Jury Nullification Redux

What I will do once we have a jury is that I will post once a day the facts etc. Once you all have read them, we can go on to more facts, law, etc and then its your turn.

Ok trial starts now in People vs Muhammed Ramirez :)

Here are your prelimnary instructions:

Our law requires jurors to follow certain instructions in order
to help assure a just and fair trial. I will now give you those
1. Do not converse, either among yourselves or with anyone
else, about anything related to the case.
2. Do not, at any time during the trial, request, accept, agree to
accept, or discuss with any person the receipt or acceptance of
any payment or benefit in return for supplying any information
concerning the trial.
3. You must promptly report directly to me any incident within
your knowledge involving an attempt by any person improperly to
influence you or any member of the jury.
4. Do not visit or view the premises or place where the charged
crime was allegedly committed, or any other premises or place
involved in the case.
5. Do not read, view or listen to any accounts or discussions of
the case reported by newspapers, television, radio, the internet, or
any other news media.
6. Do not attempt to research any fact, issue, or law related to
this case, whether by discussion with others, by research in a
library or on the internet, or by any other means or source.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to understand why
these rules are so important:
Our law does not permit jurors to converse with anyone else
about the case, or to permit anyone to talk to them about the case,
because only jurors are authorized to render a verdict. Only you
have been found to be fair and only you have promised to be fair
– no one else has been so qualified.
Our law also does not permit jurors to converse among
themselves about the case until the Court tells them to begin
deliberations because premature discussions can lead to a
premature final decision.
Our law also does not permit you to visit a place discussed
in the testimony. First, you cannot always be sure that the place is
in the same condition as it was on the day in question. Second,
even if it were in the same condition, once you go to a place
discussed in the testimony to evaluate the evidence in light of what
you see, you become a witness, not a juror. As a witness, you may
now have an erroneous view of the scene that may not be subject
to correction by either party. That is not fair.
Finally, our law requires that you not read or listen to any
news accounts of the case, and that you not attempt to research
any fact, issue, or law related to the case. Your decision must be
based solely on the evidence presented in this courtroom. It may
not be based on some reporter's view or opinion, or on your own
Again, I trust you understand and appreciate the importance
of following these rules and, in accord with your oath and promise,
I know you will do so.

Let me know when you are ready for the Indictment


We would like an opportunity to introduce a preliminary motion to exclude evidence! Our client has the right to be heard! Writ of habeus corpus! Writ of certiorari! Writ of appeal! Heck, it's all been writ, we just have to read it!

(I've always wanted to say that... It sounds really lawyerly, don't you think???)

:D :p :D

I think I got it.....never have been on a jury before......

So, we are not supposed to discuss the case until authorized by you?
I've always wanted to say that... It sounds really lawyerly, don't you think???)

My favs have always been Oyer and Terminer, or as we used to say, Oystas in de Terminal :)

So, we are not supposed to discuss the case until authorized by you?

You may banter with me, but not discuss the case :)

As an intrested observer I will be amazed if you can get past #6 in the rules and the following.
Your decision must be based solely on the evidence presented in this courtroom.

How about someone sitting as an appellate judge as I'm sure it's going to end up there?

:D :D

On second thought I doubt that it will get to appeal, 'cause I think you're going to end up with a hung jury.
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With invention45 and Trapp we have twelve jurors.

It's my belief that we can be deliberating as soon as the case & facts are posted.

Let's all try to keep the jokes & emotional comments nil or absolute minimum in order to keep this as real as possible.
OK, comfy chair is ready.

Let the droning begin! :D
Wow, this is exactly like real life.. wait around for things to start, then get a tiny bit of info, then have to wait until the next day :D

Well, at least in this jury, the cost of parking doesn't exceed what I earn being here.
Yeah, and I don't have to be compelled to voluntarily submit to a search in order to appear for duty as ordered.