Jury Nullification Redux

Ok I will sound off another time to let everyone know I'm still here :) I'm up to date so far.

To be clear, can we acquit him of one or more indictments but find him guilty of another?
The Case for the Porsecution:

Testimony of Officer Jack Thugge:

On direct Officer Thug testified that in response to a dispatch call of "shots fired", he proceeded to _________ where he made the following observations. That the defendant was outside his home. That on aprroaching the defendant, the defendant stated : "I didnt do anything". Officer did not immediately observe a firearm. Officer asked the defendant :"do you have a gun". Defendant pointed to a bush and said "over there". Officer found a Hi Point Pistol under the bush, cleared it and secured it. At that point, further units and detectives arrived and Office Thugg was thereafter engened in perimter worlk. The High Point pistol found by the office was admitted into evidence as Ex 1. The shell casing he removed from the gun was Ex 2.

On cross exam, the Officer admitted that at the time hey knew nothing about what was going on, other than shots were fired. He approached the defendat becasue the defendat was the only person immediately visbile in the area, and not due to any ifo he had received. He admitted that the defendat was calm and cooperative, and that the only statement he made was "I didnt do it" together with pointing out where the gun was. The Officer also stated that when he found the gun, an empty casing was jammed in the ejection port into what he knowes is a stovepipe position.

Let me know when to go on.

Direct testimony of Lars Worthington IV for the prosecution:

*the witness is a handsome, distinguished looking, tall man of about 50 with carefully coiffed blonde hair wearing a Brooks Brothers suit, rep tie and brightly shined shoes*

The witness testified that he was 50 years old, a graduate of harvard medical School and was a practicing ob-gyn. He had been residing at _______________ for 10 years, is married and has two children, a 19 year old son and a 16 year old daughter. He knows the defendant because the defendant lives next door to him and his family for the past three months.

Dr. W testified that starting about at the time the defendant moved in, the realtions between he and the defendant were "strained". When as why he described the relationship as strained, he responded that the defendant acted like a"thug". He knew the defendant was a rap artist who could afford to live in the exclusive neighborhood, but he dissaproved of the defendant's lifestyle. He stated that on more than one occasion, he asked the defendant to tone down the parties at his house, and on one occasion, he called the police. When asked why he called the police,over objection (that means the objection was overruled) he stated that he saw the defendant smoking marijuana and kissing a man. The next question was what happened when the police arrived and an objection was sustained foreclosing an answer.

Your Honor, please compel the witnesses to testify further. I have some beer in my refrigerator and it may freeze before I get there.