Huckabee For Me!

Sorry about that, BluesMan. Guess I did get a bit off track there.

Let me basically repeat what I said about Huckabee, though. Of all the non-Paul GOP candidates, I think Huckabee is the least offensive. There's plenty I disagree with him about -- especially foreign policy, where he'll probably be similar to Bush -- but I get the impression that he's more sincere in his views than the other "neoconnish" candidates, and that scores some points with me. Giuliani, Romney, et al., just seem to say whatever they think will get them elected. They're like used car salesmen.

In any case, I'm not voting for Huckabee or anyone else besides Ron Paul, since I cannot in good conscience vote against the Constitution anymore -- especially for someone who's likely to continue misguided, belligerent US foreign policy. The US has every right to defend itself, but it should not go beyond that with "preemptive" wars of choice, and Huckabee doesn't seem to divert from the GOP mainstream on this issue.

I'm not sure any candidate who promises more of what has made Bush so unpopular can possibly win the general election, anyway. The thing that made the GOP lose in the last Congression election is what's going to make the GOP lose the 2008 presidential election.

kayakersteve said:
When I was much younger, and worked in corrections I learned quickly that this belief would have gotten me killed. It does not apply to life at all. One is allowed to change his/her mind after analyzing facts. You statement contradicts a previous one in same quote where you stated chaging your mind can be healthy (As you stated about Romney). Going blindly into a 'fight' to save you name will aften just get your but kicked. I think we need to change our minds about Iraq and formulate a definative plan to finish what we came to do or get the hell out of there.
Well put.
formulate a definative plan to finish what we came to do or get the hell out of there.
As do I... and just about everyone else...

The question is what is a definitive plan that doesn't sound like "cut and run"

and it is most certainly a reality of life in every level... that if you are not respected, the cowards and the bullies will use you for their own purposes... if for nothing more than to make you their "goat"... 'scape" that is.

It is the reason we like right to carry laws and choose to have a conceal-carry permit...
You can be a victim or you can choose not to be.
These things cannot be proven though repeatable tests. The only evidence you have of these things is through what amounts to circumstantial evidence.
Take a container sterilize it, seal it with a vaccum unside...

Now submit the container to heat, cold, shaking, etc... do this every day and you will still never create something from nothing...

If you leave the container completely alone and bobbing around in inter-galactic space for an infinite number of eons... you will get the same result... NOTHING!

It would seem, therefore, that something from nothing is a lot harder to get, than a very real faith that something you can see, and touch, and smell, and breathe, is certainly real

and it didn't come from NOTHING!
The definitive plan has already been developed and implemented and is working. You weren't aware? no wonder given that itseems only 'quagmire' is news worthy. Victories are boring and the new tact is to insist on politcal reconciliation at a greater level then we have in our own central (Federal) government and/or to make the ecomony seem bad or at least worse than it is. There is an entire thread worth of info on it. The plan is actually very good and working very well. The conclusion has yet to be realized and the resistance here at home by Congressional leaders is still present despite the very real and tangible results. The local to central vs. central to local approach is the key. Search feature is your friend.
While I am a Paul supporter, I started looking at Huckabee as as a possibility, due to his support of the 2nd and the FairTax. However, what I found really puts me off. His statements like:

"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."

Puts him out of the "doesn't think the Constitution needs fixing" and into the Theocrat group. Sorry, can't support that.

The above statement by Huckabee is going to sink is candidacy. The media is already using against him. That comment is just to radical for most people, and they are not going to vote for a person who supports a theocracy. By Huck, it was nice knowing you. The more the Republican candidates speak the more I believe there is no hope for the party. 2008 is not going to be a kind year for Republicans.
When did the Huckster say that? I know I could google it but lazy?

I agree that it is this sort of statement that convinces me that he doesn't really understand a pluralistic religious society and would be quite immune to cognitions that don't fit into his world view.

I do think the GOP is screwed. My own opinion is that McCain might present a more reasonable alternative to the Democrats.

Hillary and Obama might be unattractive to some and and McCain, with a common sense view of the world might beat them.

If the Dems had a good centrist and attractive candidate, they would wipe out the GOP. It is only a battle of the less stinky, this time around.

For the gun guy, one can always fall back on the RKBA is all but stuff like this out of Huckabee, for me is equally disqualifying.

Sigh - vote for me!!
When did the Huckster say that? I know I could google it but lazy?
I think the last time Huckabee said the "God's law" should be in the Constitution, by amendment was last week. He's said it more than once, there's a video of it too I think.
McCain is a bitter old man who will look even angrier and older when pitted against Obama. With the majority of Americans wanting out of Iraq and McCain bragging about his deepening our involvement in that cesspool, it will be easy Obama to take out the trash in nov.

Fred, Huckster, Romney, Julie, probably all would be defeated. Larger events and the incompotent and impotent management style of Bush all forecast a Democratic victory of proportions that scare the hell out of me.

I like Paul's positions currently, but Huckster might be the man by the time our primary roles around if Paul doesn't get any traction on Super Tuesday.

Turn your guns in on Feb. 1, 2009....
(I)n Warren, Michigan on Monday, Huckabee declared his personal crusade to amend the Constitution by copying and pasting from the Bible:

“I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And thats what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family.”

In case there was any remaining doubt, that astounding statement eviscerated Huckabee’s pretense of upholding the separation of church and state. In December, Governor Huckabee offered this charade on Meet the Press, words which obviously are no longer operative:

“The key issue of real faith is that it never can be forced on someone. And never would I want to use the government institutions to impose mine or anybody else’s faith or to restrict.”

As it turns out, using the institutions of government to impose his faith is exactly what Mike Huckabee has in mind. Quick to denounce sharia law and “Islamofascism,” Huckabee is seems quite eager to embrace a Christian version of God’s law here at home.

Please. Make. It. Stop. I hate to break it to the Huckster, but the Middle Ages weren’t really that much fun. Why is it that the Republican Party seems to want to force us all back there?

Turn your guns in on Feb. 1, 2009....
then look in the mirror,
I'm really starting to think this party and its voters where never really "into" conservatism to begin with.
I)n Warren, Michigan on Monday, Huckabee declared his personal crusade to amend the Constitution by copying and pasting from the Bible:

Yes, and that is why he is losing me. I will vote on the SC primary tomorrow. I plan to vote for Romney.
I'm voting Ron Paul in the primaries. If he doesn't win then this country is hosed no matter how you slice it.

"Help us Obi-Ron, you're our only hope"
madmag: PLEASE don't vote for Romney. He's quite anti-gun.'s your vote, but anyone but Romney or Giuliani!

I agree Romney does not have great credentials on gun support, but I know it is better than the Dem's. I am in that lesser of two evils voting. I don't like that, but I want to have someone that can beat Hillary and I just don't think Huckabee is the man. The last time I was in this mood I did not vote at all...don't want that to happen again.