Jury Nullification Redux

Note passed to bailiff from gallery

Would it be too much of an imposition for his honor to make court proceeding entries in a different color or font to make it easier for the spectators to keep track?
Continued case for the State

Andy Ink, a senior forensic fingerprint examiner, was shown exhibit one in evidence (Hi Point). He testified that on two places, he matched the fingerprints of the defendant on the pistol.

On cross exam, he admitted that there were other fingerprints on the gun. He admitted that he diod no comparison work on these prints. He admitted he had acess to Dr. Ws prints by way of a pistol license application but did no comparison. He thus has no idea whose prints they were.

The State rests. Defense case upcoming

Please note: I am shortening this up substanitally for you guys. Please note that the Hi Point pistol is in evidence, thus chain of custody has been established.

After several weeks of highs and lows...

the prosecution rests.

A high profile case of a Doctor against a "Gangster" goes to trial.

The well respected Doctor, in our comunity, has testified that the 'gangsta rappa', who allegedly had an ileagle "high point cop killer" on his front lawn, threatened the doctor with physical violence.

The prosecution has determined that the defendant has, at one time or another, handled that particular "cop killer gun", as had several others.

Other arrests are pending.
The court has been suffering from a severe bout of flu (again) and actually took off work Saturday and partially today, will reccomence tomm orrow.

The court is not fat any more though, thats the good thing.

In an informal meeting on the street, in poor lighting such that I don't recognize the judge, I tell him not to worry. As an experienced fat-fighter of over 40 years, your heft will return quite nicely.
Stellar Case Ongoing

After a week without testimony, several sources are speculating on the courts willingness to proceed with this case.

"My client is being denied a speedy trial!", shouted a spittle spraying Mark Kloos, attorney for the defendant, "Damn it to hell! Where is the judge? I'll kick his ass myself! Tighten up, Your Honor!"

The sentiment was reflected throughout the community.

"It's like, well...you know... what's up?", said a well known and respected college student.

Another rumor floating about is that the judge, Hon. Wildididnothavesex- withthatwomanAlaska, has been involuntarily committed to the same recovery center as Britny Spears, and has refused to leave.

Regardless of the travails of the court, whether Anthrax, alcohol, or lead poisoning, this reporter wishes a speedy recovery and trial.
Hizzoner's health confirms my suspicion that Alaska is not fit for human habitation for most of the year. Maybe a change of venue is in order, and we can transport Hizzoner to the tropics to recover.

WildnotsicknomoHawaii has a nice ring to it. ;)