack of deer up there, that's crazy. Hats off to you for sticking it out... Our rut is really kicking down here now, lots of mature deer biting the dust.
It's really just an off year. We did fine last year. Doesn't make it suck any less but hopefully when gun season starts there will actually be MORE deer since we obviously aren't killing them now.
Heading to Nebraska Thursday for rifle season, I'll try to post how its going but doubt we'll have much signal. Hoping to just put a tag on a buck, gonna be there all week.
Heading to Nebraska Thursday for rifle season, I'll try to post how its going but doubt we'll have much signal. Hoping to just put a tag on a buck, gonna be there all week.


The lack of cell phone/internet is a feature, not a bug, in my book.

I leave all my troubles behind when I drop down into the Beaver Valley.
Well I guess I got the Live aspect working, didn't shoot a single squirrel, they don't seem to like the noise my 6 & 8yr old boys make. Oh well, they're still learning how to walk quietly in the woods and sit quietly. Did get a chance to pick out where I'll be sitting next Saturday when rifle season opens. Saw lots of deer and bear sign so hoping for a good opening day.

Oh yeah and some one left me a present:

You just never know what you'll find in the woods, brand new box of shells with only one missing. For what the guy paid for those shells I'll bet he's pretty mad he left them in the woods.
Here I am, in all likelihood the last chance for bow season. Another spot I've never been. Ground blind this time. If I were by some miracle to get a shot, it would be no more than 10 yards, possibly 15 or 20 feet.
