LIVE! From the Stand, Season 3!!!

Wow........nice job Brian. It's been a great thread with great ending. Get it tagged, gutted, and hung. Pics please.
Didn't get any shots of the entrance and exit, I'll get them when we cut her up. Shot placement was perfect, just behind the leg, ~1/2 way up. I know why the blood was sparse though.... her heart wasn't working anymore.

This is from a 110gr Barnes TTSX, MV around 2650. Near side lung.

Hmmm...there goes most of that heart for eaten.

Oh well...deer heart is probably not good on pizza anyways. :p:D

Great shot and congrats.

Hoping to be looking at a similar gut pile come Monday morning.
Hunting a totally new area this morning and got a couple doe tags in my pocket. Area looks good it's the local Boy Scout camp. Ranger picked our spots so we could fill a couple of his tags for him. Weather is good with no wind. Man I'd really like to see some deer. Here's where I'm at

Same piece of property as yesterday. Spent the morning still hunting. Back in same place for the afternoon There's a big buck running the mountain. Hopefully he'll make an appearance this afternoon although a big doe would be just as good
Hope ya get him stu.

Monday morning was opening day of our shotgun season. Had a smallish ten point walked up and stopped 40yds from me. He was beautiful. Didn't raise gun.

Tuesday, got busted by doe's. Four of them coming up the hill in single file line. :rolleyes: Wanted the second doe as she was clearly the largest. Went to raise shotgun and since I was facing the bright sun, the glare off the bbl caught her eye. I know better to hunt that stand in the morning. :o

Today(morning), did not see a thing. Only shots heard were from far away. And the temp. is pushing 60.

Tonight should be productive as there is a front headed in overnight.
Will be posted up this evening with the Encore on a stand located in a bottle neck that I've watched a massive buck pass through a couple times in the pm.. About a 125yd shot if he shows. Hope to catch him sneaking through just before dark.
Thanks but...he didn't show and neither did his girlfriends. :rolleyes:

Think it's just too warm here. Absolutely nothing moving unless it's pushed. Currently 63deg. as I type this. Felt like I should have had my bow as it seemed like bow hunting temps.

Going to be warm overnight and another very warm morning. Rain in the PM and the temp. is supposed to drop with a chance of snow Fri.

Maybe things will pick up when it cools off.

I know Sat. and Sun. will be a zoo around here. Those that had to work this week will invade the woods like Grant in Richmond. :rolleyes:
Thanks but...he didn't show and neither did his girlfriends. :rolleyes:

Think it's just too warm here. Absolutely nothing moving unless it's pushed. Currently 63deg. as I type this. Felt like I should have had my bow as it seemed like bow hunting temps.

Going to be warm overnight and another very warm morning. Rain in the PM and the temp. is supposed to drop with a chance of snow Fri.

Maybe things will pick up when it cools off.

I know Sat. and Sun. will be a zoo around here. Those that had to work this week will invade the woods like Grant in Richmond. :rolleyes:

You noticing less deer in general this year? Lots of grumbling from all over the state. I'd say numbers have feathered out over the last three years. 06' was probably the peak for qtys of deer that I was seeing.
You noticing less deer in general this year? Lots of grumbling from all over the state. I'd say numbers have feathered out over the last three years. 06' was probably the peak for qtys of deer that I was seeing

Yes sir!

and this proves it:

Ohio had a first day take this year in shotgun season of 22,620. Down from a first day take in 2012 of 29,297. Overall current take is down 3% from last year...and I might add that our early m/l season was extended to all counties this year instead of being limited to a few counties as it was last year.

Numbers are surely down.
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Well, we finally got the deer cut up, though we still have to finish with the final cutting and packaging.

No pictures, sorry.;)

Was very interesting on the entrance and exit wounds though. The entrance wound was right on a rib and was at least 1 1/2" wide, blew that rib apart and one on each side. The exit was what I more typically expect of a Barnes TTSX at about 3/4". You can see from the picture of the heart and lungs in my previous post that the bullet clearly did it's job. One new data point for the TTSX bullets.:)
Brian, those TTSX bullets are some bad real well in your 7mm-08 and my 280. I'm hoping to put some 290 gr TEZ's to the the test with the muzzle stuffer on Saturday. I'm going deep in the thumb country of Michigan (Bad Axe). I'll post the good, bad, and the ugly here when I get done.
Dead from the stand......

Well to say the Barnes 290 TEZ's got put to the test would be an understatement. Three shots fired........three deer down. BTW, I'm tagged out. First, was an average doe in the morning at 95 yards. Hit her top of the shoulder........DRT. Second deer was a nice 6 pt and he stepped out of the woods at 3:30 in the afternoon. He was hard quartering to me and I took him top of the shoulder but tucked it in front (chest side). 45 yard shot and he didn't go 10 yards. Last, I had a group of a dozen or so does make their way down to me feeding along the the edge of the woods with about a half hour to go. I had plenty of time to size things and found the one I wanted. She was lingering in the back and gave me a 120 yard shot. I actually had to wizz my shot past closer ones to take her. Broadside, top of the shoulder........DRT.

I will post some pics later of the spot and the buck. Don't have any of the does.
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Yeah Peet, I probably saw 35-40 the entire day. That area of the thumb is just stupid with deer and I have hunted the same tree for 2 years in a row. Look at this:

Here's a few pics of the spot and the buck. The second picture that shows the little white building is the restaurant where we eat breakfast. I should have taken a picture of the shoulder we cut off that buck. He was my second deer this year that I mopped up someone else's mistake. It had a broken leg opposite side of my shot. I didn't really pay much attention to it when I got him but, yesterday you could see it was pretty jacked up in his elbow area with infection starting to set in. Glad I got him and not the yotes.


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