Jury Nullification Redux

If I didnt have guns guns guns and more guns fallin out my butt to the poiint where I am buried in em I could get this thing going...just give me a few more breaks or buy some of the 50 odd 22s I just got in :)

Nope, where are all my jurors, sign in

Our story begins when a hapless gun owner awakes to find himself in Stereotypeville, Somestate, USA.

Next installment will be out next week. ;)
A few things bother me about this case.

1. Defendant was at home at the time of the altercation, was not out looking for trouble. Dr. W. brought an altercation to defendants home.

2. Ownership of the Hi-Point was not established. The DA would have made this a pertinant point had it turned out to be defendants. A semi successful rap artist living in an affluant neighbrohood would certainly not buy a Hi-Point. OTOH, Dr. W. admittidly sees defendant as a thug type and he may very well think that a Hi-Point is a "thug gun".

3. 2nd set of prints found on gun were not even checked. Very very odd.

4. Dr. W. most certainly had motive to try to set the defendant up. Perceived lower home values, probable racist issues, perceived protection of his young son from a 'gangster thug bisexual druggie' etc..

I believe it highly possible that Dr. W. set the defendant up to get him arrested, out of the neighbrohood, away from his son, and from spite as he is highly emotional and not in control of his faculties.

I believe the 2nd set of prints would be Dr. W.'s. He bought the cheapest gun he could find that would be perceived as a thugs gun, shot the gun into the ground, dropped it and walked away to call the police. If so, defendants (or anyones) first reaction would be to secure the gun by picking it up. Then it probably occured to him that the police were in route and didn't want to be in possession of it when they arrived so he threw it into the bushes and directed the responding officers to it after they arrived.

This is a more feasible scenario than the way the testimony implied it went down. The defendants only emotional outburst was when the Dr. approached him at his home and dissed him in front of his friends.

What say ye, fellow jurors?
The judge said go! Perhaps he's still groggy from his absence and spoke too soon.:D

The jury's instructed to disregard those comments, lol. (Why do they say that in court when its not possible?)

Carry on.
Any truth to the rumor the good doctor and the defendant are living together in Costa Rica and the trial was called off? :rolleyes: