LIVE! From the Stand, Season 3!!!

Nothing again last night. Damn coyotes showed up 45 minutes before dark again. :mad:

Here we are again, on our small lease where the deer routinely come from the east. Wind is a little heavy and SSE.

Here's hoping to SEE one. This is getting old. :(

Hey Brian, keep at it. Couldn't help but chuckle at the street name next to your stand last night... Poverty Lane... that kinda sums your luck thus far!

BUT, I have faith that your luck will change! At least you are in the woods!

AND, you know where to go coyote hunting later! ;)
Yeah... Nothing again tonight.

We'll definitely need to get rid of some coyotes after deer season. There aren't many where we were tonight but my dad's camp has too many (1is too many). We never knew of any until 2 years ago, even then we only heard a few now and then. Last year we started seeing them, now they're howling all night long.

There seems to be a lot of "live from the stand" and not much "dead from the stand".

Good luck buddy!!!! Great 3rd year thread.
Well, for some strange reason only understood by others afflicted with the same disease, I find myself up a tree... again.

This has been the most uneventful season in quite some time. I've spent 30+ hours in a tree and laid eyes on a single doe, possibly another at the same time. 2 deer all year.

I'm at the corner of the corn field near my uncle's house again. There aught to be more deer here than you could shake a stick at... but there ain't.

There aren't as many here this year either. I know coyotes don't help. But, I found three dead within a couple of hundred yards of my house from hemorrhagic fever I presume.
Could it be the yote population?

Shouldn't be here. There were a ton of yotes when my uncle first bought his house but he killed 16 off one bait pile and hasn't heard one one months. He saw the first one since late spring just the other day.

Our other spots, maybe.

Here, I think it was the unseasonably warm weather and now it's the. 100s of acres of standing corn nearby.
There aren't as many here this year either. I know coyotes don't help. But, I found three dead within a couple of hundred yards of my house from hemorrhagic fever I presume.

Were they in or close to water Zerojunk?

now it's the. 100s of acres of standing corn nearby

Could be Brian. There taking the corn off around here like crazy. Seems the more they take off the more deer we're seeing.
Were they in or close to water Zerojunk?

One was in the creek. I actually smelled him for a couple of days before I found where he was. The other two were not actually in the water, but within fifty feet. There were no signs of injury. I didn't see any deformation of the hooves, discoloration of the skin, or anything like that. They were not emaciated. Just dead. But, since I found them all pretty much at the same time it is hard to imagine what else it would be.
Brian, just to let you know, due to a promotion at work and the resulting move, my hunting has been severly curtailed.

I like to think that I can vicariously hunt through you.
Brian, just to let you know, due to a promotion at work and the resulting move, my hunting has been severly curtailed.

I like to think that I can vicariously hunt through you.

The way my season is going, I'd hunt vicariously through someone else if I were you! ;)

Good luck! Sounds like U can work on the yotes after season is over....

If like to but most of them are tough to hunt, given the property lines/conditions.

Could be Brian. There taking the corn off around here like crazy. Seems the more they take off the more deer we're seeing.

They must be growing some long life corn. Most everyone is cutting or done. This corn is still 50-75% green. We've now had at least 4-5 solid frosts. Hopefully it kills the corn off and they get it down.

The guy just cut the soybeans at our lease. That seems to have little effect for a few weeks, still plenty of leftovers.
We've been watching this one in the game camera.


The season in the area he's moving doesn't start for two more weeks, but that's okay as he seems to be nocturnal. When the rut starts, his habits will change and we'll likely see more of him.
I have been watching a big one on a game camera too. Trouble is he only moves between 10:00pm and 2:00 am then vanishes.

Frustrated by game cameras...

It's deer hunting time in Texas again! I have a number of ranchers, friends & hunting buddies that start sending me their game camera pic's. This one was taken week before last at about 2:00 AM. This is from a huge ranch in South Texas. No one had ever seen this deer before, even though he is obviously mature & been around a while. The smart ones do get big!

..bug :)
Seen several nice ones just won't light enough to shoot


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