Jury Nullification Redux

Tall and tan and young and handsome,
the boy from Ipanima goes walking....
(original words)

Ipanima Beach, next to the Copacabana Beach - only more expensive. Just another reason Rio is the place to vacation!

Um Judge? Ya wanna continue this or do I lock it down?
:eek: I just saw this on another forum: the judge, defendant and the plaintiff were ALL seen on the beach in Panama!! :D
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I think hizzoner grew bored with story telling and went off to study the international implications of homegrown wheat for personal use.

I've forgotten the facts of the case, so I say we just let 'em all go. :p
I've forgotten the facts of the case, so I say we just let 'em all go.

Ummmm...yep. I had to go to the bathroom a lllloooonnnggg time ago and didn't return. (Must have dozed off on the toilet wandering when the rest of the evidence is going to be presented)
Bump de bump, bump, bump

Well if Tuttle8 can bump an old one, so can I. Of course, the jury has been committed to an institution because they were dying of pressure sores on their rear ends; the rest of us are mighty curious how this case is EVER going to turn out! :eek:
Hell's bells! The defendant would be out by now for time served waiting for the verdict. This all started in February, 2007! :eek: (I'm curious as to whether this is a record for TFL.....)
Your Honor...the Defense requests an immediate dismissal of the case and further requests that all charges against the defendant be dropped with prejudice.