Jury Nullification Redux

Guys this is an interesting idea, but the only problem in it is that all of you are gun owners. Not a cross section of the public (peers?). Jury selection pros would have a conniption over this jury pool. I would serve on this jury if there is need. Does my Law enforcement background disqualify me? Incidently Wild, That .45/70 load I had trouble with in Seward was a 305 gr. HP in front of reloder 7 at 2200fps. THe bullets were opening up in flight. You helped me find a better load for the rifle. I wound up with 400 gr soft points at 1800 fps. You probably don't remember, it was in 1994. Wish I was still there.
I'm aware that there are a LOT of caveats to this "experiment". I'm not sure what point is being driven at by doing it regarding jury nullification, but I'll play along as much by the rules as I must (like the way the politicians who make the laws do) and see where it goes.

I kind of thought when it started that there would be a voir dire, so at least I could see whether I'd make it through.

Since I don't yet have all the testimony, but I might be able to convict someone of any of the 3 violations charged under the right conditions, this might not even be a nullification exercise for me.

But let's see what happens.
It's pretty weird but I'm not receiving E-Mail notifications to new posts in this thread anymore. I tried to resubscribe to the thread but it says I'm still subscribed.:confused:
I think you should "find" a witness that will testify to the defendant sacrificing a human baby to the great Satan. You've already made him a gay black muslim rapper LOL
McGillie is in, one of you is going to get bumped at the end as an alternate ;)

Direct testimony Of Dr. W, continued:

On the day in question which was a Sunday, at 7 PM, he was outside his house when he saw several black cars pull up to the Defendant's house. Loud music was coming from these vehicles. Becasue he had a social meeting scheduled, he decided to go over to the Defendants house to ask him to ensure that if there was going to be a party, that the music was kept down. By the time he walked the 30 feet or so over to the Defendants driveway, the riders in the cars were all standing outside (he recalled ) four of them (three of them black males) and the music was very loud. The defendant was talking to a woman who Dr. W. desribed as tall, blonde and skimpily dressed. Dr. W stated that he politely told the defendant that he had a social engagement at his house in a few hours and would appreciate it if the music was kept down. Dr. W stated that at that point, the defendant became "verbally abusive" to him. When asked what the defendant said, Dr W testified that the defendant stated:

"Look you white mother..... dont you come over here threatening me on my property, I'm not your bitch" or words to that effect.

Dr. W stated that after these words, he decided not to continue the argument any further, so he turned away and began walking back to his house. When he almost reached his open grage door, he heard the defendant call "Hey Doc" and when he turned, the defendant was holding a pistol in his hand, pointed it at the gound and pulled the trigger. The gun went off, and Dr. W ducked inside the house and called 911. He identified the gun marked as an exhibit as the gun in question. He also stated that when he saw the gun, he was in fear of imminent serious injury....

****Dr. W was cool and composed during his testimony, however, he smirked at the defendant several times. His body language showed distate when he was talking about the defendats and his friend also.***

Direct of the Doc finished, cross next...ready?
