Jury Nullification Redux

Good point deadin. I'd see it as just one more unconstitutional edict being used to shackle a people who are supposed to be free.

I don't want to spoil Wildalaska's play here so I am going to politely bow out. I don't think I can play by his rules and I don't want to be rude about it.

I will watch intently though.
The ONLY CAVEAT is that you MUST follow my instructions.

If I understand correctly, you'll be more or less playing the role of judge in this game. Jury nullification happens when jurors refuse to follow the instructions of the judge, and take it upon themselves to judge both law and fact, as is their historical right and duty.

So we're having a jury nullification game in which jury nullification can't occur, judging by the thread title and first post. Have I got that right?
No we are having a REAL (well pretend) trial just like the really would occur, not like on TV or in the minds of folks with an internet agenda.

Weed, Edward, sec def your in. danzig, why bother dropping out, you can lie to me like you would lie to the court and try to convince your fellow jurors of the rightness of your position. :) Same thing to you Publius

Wouldn't a question like the one I asked get both sides and the judge to simultaneously jump up and kick me to the curb during jury selection in a real trial?
Everybody at my work makes fun of me being too analytical...but some of you guys take the cake!:D

How about waiting to see what the case is about first. If you have that many variables to consider, do you really want to be a "juror"? I think I understand where you're coming from by trying to be fair to WA by making sure there's a good fit for jurors. But, then it would be a boring discussion if all jurors had the same viewpoint.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't want to put words in anybody's mouths here.
Testimony which was stricken from the record or to which an objection was sustained must be disregarded by you.

Will we still be able to see the "evidence" which we must ignore? In court, jurors hear things all the time, and then such statements are stricken. The jury still heard them.

As the saying goes, "You can't unring a bell."
and you can't unscrew a preg.. err a lighbulb! :D

Isn't exposing the jury to testimony though later stricken a potential defense tactic? Is this exercise reflective of reality or how things are "supposed" to be?
I'm going to try to make it as realistic as possible, even to the tune of inadmiisable things and body language..

And ringing the bell works for both sides

Come on boys lets play

I'm going to try to make it as realistic as possible, even to the tune of inadmiisable things and body language..

And ringing the bell works for both sides

Cool. That's much more interesting.
Nukes in

No anonymous voting, your deliberation will be public as will your votes. :) we will ask the spectators not to kibbitz

Need 12 guys one of who is foreman. Organize theyselves, unless my bailiff takes this part over :)

Rusty?!!? I don't think so. I grew up with Night Court.. you get to be Bull.

Just keep the crazies out and eat corn chips :)
Sorry about the delay, gents. We had a nasty ice storm whip through here and most of my state is without power. I'm the lucky one to just get power.

Anyway, my vote goes to Edward to be the foreman. If you want an explaination ask me. In the mean time, dinner's ready!:)
It's obvious that either tuttle or Edward will make sure the jury is properly fed, therefore either would make a fine foreman. ;)