Jury Nullification Redux

Defense case:

Larissa Boobetski is called as a Defense witness. *she is an extremely attractive scandanavian looking young blonde with full pouting lips and whose ample bustline is ill concealed by a professional cut business suit*

Ms B testified that she is 21 years of age, unemployed and has a criminal record for shoplifting and posession of a forged instrument. She is a "sometime girlfriend" of the defendant. On the day in question, she arrived at the Defendants hnome in the company of her other "sometime boyfriend" who is a freind of the defendant, his name is "Homey GSpot". Upon arrival, she got out of the vehicle and was talking to the defendant when she spotted the Dr. com,ing across the street. She was familiar with the Doc having been at the defendants residence before, she described him as "an angry person". She staed that the Doc had been verbally abusive to her and the defendant in the past, on one occasion the Doc called her a "nigger loving whore" and on another occasion stated in the presence of her and the defendant that if they didnt "stay away" from "his boy", he would "take them out". She also testified that every time she saw the Doc, he was wearing a gun and that that frightened her.
When she saw the Doc on the day in question he was armed, and she said he was wearing a "black vest". As the Doc approached them, the Defendant told her to go into the house and she did. She then heard some shouting but was unable to hear what was said. A few seconds later, she heard a gun shot and ran into another room to call 911. She said she told 911 that the Doc was trying to kill her boyfreind and he had a gun. She then heard sirens and when she looked out the window a few minutes later, the Doc was gone and the Defendant was being arrested.
She staed she went out to the police officer to give her version of what happened, but the police officer (she was unable to ID him) told her that it wasnt neccessary.
She never saw a gun in the hands of the Defendant.

Finally, on direct, she admitted that on more than one occasion, she had engaged in sexual activities with the defendant and the doc's son, who she described as "cute but confused".

On cross examination, she admitted that she was in love with the Defendant and would do anything to help him, but she would not lie. She admitted that the Defendant was supporting her. She stated that she met the defendant while she was working as an "entertainer" in a "gentlemans club", admitting then that she was a stripper in a strip joint. She deneid smoking marijuana on the day of the incident. She admitted that her two criminal convictions revolved around fraudulent and/or meretricious conduct. She denied any animus towards the Doc. She admitted seeing the defendast posing with guns and playing with guns in the past, but denied he owned one.
*during her direct exam, the witness was composed and spoke clearly and distinctly. on cross, she began to swivel nervously in her chair and nibble her thumb*

More to follow

Meretricious conduct? Forged instrument? If it doesn't annoy the Court too much, could we just hear in plain English what the heck she did? ;)

<ducks as bailiff approaches>
Well, that was distracting, I mean, interesting...

Hey, can I get out of the juror's seat, walk up to the Kibitzer and break his thumbs? :p ;) I guess he can still hunt and peck...:eek: :mad:

...guess post #151 and #232 is there for the hell of it...:mad:
Defense case continued:

The 911 tape was admitted into evidence and played. On the tape, the voice of Miss B is clearly heard stating: "Please hurry, he has a gun, please hurry". When the Operator is asking "who", the tape cuts off and a dial tone is heard.

Defense case continued:

Mabel Moneypenny was called as a witness. She is the former receptionist for the Dr., haviong worked for him for 1o yearsShe stated that on at least two occasions, the Dr. stated, in her presence, that he was "tired" of having "trash" like the Defendant live in his neighborhood, and that the Defendant "had better watch himself" or he (the Dr.) would "excersize his god given rights to protect his family". She also stated that the Dr. habitually carried his gun around the office and read magazines such as Guns and Ammo, SWAT, and Shotgun News.

On cross exam, she stated that the Dr. regularly received written and phone death threats over his activities in terminating pregnancies. She admitted that the Dr. never made any specific threats towards the Defendant, rather they were just in general terms as above.. She admitted that she was fired by the Dr., and that the reason she was given by the Dr. for her termination was that prescription drugs were missing. She denied then and now any involvement in such problems. She denied any animus towards the dr. over her termination.

*on direct exam the witness was cool and collected, on cross exam she became visibly nervous, especially when discussing her termination*
