LIVE! From the Stand, Season 3!!!

Got out early this morning, sat for a couple hours and seen a little doe being chased around by a smaller spike. I had a couple good shots at the doe, but with a full freezer I decided to watch them for a half hour and head out. I only hunt a little 15 acre piece for private land and figure maybe they will come back and see me when they are bigger.
My first day out with the muzzleloader. Cold and windy but I'm in a spot with a lot of sign. Half an hour until light. Wish me luck


Sat all day yesterday in the snow. Must have looked like the abominable snowman, didn't see anything but I did find some really fresh tracks on my way out so that's where I'll be all day today. Still a bear wandering around up here too, should be denning up soon I would think.

Nothing so far but man is it cold. NOAA says 21 degrees but it feels a whole lot lower with the 20MPH gusts. Might have to take a walk soon to warm up. Funny I can't remember a seas where I worked so hard and saw so few deer. They're bound to show up sooner or later I guess.

Still haven't gotten one but today feels different. Cold and windy again although not as bad as yesterday. Took a walk yesterday to warm up and found the mountain full of coyote tracks, probably why the deer are so hard to find. Last day in this spot hopefully I can fill a tag.


My son went behind the house tonight with the luck. He was in the pop up blind that I shot my 8 pt from Oct. 6th. The wind was perfect and we have snow on the ground. The problem is that we had a major ice storm a week ago (I lost my power for 2 1/2 days) and it's been in really cold but, it was 47 degrees today. That is about a 25 degree swing from what it's been. I just don't think the deer needed to "get on food now".

I am going to sit with him tomorrow afternoon. I told him he had to wait until I could watch it unfold before he would see a deer. We have 4 days left in Michigan boys and girls. There is one cow of a doe that I have on camera I hope comes out for him. Supposed to be in the low 30's tomorrow and about 25 at dark.

The wind was funky for the blind last night so we sat on the side lines. He's back out tonight with a very favorable wind and 18 degrees. The deer should be moving.

He has a heater with him as well and I'm stuck at the worst four letter word of all..........WORK!
Was soooo looking to go out today... Finally have a day off of work!!!

Then the sneeze threw my freak'n back out!!!

Laying on a heating pad, with some Advil, and a muscle relaxer. :mad:
That sucks std7mag. Wasn't much better for my kid. He had a neighbor's dog all around his hunting area. That's hunting behind the house I guess. Today is the last day here in Michigan and we are done. NE winds today which are terrible for the blind. I will probably go to the Saginaw River to do some walleye ice fishing.

Hope everyone had a great season. My family took 6 out of the gene pool so sitting out the last day is no biggie.

Happy New year BTW.
First afternoon of our special DMFA ( or as we call it "Kill em all ") season. 2 antlerless per day, every day, only in certain areas.

My uncle and I are hunting together. 3 guns, 12ga semi, muzzleloader and Encore handgun in. 7mm- 08. :D

Deer expected from the right or lower right (east or SE) of the pic, headed to upper left (N or NW).
