Jury Nullification Redux

This, like most of the prosecutions in this country, is a state case.

My poor typing is fixed.

Count 2

AND THE GRAND JURY AFORESAID, by this indictment, additionally accuse said defendent Muhammed Ramirez of the crime of Posession of a Weapon in the Second degree, committed as follows:

That the defendant, Muhammed Ramirez knowingly possessed a loaded and operable firearm outside his home or place of business.

Count 3

AND THE GRAND JURY AFORESAID, by this indictment, additionally accuse said defendent Muhammed Ramirez of the crime of Reckless Endangerment in the second degree, committed as follows:

That the defendant, Muhammed Ramirez, recklessly engaged in
conduct, to wit: discharging a firearm, which conduct created a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person, to wit : Lars Worthington IV.

This is a simple 3 count indictment. Ready for testimony?

At what point in time to we hear the specific state and federal laws that this person is accused of violating?
From the list it looks like you only have nine jurors. I'll be an alternate if you need me to be. Anyways this looks like it's going to be fun to watch.
Wow, this is creepy! I didn't even officially get kicked off the jury, just became an "unperson" somehow. Maybe I'll head back to that other thread. Some unanswered questions over there. ;)
Mmmm. Eclair. <drool> </Homer>

You know, I've been flagrantly discussing an issue which may or may not turn out to be related to this case with the bailiff and other jurors out in the hall while we've been waiting. Does that violate rule 6? ;)

6. Do not attempt to research any fact, issue, or law related to
this case, whether by discussion with others, by research in a
library or on the internet, or by any other means or source.
Tighten Up Ken! uh,..your honor

I have read this thread dozens of times, and no testimony yet.

One more time, and I'll hold you in contempt.... of something, and sentence you to 30 days in San Francisco.
Wearing shiny leather chaps.
And no pants.

and high heels.
Hi guys, due to some personal circs with the Court, the testiminy will go up Sunday evening.

Accomdates you non weekend guys too
