Jury Nullification Redux

Habeuscorpse reporting for jury duty, Your Honor and Mr. Foreman. I apologize to the court for the delay, but I am without a link to the net during daylight hours.
OK, I'm here.
Again, I must reiterate:
1. I'm working massive OT at work. I will do my best to at least check once daily. I know this may slow the whole case down, so I ask once more to be patient with me.
2. I'm not all that great with the courtroom terms and lawyer verbage. I WILL be asking questions.
3. I RESPECTFULLY request that any pertinent information not to be crunched between anybody's internet name. I love it for entertainment purposes, but it takes me a while to decipher. (Thanks, WA in advance:o )

If you do not see fit as me being a juror, I will understand. Don't get me wrong. I really want to participate in this and I'm excited. I just don't want to be a distraction to the whole party.

Thanks gents(and ladies if present).

Oh, boy... Oh, boy... can't wait...
Gentlemen -

Since I came on this thread a bit late, may I ask to be an alternate juror? I believe my role would consist only in observering and not taking an active part unless another juror was kicked. I'll be following this closely in any case.

If you would rather not, that's cool. What say you, Judge Alaska?
You can take my place. I have schooling and some work is being laid out for me now so I don't have time to watch this thing as intently as I want. :(

Caustic subs for WeedWacker
I'm assuming I've passed thru voir dire, by hook or crook, and am in. If so, ready.

Caveat: I cannot play on weekends. I've imposed a strict ban on data under my control, but the control of which I do not undersand, traversing the walls of my house, with the exception of that which is connected with ordinary cell phone service. In other words, no IP addresses accessible from outside.
Is there any way you can keep kibitzers (non-jurors) from posting during the trial? I just realized that if we post comments or questions it could influence the jurors as they have to read the postings to know what is going on.
I will voluntarily try to keep my mouth shut (It will be difficult, but I will try.:D ) but I'm afraid there may be others who won't be able to.
Let's just ask politely.

Excuse me please, but if you are not part of the jury, the judge, a witness, or an attorney in this case, could we please ask you to refrain from posting in this thread until the end of the trial?

Thank you,

the management.
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I still am not sure I've been selected as a juror.

But if I'm not I promise only to watch, just as if I were a spectator or another party waiting for my case to come up sitting in the courtroom.

This statement does not affect posts on any other thread, but I'll try to refrain, on those threads, from making any reference to this one.
Great guys! I hope that everyone will abide by these rules.
This could turn out to be an interesting and innovative experiment. Who knows, maybe we will be able to do away with courtrooms alltogether and serve jury duty from the comforts of our own home.:D :D :D
Another answer would be for the jurors to temporarily put any "problem posters" on their ignore list.
If the bailiff could post a final list of jurors (and alternates, if any), I would find that useful in figuring out what messages I can ignore.

OK can I have 12 guys sound off please.

I got some stuff ready, make sure we have 122...

Hey the rest of ya...NO KIBITIZING....should I start a parralle thread that everyone else can play in EXCEPT jurors :)?

I cannot play on weekends.

Im the Court.

Im alwys OFF on weekends, holidays, seminars and whatever else I can cram into my liesure time allocation whilst the government pays me.

And I work bankers hours, my law clerks do all the research, my secretary picks up the laundry, Im having an affair with my stenographer and I have to bring paper bags full of cash to machine functions in order to keep my meal ticket. I finished last in law school, my legal career wasnt steller, but I am good with a set of knee pads around the county party chairman!

I'm your typical jurist!
