Jury Nullification Redux

****Dr. W was cool and composed during his testimony, however, he smirked at the defendant several times. His body language showed distate when he was talking about the defendats and his friend also.***

Thank you, the above is a poor substitute for body language but it is definetly a help.

Thank you

Cross Exam of Dr. W. Part 1

on cross exam, Dr. W admitted he did not approve otf the defendants appearance and lifestyle. He admitted he said the defendant looked and acted like a thug, dressed like a thug and criminal. He admitted he told another neighbor, Fred Forsyth, that the defendants "kind" were destroying neighborhood property values. He denied ever using the term "nigger gangster" while referring to the defendant. *here the witness became surly and saarcastic to counsel for the defense*

Dr. W then admitted that he owns numerous guns, including a 45 caliber automatic pistol. He stated that this pistol was highly customized for "self defense". He admitted that he carried this pistol with him "most" of the time, to "protect" himself. He adsmitted to having been physically and verbally threated by persons other than the defendant in the past. These threats concerned his job. *the witness is becomong a bit evasive here*. When asked about his job, the wintness repeated that he was aon Ob Gyn, then after a few more questions, he finally admitted that his medical practice specialiazedc in pregnancy terminations, or abortions. He had received, as a result, death threats in the past and as a result, carried a pistol most of the time. Whyen asked if he carried it in his own home, he said yes, when asked if he even carried a pistol into the bathroom of his own home, he said yes. *the witness is acting a bit exasperated here*

Dr. W stated he had no formal firearms training.

Dr. W was next shown a copy of an internet forum message thread (Def Ex 1) from a message Board known as "the Shooting Stool". He admitted that he was the author of that thread. He admitted that the tile of the Thread was "Best Ammo for gangbangers" but contended it was a joke thread.

Dr.W was next questioned on the 45 referred to earlier, he was directed to bring it into court. He staed he had a permit for this one and all his other guns, when specifically, when asked about a question about wheter his guns were licensed, he replied, "of course, thats how my kind do it". When asked what he meant by "my kind, he stated that he meant solid, legitimate citizens, not gangbangers and thugs. *sort of sneering here*...

Break for lunch, ready for more?

Sorry, I just went back and looked up the charges. Defendant is charge with possessing a firearm outside the home, and discharging a firearm unlawfully. Correct?
musher is on the trail, but this hotel I'm at has low-budget wireless. It's not fast, but it's good enough to keep up with this thread--even through my ssh tunnel.

please proceed.

Dr W. was then asked if his children knew the defendant. He became visibly angry and responded that he did not permit them to associate with him. He admitted however, that both of his childrend had visited the defendants house and that made him angry both at his kids and at the defendant. He dienied ever being angry enough to threaten the defendat. Over objection, Dr. W denied his son was gay and denied that his son was having a sexual relationship with the defendant *visibly angry*.

Dr. W deneid being armed at the time of the incident. He denied wearing body armor at the time of the incident, although he admits to owning same. He denied ever telling the defendant to "stay away" from his (Dr. W's ) son.

Dr. W reiterated having been threatened in the past by abortion opponents. He admitted that he was used to this, and that it "takes more than a threat" to scare him. *supercilious here*

Dr. W deneid ever telling the defendant that he would "take him out". He denied again being armed at the time of the incident but admitted that this was unusual becasue he was usually armed. *hes sort of smirky here*

End of cross
